All Chapters of The look in your eyes : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
86 Chapters
Chapter 51
"So she agreed to Partner with us?" Violet ask curiously I open the fridge bringing out a bottle of water "Not exactly we're still on the talking phase". "I guess you can handle things without my help". I open the cap and drank in one gulp "Yea.. I told you I'm good at convincing people". She giggles, I throw the empty bottle away. "She's a lot like you, you know". Violet scoffs "She's better, she knows how to carry herself". "That's it, she knows how to hide her fears, that doesn't make her better than you sweetheart". She doesn't say anything "I'll go to bed now, Join me later?". She nods, I go to our bedroom. I take off my suit, my phone suddenly rings, I pick it up. "Hello?". "Dad". A smile slowly appears on my face "Hey kiddo, thought you weren't talking to me". "Can I come stay with you?". I scratch the back of my head "Why? Everything with your mum okay?". "Yea... I don't- just please let me stay with you?" "How about this, after your exams you can come sta
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Chapter 52
VIOLET'S POV Amanda assists me down the stairs, I guess now I have two problems, not being able to see and walk, and now my staff is serving two purposes. She sits me at the dining table and serves me breakfast, I suddenly smell something familiar, well someone "Good morning". She said in her pitched voice I smile knowing who it is "How was your night Lisa?". "Good, I slept well, Amanda has been good to me". "That's good to hear". I carefully search for my fork, Amanda puts it in my hand. I hate when things like this happen in front of someone, it makes me feel incapable "Thank you, Amanda". "Just doing my job". I let out a sigh as I eat my breakfast, scrambled eggs "So you have school today?" "No, I don't it's teachers' day ". I nod "Oh, uhm there's something called teachers day?" "Yea, it's just a day break" I nod "Oh I guess that makes sense". I've been homeschooled all my life I don't know anything about teachers' day. "I'm sorry for invading your home like this". I fin
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Chapter 53
JESSE'S POV"That idiot!". I exclaimed banging my fist on my deskBenita leans against the wall " What's your deal now?".I aggressively turn to her "My deal? I'm in this tiny office while that illiterate is in a sky castle, my sky Castle".She rolls her eyes "I see, well I better go to the hospital, I got a doctor's appointment". She walks awayMy phone suddenly rings, I pick it up " Hello?"."15mins don't be late". The call ends.I glare at my phone "Ben!".I yell out of my lungsHe comes running " Yes sir?"."Get the car ready".He stutters " To-to where sir?"."THE PLACE". _________ we were sited at a round table, five of us, prosecutor, chief judge, inspector general, prime minister and of course, me".The minister clears his throat lifting up a glass of champagne "Let's officially make a toast, to our cooperation and for the chief judge finally accepting our invitation". We all chuckle as we click our glasses together "I have something for you all". He snaps his fingers, men in
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Chapter 54
VIOLET'S POVWe were at a restaurant, it has a fancy fragrance, the chairs were so comfortableIt's just me and Lisa, well, Amanda sat at another table with Leo, and the rest of the guards stayed back home.A waiter comes to our table "What will you be having?".I just stay quiet I can't read the menu so I don't even know what to pick"Uhmm I'll have the chicken strips with some buffalo wings please"."Alright, what about you ma'am? ". He asked referring to me"I'll just have what she's having, and a bottle of Rose' please, and orange juice for my guest"."No problem". He walks away.I adjust myself in my seat "So, what's new in your life?". I hope this is an appropriate way to start a conversation."How old are you?" Lisa ask out of the blueI find myself continuously blinking "Huh?"."How old are you?"."I'll be 26 soon""Yea you're way too young to be my mum". I hear her sigh "Why is my life so complicated!" she whines"What do you mean by that?". "People in
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Chapter 55
LUTHER'S POVWe really are in the tigers' den. We suddenly hear a knock on the door"Get rid of this stuff ASAP!". I exclaimed, Andrew carries the board and keeps it in the little store room in the office.He comes back out and opens the door, to our surprise it was "Lexi? I wasn't expecting you today".I noticed she was a little shaky "Mr Benjamin-kim". She said with an odd voice" Everything okay with you?". I ask concerned. She nods but her shivering says otherwise "Andrew assist her to the couch". Andrew wraps his hands around her and carefully leads her to the couch, I take a seat next to her " Leave us". I said to Andrew who bows a little before leaving us "Are you okay?". She raises her eyes and I see her teary red eyes. She suddenly grabs my hands."You have to help me". My eyes widen" What's going on exactly?". I ask curiouslyI notice her clench her fist, her lips shiver as she tries to speak "I feel someone's messing with me"."What do you mean?".She
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Chapter 56
LUTHER'S POV *FLASHBACK*"Big mouth? I don't understand, what lie?". She asked curiously "What I'm about to tell you Violet can't know about it, I will be the one to tell her myself". She raises an eye brow "Okay? ". She said with a confuse tone and facial expression I let out a sigh "You are going to tell the board that you know where Mr Chad hid is treasure". Her eyes widen "What treasure? What are you talking about?". She ask to whisper "You just have to trust me, if anyone asks just simply tell them Violet told you, and if they ask what it is, just beat around the bush". "And this is going get them off my back?". I nod "it's not like I have evidence that my uncle was the one who sent the threat, going to the police wouldn't do me any good, so I'll just do what you told me, but, what is the treasure? if I may ask and why would telling them that conserve me?"." Truth is, I don't know either, but they're a lot of people obsessed with it
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Chapter 57
JESSE'S POV I come out of the shower, with my towel wrapped around my waist, I see Benita in her lacy black nightwear, seductively laying on the bed. "I'm not in the mood". I said to her rather blunt, she adjusts herself and sits properly on the bed, she wears an ugly frown on her face. " I might as well just get myself a lover at this point". I scoff "Do whatever you want". I open my wardrobe and bring out my pyjamas " I have news". She gets up and walks close to me she gently puts her hand on my shoulders and caresses them "What news?". Her hot breath on my neck makes my skin tingle " I'm pregnant". Her words echo in my ears, I suddenly feel shaky. "You're what?". I turn to her and I see her amused expression " I'm pregnant!". She said with a bright smile "How did this-huh?". The smile on her face slowly disappears "Is there a problem?". " No-its just, the news, it came as a surprise, I'm happy". I force a smile "I'm really happy". "Well good, I can't wait to tell ev
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Chapter 58
LUTHER'S POV "Okay dad, I'm off to school!". Lisa yells from downstairs "Have fun honey!". I yell back, she follows Alvin who was to drop her off. I was finally able to knot my tie, I stare at the mirror admiring my reflection "I look good". I put a smile on my face " Are you ready?"Violet asks walking in on me "Yes, I am". I gasped looking at her outfit "You look great". She smiles at me "Thank you, you look good as well". I give her a look "What do you mean? You can't see me". She giggles " I can tell, you smell nice". "That I will agree with you, come on let's go". I take her hand and we both go downstairs together. We see Amanda and Leo in the living room they both stand up to greet us " Good morning".Amanda said with a bright smile "Good morning Amanda". Violet replies " Are we ready to go Leo?". Leo just stares at me as he responds to Violet "Yes ma'am". " Alright then, Amanda try not to miss us too much okay?" Amanda scoffs "Trust me, I won't ". Violet giggles
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Chapter 59
LUTHER'S POV We had a very busy day at the office, Violet helped me with a lot of paperwork I couldn't do myself when she was healing from her twisted ankle, I kind of felt embarrassed because I feel like no help at all. We were finally done and ready to go home, I walk Violet to the car "You go ahead I'll be home late today". Violet wears a concerned expression on her face "Is everything okay?". "Of course, I just need to take care of something personal that's all". "Are you sure you aren't hiding anything from me, Luther?". I could see how worried she was just by the look in her eyes, but what can I do? I'm not doing this because I want to, is because I have to, to keep her safe. "it's nothing to worried about okay?, you just go home first, I'll be there soon". She enters the car, and Leo gives me a bad eye I force a smile when I face him "Drive safe". He ignores me and just drives away. I let out a sigh. Andrew runs to me"Sir, are you ready?". I nod "Get the car". He turns
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Chapter 60
LUTHER'S POV"What happened that night?". I ask her constantly glaring "I can't remember, it's been two years". She said without a stutter"We both know you aren't old enough to have a memory problem". I tap Andrew giving him a go-ahead nod, he opens the tablet and shows us her file, I take the tablet from him"Bella Johnson, age 35" she starts to shiver "You immediately turned in your resignation letter right after the trial, why is that?".She gulps "That's because there wasn't any reason for me to continue working there".I scoff. "Yea right, you also changed phone numbers and moved to this dumb, and you expect me to believe that? Was it an act out of guilt?".Her eyes become teary "I didn't do anything wrong, Mr Chad died that night I saw Violet kill him".I nod "Okay fine, let's assume you are telling us the truth, how come you were still on duty that day?"." Because it's my job?"."Every other employee received a random text that night, that told them to
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