All Chapters of The Nether Alchemist: Tales of a Necessary Evil: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
107 Chapters
He was seated in the room's centre. Judy and Cecily were on the far end of the room, speaking in private, surrounded by butlers and groundsmen.Cecily tightened the belt on her robe and inquired, "Are you sure nobody followed you?" Judy took a moment to react, her mind wandering back to her visit to the Ethel estate. She was careful enough to ensure that no one had followed her.“I don't believe anyone followed me. I got here on my own, and this road is lonely at night, and I believe I drove up here alone,” she finally said.Sparkles was lying down on their side. She slipped back to sleep as if nothing had happened when the ache of the kick ad dissipated. The quick motions of the butlers and groundsmen were the only things that jolted her awake. They recognised the lady of the house and saluted her as she down the stairs.Mrs. Barbara Ethel moved slowly down the flight of stairs, her eyes heavy, black rings had formed under the
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He was seated in the room's centre. Judy and Cecily were on the far end of the room, speaking in private, surrounded by butlers and groundsmen.Cecily tightened the belt on her robe and inquired, "Are you sure nobody followed you?" Judy took a moment to react, her mind wandering back to her visit to the Ethel estate. She was careful enough to ensure that no one had followed her.“I don't believe anyone followed me. I got here on my own, and this road is lonely at night, and I believe I drove up here alone,” she finally said.Sparkles was lying down on their side. She slipped back to sleep as if nothing had happened when the ache of the kick ad dissipated. The quick motions of the butlers and groundsmen were the only things that jolted her awake. They recognised the lady of the house and saluted her as she down the stairs.Mrs. Barbara Ethel moved slowly down the flight of stairs, her eyes heavy, black rings had formed under the
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UNDISCLOSED LOCATIONOutside the shack, Nelanian sat. He was trying to wring the water out of his soaked garments. The torrential rain that had poured all night had flooded through his ancient house and soaked up all he owned. His clothing were in a sac in one corner of the cabin, and they had spent the night sitting in a puddle of water. He awoke the next morning with an annoying cough and fully closed nose.He spent the remainder of the day trying to stay warm and salvage what he could from the rain. It  was a miracle that he managed to fall asleep during the storm. Even in more affluent homes, the other people down the hill were unable to sleep. The sleeping infants would be awoken by thunderclaps and would scream at the top of their lungs for the rest of the night. Strong gusts would blow open their flimsy windows, letting in a cold, heavy breeze that no one would be able to ignore. Raindrops would collect on their rooftops and form a puddle, causing
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Luciana, Norval, and Jalon were all seated on the bench in front of the entrance to the sports complex's head office, where the manager normally sat. Their professors had summoned them to the office for an unscheduled meeting. Because the IAA had closed, the candidates needed to know what they should do after the trials. It was going to be a long, arduous month, and they had to be prepared since the school was closed indefinitely, which meant they could have to return home after the trials were through.It was going to be a long, arduous month, and they had to be prepared since the school was closed indefinitely, which meant they could have to return home after the trials were through.From inside the office, the secretary called to them. The door had been wide open, and there were two entries inside the office, one leading to the secretary's desk and the other, which had been locked, leading to the manager's office shortly after someone had been cleared to enter the offic
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Norval was dragged off his feet by the force of Wardric's fists digging deep into his chest. He was almost coughing out his lungs, and he couldn't breathe for a long time. When he peered down, he saw his feet sliding across the concrete floor, almost to the platform's edge.To keep Norval from pushing back, Wardric sank his knuckles further and put more weight on his feet. He needed to end the fight soon and not allow Norval a chance to fight back, or he'd have to do something he didn't want to do in the first place, but the monks had forced his hand. Norval grabbed Wardric's arms and wrenched them from his chest, tossing them to the side as he put his palms to the ground to slow down. The intense friction would have easily peeled off his skin if it hadn't been for the gloves covering his fingers and palms. He finally came to a halt, his boots' heels edging over the edge of the platform; a single push would have sent him tumbling ten feet to the gro
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“But, professor, he does not drink the mutagen. How is it that he is able to change his physical characteristics so quickly without ever consuming the mutagen?” Luciana had inquired. For a brief period, the professor next to her was lost in thought. He regained his composure and turned to Luciana.“He employs a method that is both unpleasant and effective. When an alchemist drinks a potion or ingests a mutagen, he does it in order for the potion to enter his body quickly, and the same is true when breathing a gaseous potion. The potion only has to come into touch with your blood to activate. The mutagen takes roughly five seconds to reach your blood, which is a bit slow for the combat in this situation. So Norval grabs the vial in his palm and breaks it. The glass slashes his hand open, allowing the potion in the vial to quickly combine with the blood on the wound, allowing him to perform these quick transformations.”When Luciana examined N
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Nelanian returned to the shanty where he had been resting. His head throbbed with a headache, and he couldn't concentrate on anything for long. It hurt him in waves, inducing light drowsiness before assaulting him with a violent anguish that forced him fall out of his chair. He reached for a drink he'd made himself and drank two hefty tastes of it. He felt strong enough to walk again after a few moments of resting his mass on the chair, so he got to his feet and walked toward the shack's entrance.It was an aging house that could have easily been blown down by a strong enough breeze, termites had eaten through most of the walls, and it didn't even have a door. Nelanian had tied a sack he found near a farm, cut it, patched it together to form a curtain, and hung it over the door frame as his door. When he stepped outdoors, he spotted black clouds moving in from the south. A storm was approaching, and he needed to finish whatever he was working on before the rain caught him out
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2 WEEKS TO THE TRIALS OF THE CHAMPION OF ITHEALuciana walked through the hallways of the school's classroom area. When she made a turn and the kids' gaze caught her approaching towards them, they fell silent. They'd tuck into their lockers, and the doors to some of the classes would close. They didn't avoid her because they were afraid of her; they simply didn't want to engage with her. That didn't worry her in the least; she just kept walking, pausing sometimes to adjust her gloves.A little girl ran up to her, clutching a book in her hand, as she was about to make her final turn and exit the class complex.“Miss Vonner, wait!” she cried out to her. Luciana came to a halt to pay her attention.“Yes, what is it?” she asked, her tone solemn. She looked at the girl's face, which was painted with interest.“Could you perhaps assist us in our alchemy class, Miss Vonner?” With a tiny voice, the small girl inquired.
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The press corps was thrown into a frenzy. Mr. Starkridge had told the students that they needed to leave the interview location. Cecily's outburst was to blame for everything. She'd dropped a massive bombshell in front of some of the four kingdoms' most powerful media companies. Mr. Starkridge gave them instructions to report to his office.Except for Norval, who was always the most docile of the group, the other students followed with reluctance."What in the world do you think you're doing, kid? Do you have any idea what you've done to this school?"  With red stinging eyes glaring Cecily down, he barked. She didn't seem to be fazed in the least. The adrenaline rushing through her veins and the rage seething in her mind propelled her intentions."Mr. Starkridge, tell us the truth! Did you know all this ti
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Mr. Starkridge was starting to feel anxious. It had been over an hour since his secret agent had called. He believed dealing with an unarmed woman would be straightforward, but Mr. Starkridge was aware that something had happened to him at that time.As he strolled up and down his office, he thought to himself, "That stupid rat better not get caught." He reached for a tumbler of bourbon laying on his desk and took one last long swig before calling it a night.He reached for his overcoat, which was laying on the armrest of his office chair, and exclaimed, "That's it, I'm out of here." He had various paperwork on the table, including a passport, an identification card, and two aircraft tickets. He was on the verge of fleeing the realm. He hurriedly slung the overcoat over his back and stuffed the documents into his briefcase. He looked around the room for anything unusual. The papers strewn across the floor and the shards of broken glass didn't appear to concern
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