All Chapters of His Hybrid Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
77 Chapters
Chapter - 40
  Unknown third person POV   "Their so called Imperial Ball is approaching. Their pack is hosting it. The Alpha has upped the security. It is becoming difficult to make more attacks," the cloaked figure commented.   His companion nodded. "Yes. I have found a way around it and instructed your minions accordingly. Another attack will come soon. We will make big our move soon."    The cloaked figure tapped his foot impatiently. "Okay but all this planning, plotting and waiting is making me anxious. Let's just end them all already."    His companion looked at him sharply. "No! You know that we must wait. And we have waited so long already, what's a little more?"    The cloaked figure rolled his eyes. "That's what you keep telling me. If it were up to me, I'd attack them all and rip them apart until they told me his location and that would be it." &
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Chapter - 41
  Ivy's POV   I gave myself a mini pep talk internally as we opened the doors to the infirmary and walked inside.    "Alpha, Luna," the doctors all greeted us, bowing their heads respectfully. I smiled at them all in reply.   "Ivy," Chris said making me look up at him. "I want you to check the samples first and see if what Gwen had said about there being some kind of magic in the venom is true or not."    I frowned a little. I didn't think Gwen would lie like that. But then again, from what Chris had told me, we now had reason not to trust them. As much as I didn't like doubting the witches and their actions, this had to be done. If we wanted to create the cure and save us all, we needed to be cautious. So I nodded. "Okay."   The doctors then brought a vial of blood from a previously infected person for me to see. I held the vial in my hand, trying to conce
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Chapter - 42
 Chris' POV I cursed myself silently for having forgotten to sign the documents as I quickly made my way back to our room so I could finally hold Ivy close to me now that I'd signed and sent the documents. It was when I neared the door that I heard a loud thud. Instantly knowing that Ivy was in trouble, I slammed the doors open. What I saw in there nearly made my heart stop. A large man decked out in all black was holding an unconscious Ivy upright by the neck. My eyes zeroed in on the needle sticking out from her neck. Fuck, no. Not her. Anyone but her. I saw nothing but red as I made my way into the room and to the man holding her. Without thinking or asking for an explanation, I twisted his neck before ripping his head clean off his shoulders and throwing it into the fireplace where a small fire was crackling. As the rest of his body began to fall, Ivy slid to the
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Chapter - 43
 Ivy's POV Weak. Utterly and completely weak was what I felt as I fought to open my eyes.  "Chris?" I croaked out, feeling the tremor in my voice as I moved eyes around the room, realising that I was in the infirmary. What happened? Why was I here? Why was I feeling this way? I couldn't for the life of me remember. The memory seemed just out of reach, a weird, dreamy haze surrounding my brain. As I blinked rapidly in an effort to keep my eyes open, I strained to remember, getting frustrated when I couldn't. What had happened to me? Suddenly, I heard rapid beeps going off all around me followed by rushed footsteps and the sound of a doctor barking orders. Again, I couldn't remember the doctor's name. My brain felt too tired and mushy to do much. It frustrated me to no end. "Luna! Please, calm down. Your heart rate is spik
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Chapter - 44
Chris' POV I struggled to control myself as Ivy went into respiratory arrest. The doctors intubated her and injected various different drugs into her system to stabilize her. I felt helpless as I watched them work until the beeping of the machines quietened down. I hated seeing my mate lying on the bed like that.  "Alpha?" Dr Winfield came up to me, making my gaze flicker away from my Ivy. "Yes?" "I would request you to not indulge in any stressful conversations with the Luna for some time. She is in a fragile state and anything drastic will affect her adversely." I clenched my fists. "She was not being able to perform her magic which aggravated her and then this happened," I snapped at him. The doctor blinked at me. "Oh." I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face tiredly. I nodded towards Ivy. "When will she be up?"  
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Chapter - 45
 Ivy's POV When I woke up next, I was feeling much better than I previously had been. I could definitely move my limbs for one.  But my left hand somehow still felt a little heavy and when I looked down at it, I noticed that Chris had entwined his hand with mine and was sleeping with his head next to our joined hands.  He looked adorable sleeping there like that and I was kind of glad that the first thing I looked at after waking up was this.  With my other hand which was hooked to an IV, I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling the softness of his dark curls.  God, I loved this man. Then, almost as if summoned by my thoughts, Chris woke up at once.  He looked disoriented for a moment before his gaze fell on me and his face broke out into the softest of smiles I've ever seen. "You're up."&nb
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Chapter - 46
 Chris' POV It was early in the evening as I made my way towards the training grounds with Ivy by my side. I had planned to punish the two little shits in front of the whole pack. I'd sent a link throughout the entire pack in the morning itself asking them all to come to the training grounds at five in the evening. I only assembled the entire pack when it was a matter of prime importance so they knew that whatever was going to go down today evening was something serious.  And that was exactly the kind of message that I wanted to send to everyone. That it was serious. That anyone who tried to hurt my mate wouldn't be spared.  I had tried to make my people believe that Ivy was with us, on our side by conducting the Luna ceremony earlier than I would've liked. I had thought that they would all have to respect her as the Luna. But that clearly hadn't happened. Some, if not all, of my pack members thoug
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Chapter - 47
 Ivy's POV Chris slammed his lips against mine in a brutal kiss amidst our argument. I had half a mind to push him away and continue our little spat but my mind went into overdrive at his relentless onslaught. His kisses were anyway like a drug to me, they sure made my head all whoozy. He deepened the kiss, his tongue duelling with mine. And I gave as good as I got, kissing him back just as passionately.  When we pulled back after a few minutes which felt like much longer to me, I was completely breathless. I was happy to note that Chris seemed a little bit breathless too. And oh, so hot with his disheveled hair, glistening, swollen ruby red lips and that hazy lust filled look in his stormy grey eyes. But God, I was still mad at him for killing that man. "What of that man's family?" I finally asked. "I've already told Ryan to take care of them and make sure they're well provided for
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Chapter - 48
Chris' POV I swore seven ways to hell as Ivy froze on top of me at the sound of the knock on the door before getting off of me completely.  Fucking hell. Whoever was on the other side of the door was going to be so dead.  I ran a hand through my hair in frustration before fixing my clothes a little and sliding off the bed.  I wretched open the gate, ready to give a piece of my mind to whoever it was who had disturbed us. But I froze midway when I saw that it was Martha with a maid by her side. The maid held a food cart with her. Martha smiled at me. "Given the day you've both had, I thought dinner in bed would be good. Besides, Ivy needs to rest, she had looked about ready to fall back in the hall downstairs." Instantly, I frowned, looking at my mate over my shoulder. She hadn't seemed all that tired to me, at least not giv
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Chapter - 49
 Chris' POV "So, I have a surprise for you," I told Ivy as she exited from the bathroom, freshly showered and ready for the day ahead. She shot me a surprised smile. "You do?"  I simply nodded at her before I mind linked the maids I had waiting outside to come in.  The two women came in rolling a clothing rack which held the most exotic of gowns between the two of them. At Ivy's delighted gasp, I smiled a little to myself. Ivy had gotten increasingly busy the closer the ball came, so much so that she had nearly forgotten to get dresses for herself. So I had taken it upon myself to bring the best of the best gowns for her with a little help from her friends Gia and Harper.  "You may both leave," I ordered the maids who bowed before leaving.  I watched as Ivy fingered the first one, a baby pink ball gown which glittered as if th
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