Semua Bab Scales and Scars: Bab 11 - Bab 16
16 Bab
I woke to the sound of a bell. The high-pitched ding sounded again. I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed my phone, blinking my eyes to clear my vision. Right away I was slightly confused, I didn’t typically receive naked pictures of women.             To my dismay when I had clicked the screen on it opened the message right away. Picture after picture had been flooding the screen. All intimate pictures of various positions of Mia, the woman Tadeas was escorting at the art show. There were at least 6 before I placed the phone back, face down.               My blood instantly began to boil. I looked around the room searching for Tadeas. He was no where to be found. Once I was able to gather my wits. I realized I could hear the shower running.             I stood, pacing around the room
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My body jolted upward in my bed. I wasn’t sure where I was or what my name was even. I looked around the room breathing heavily before finding a glass of water to my right. I snatched the glass before drinking the contents. I took a few breaths trying to calm myself. I went over the basics first before panicking myself beyond return. My name is Aries, I’m at home, in my bed, alone. I thought slowly before remembering I wasn’t alone before I… fainted? I wasn’t sure what happened.   “Tadeas?” My voice cracked slightly as if I drank fire.   Nothing sounded in the house. It was strangely quiet. I hesitated before attempting to move my legs, my dream slightly haunting me. Cautiously, I stood onto my feet, holding the bed for support. “Tadeas?” I spoke louder this time. I walked around the house with ease. It seemed I was taking precautions for no reason. I felt better than I had in years. My body was alive and strong. &nbs
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New Beginnings
“What do you mean by different?” I chose my question carefully, kicking myself for bothering to ask.   “Can I explain that later? It is not easy to explain.” His eyes were begging me to move on. It seemed as if the debate was tearing him apart inside. It enraged me further. He hadn’t given me any real answers. Suddenly, his eyes went cold again, locking his emotions away in their vault. I debated briefly. It seemed my soul knew him. I hadn’t felt anything like this before in the past. I wanted to trust my gut. “I am always honest. I can’t wait for answers. You need to give me something now. Or just stop speaking and leave. You haven’t helped me understand anything you said at all.” My voice allowed my sudden exhaustion to glisten like the rain in the sun. “Understandable.” His voice was empty. I expected him to turn and walk right out the door saying nothing more. “I’m not going about this the right way. It is new to me.”   &nbs
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Tattoos are...
As we sat inside the tattoo shop there was small talk mixed with hidden secrets. This happened to be one of the businesses his family owned. I never would have guessed it. I wasn’t sure what type of businesses I assumed he was talking about. I expected more mob less average guy next door. Tadeas explained how he had known the artist his entire life. They looked about the same age. The shop was clean from what I saw. I was completely smitten with Tadeas the whole time. I hardly noticed anything about the artist himself or the work. I sat in the chair listening to the low buzzing noise coming from the tattoo gun. It hummed as the man traced along Tadeas’ wrist. I tried peaking over his broad shoulders to see what he was having drawn as the artist covered it with his hand.   “No peaking. I don’t care who you are.” He said seriously.   “Geesh.” I said looking for Tadeas to give in and show me. “Not until it is finished, then you
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Seeing Things
I searched the sky over again. When I turned around the shape was no where to be found. Once again, the sky was empty aside from the beautiful moon, a few stars, and the deep blue peace.   I let out a sigh of frustration before heading back towards the guest house. Bethany was right, it was beautiful outside. The scenery just caused me to grow more irrigated the longer I waited. As I unlocked the door, I heard footsteps behind me. I spun defensively unsure who another visitor would be. I was overjoyed when I saw Tadeas’ face. A smile broke from ear to ear; all my frustration gone.   “Here I thought you would be upset I am late.” Tadeas’ flirtatious tone caused butterflies to stir inside my stomach. “Oh… Don’t worry, I am. You can make it up to me later.” My snarky response was stopped with a passionate kiss.   “I look forward to it.” He said breathing heavier than usual.   “Are your parents g
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“I told you she wouldn’t run. You really should have more faith in your partner.” The beautiful creature spoke causing me to jump. I looked around wondering who she was speaking to. I had determined it was a female.Just then I heard a second creature’s wings pushing air above my head. The wind was so strong it caused me to hunch down slightly. My body tensed to prevent myself from falling over. I wanted to look at the creature, but the wings continued to push me downward. “Stop forcing the poor child down like that.” The blue dragon spoke again. I could see the hints of silver glisten in the dim moonlight.“Humans should not know of our existence.” The angry voice came from above me. I pushed myself into a standing position once again. If it was a dream, I would control it. If this was real, I was not going to be pushed around. The second dragon landed not far from the first. His
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