All Chapters of The Hidden King: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
165 Chapters
Martin excused himself to help his sister. I couldn't tell if Alex was still here or if he was gone. If I was being honest with myself, it would be nice to have him here. He was my friend, despite what he changed into. It didn't matter where his loyalty lay, he was still Alex to me.I rubbed my forehead and stared at the ocean. If Soph was here, she would know what to do. God, what if Alex was right? That summer all those years ago, I felt betrayed. I hated Soph and Alex for what they did. I hated my Mom even more for sending me away. But in all truth, I was the one to be blamed.Shelly said Soph waited for me. She was sick because I wasn't there. When I returned, my first action was to almost kill my best friend and hurt the one girl I had ever loved. Yes, to anyone outside of this bubble, that was a betrayal."Are you okay?" the princess rested her hand on my arm.I didn't fake a smile. It would be useless. "I don't know. I guess I shoul
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I paced outside Shelly's door. The search for Sophie had kept her busy for the past two days. She left before I woke and returned home when I retired to bed. It has been a hectic week. With all that was going on with Alex and the merfolk community, there was not much time to intercept Shelly.She was home early today. This was the only chance I got to come clean. Craig was leaving for the ocean and I wanted to speak to him before he left. Regardless, I owed Shelly first grabs of the truth. She was my Guardian. She deserved it.The thing that bothered me was how she was going to take it. I wasn't too receptive to the idea that my friends kept the truth from me. Shelly might be upset. Still, I couldn't hold out any longer. I had to handle whatever came next.I gathered enough courage and knocked."Come in!" she called out.I pushed the door open. Shelly was seated at her dresser, grooming her hair. She smiled at me through the mir
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I spotted Craig before he did me. His appearance was still the same from ten years ago. To a regular folk, he looked like he was in his late twenties. But I knew better. He was far older than that.His personality matched his appearance. He never acted older than he looked. He even had a way to draw all sorts of people to him. He had two sides: the sweet, nice guy; and the powerful merman. He could switch into each mode with ease. It used to intrigue me as a child.Craig walked over to me with a smile. "Youngblood, it's a surprise to see you here."I grinned at the nickname. It had been ages since he called me that. It was the first name of the next 'Baby King'. I used to hate the baby nickname. Back then, I saw myself as a big kid. I used to tell him not to call me that in front of my friends. Especially Sophie. He often found it amusing when I protested. It was annoying but I adored him.I scratched the back of my hair. "Yeah, I wanted t
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"Seriously?" I groaned. "Why don't you buy your own fucking stuff. I'm going to start charging you rent."Alex gulped down the last of the Apple juice in the jug. "Oh, you wouldn't do that to your homeless best friend, would you?"Yes, I would if he didn't stop drinking and eating all my damn stuff. Shelly was busy and she couldn't go shopping. If Alex kept this up, I was going to have to do the shopping. Mia and Martin have been occupied with the finishing details of the merfolk community. It was supposed to be open this coming week.We wanted to hold the interviews for the businesses this weekend. Everything should be done by the latest Wednesday. Therefore, everything else was left to me. I was in no mood to go shopping. I have never done it before. I didn't plan on starting now."Of course not," the princess answered for me. "King Marvelon would never do such things."Yes, I would."You're right, Aqualia," Alex be
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Guardian Shelliot
I shifted in the vehicle away from Guardian Torus. My voice was low as a whisper. "What? What do you mean Head Guard Aquant is here? Are you sure it's him?"Head Guard Aquant hated humans. He thought they were fragile beings who were too weak and heartless. Not to mention the views he had about Marvelon. There was no way he would come to land. Not now anyway, not when the Kingdom was in danger. He was never one to ignore his duties."How should I know?" Marvelon whisper-yelled. "The freaking man is sitting on my couch with two guards who look like they are about to kill somebody. It doesn't even look like he likes me or my household."My heart skipped a beat.Oh, the sea gods, I hoped he didn't say anything to offend him. Aquant already had an opinion of Marvelon. The King was not our ideal leader but he was trying. Aquant would never see it like that."Okay," I shielded my mouth with my hand. "I'll get there as soon as possible
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MarvelonThe muscles in my forehead tightened at the sight of Little Miss Mermaid and Mia. They were on the floor adjacent to Shelly's room."What are they doing?" Alex whispered to me. "Is that popcorn?" It was. They were eating popcorn and chatting. The guards Shelly's boyfriend came with stood by the door like statues. They stared straight ahead into the opposite wall. "What are we doing?" Alex asked, slipping in the middle of the girls. "We are watching the show," Mia answered, crunching on popcorn. My gaze went in the direction hers was in. A bright glow shone from the creaks of Shelly's room door. "What's that light?" I queried. The bulb was not so bright. "It's the glow of their bodies," Little Miss Mermaid's mesmerizing sigh cocooned us. My eyebrows dipped lower in my face. "Their bodies." "Uh-huh," the
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Guardian Shelliot
"Are you okay?" Aquant settled beside me on the seat overlooking the ocean.I left the question to float around us. Something happened to Marvelon. A weird, unsatisfactory yet sadden emotion emitted from him. I couldn't tell if it was the cause of those dreams he often had. The King was a private person. He would never tell me if I asked. Patience was something I had to learn by being his Guardian.He has been sitting down by the beach for the past two hours. Princess Aqualia and Alexander joined him half an hour ago. It was nice how close they all became. Especially him and the princess. Their relationship has developed so much. I could remember how much they couldn't stand each other.Based on what Head Healer Shin said, I didn't want them to get this close. But Princess Aqua gave me a command. I was not to interfere with the process. She was sure Princess Aqua was not the next Sea Witch Queen. Something about the way she said it revealed that she
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Thirty mermen and mermaids. Twenty-eight of those men were ordered to patrol the grounds and the house. The remaining four couldn't leave my side. At night, they stayed outside my door. The security system in my house was adjusted and operated by guards I now owned. Something Soph planned. As it turned out, I now owned a special merfolk security task team. They were responsible for the surveillance of my house and the community.I would have thought that was badass if the team didn't have to report to me every Friday. An entire day wasted in a room with a bunch of guards talking about defending people. That task force consisted of twelve mermen and mermaids. If that wasn't enough, I had the Royal Guards to deal with.When Shelly mentioned Royal Guards, I thought it was two or three mermen. Then she returned with thirty freaking men. I couldn't turn without seeing some fucking strange men patrolling my house with an earpiece. My happiest moments were spent in my
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Formal attire.I hated Mitch and hated this stupid tuxedo. Every time I stared at or fixed my blue tie, it reminded me of Soph and everything else sucked more. Alex loved dressing up. He rocked the shimmering red tuxedo. His hair was gelled back and tied in a man bun 'mafia style'. That was the exact term he used to describe it."Damn, I look good," he praised himself. "I would date me right now."The mermaid was not lying when she said she went all out. Her purchases were stellar. They fit us perfectly. I was impressed.I stared at the standing mirror in my blue tuxedo. It reminded me of something Soph would buy. I guess she did teach the mermaid well."We should take pictures," the mermaid crowed. "The ones we could look at in the communication device and books."There was no other way to view pictures. Still, I didn't burst her bubble.She waltzed beside Alex in front of the other mirror. The red dress s
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"What did you just say?" Mitch choked out. The misbelief was punctuated in his tone.The man swallowed aloud. "Sir, the King is de—""Shut up!" Mitch jumped to his feet. "Just shut up!" His voice echoed in the room.The night was done. News like this would tear any evening apart. I hated the dude but this had to hurt.Mitch backed away from the table. He never said another word but stormed from the room."Prince Mitchalus!" The Torus guy shouted but Mitch was long gone.The rest of us remained seated, trying to process how the night ended up this way.The Torus dude cleared his throat. "Thanks for delivering the message to us. Get your men and go get cleaned up. There is enough food here to share. You can have some if you guys are hungry."The informant answered right away. "Yes, Sir. Thank you.""Okay, you are dismissed."The informant exited the room with his men and
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