Semua Bab Seduction & Betrayal: Bab 81 - Bab 90
123 Bab
It only took half a day for the entire prison to find out that Brent Cummings aka The God of Torture was a resident.  He knew that now it was only a matter of time before certain people got too cocky about their standings in the prison.  He was sitting in his cell reading the latest news on Isabella, his last victim, when a shadow blocked his light.  He looked up to see Tyrese McCarr 'Ice Pick'.  "How can I help you friend?"  He didn't want anything to happen unless 'Ice Pick' started it, then he'd finish it!'Ice Pick' didn't answer at first, he just stood there staring.  He kept running his tongue across his lips like he'd just seen something that he wanted to eat, then he'd just smile.  "Is what they say true?  You know, about your victims and what you did to them?""Why do you want to know?"  Brent did not glace up from the newspaper, but he was still watching his visitor from the corner of his eye.  Of course I
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Sierra left Mack at the hospital around 9 PM.  The emergency room was swarming with people, when they first arrived.  He wasn't seen by a nurse, doctor or anybody for a couple of hours at the very least.  He had nothing for the pain and his wrist and arm had swelled to twice the normal size. His wrist was starting to turn a purplish black color.  She could  only imagine how much pain he was in, but he wasn't showing it which in itself really impressed Sierra.Once he was finally seen, he was told that he would need surgery to repair some of his tendons.  "Sierra why don't you go home and get some sleep or something?"  Mack knew that she'd stay the whoel time if he didn't say something."That sounds like a good idea but I am more worried about you."  She gently patted his good arm."I will be fine, I'm in really good hands."  He tried to give her the best smile that he could muster, under the circumstances."Oka
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The doctors took half an hour, after Sierra left, to clear an exam room for him.  He was wondering if he would have an arm left with the length of time it's taken thus far.  Mack sat in the room until a nurse came in and started an IV.  He was all prepared for surgery when the doctor finally graced him wiht his presence."Okay, Detective Stone, we are going ot transport you to the OR.  You should be in surgery for a couple of hours, then you will be admitted for observation.""I'm sorry, my name is Dr. Tom Martinson."  The doc said as he put some anesthetic in Mack's IV.Mack began to doze off, he didn't remember going to the OR or even seeing the doc leave.  By the time he woke up he was in a room surrounded by Cheryl, Madison, Sierra and Xavier.  "What tiem is it?"  He barely managed to whisper."Daddy, you've been asleep for two long, boring hours!  Does your arm feel better?"  His little girl was all e
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Finally some peace and quiet!  Brent was put in solitary confinement after killing 'Ice Pick'.  This must be some kind of record, straight from general population to solitary in only one day!  At least I don't have to worry about killing the other two inmantes until after I get out of solitary.  He was getting pretty comfy in his small cell when one of the guards banged on the door.  "You have a visitor, now I want you two to play nice."When the door opened Brent was greeted by Jason Kemp.  "Well isn't this a nice surprise!  The guards told me that I might have a temporary cell mate but they failed to tell me who it might be."  Sarcasm dripped from every word.  'The Bulldog' was leisurely walking toward Brent, he was also licking his lips as he eyed him.Great!  All I have to do is keep talking until I come up with a plan!  "So what are you in for?  I'm pretty sure that you already
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Sierra left Xavier sleeping in her bed.  Mack had been discharged and the Boss man wanted to know the latest news about Brent.  She took a quick shower before she met up with Mack.  She was supposed ot meet him at the station, so when she was met outside of her apartment building, in his wife's gorgeous Speedster, Sierra was speechless!  "She4 actually let you borrow her car?!  How in the hell did you manage that?""I broke my arm, and my wife loves me."  He was using his arm to his fullest advantage."Oh, I get it, don't think that your wife doesn't know what you are up to either!  Us women know and see all."  She was only jealous that she hadn't thought up a plan like that, first.For some reason she was getting a little nervous about interviewing Brent again.  She has interviewed plenty of suspects, some of them had tried to harm her in some way also, but Brent spooked her."Spill it?  I know you are wo
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I must have pissed off quite a lot of people, in less than two days, two inmates have tried to kill me.  I need to break!  Once he was out of solitary, he met up with his cellmate, Michael."Is it true?  Did you really kill Jason Kemp?"  Michael asked with a mix of admiration and fear.Brent just sighed.  "Have you seen him around lately?"  He hated stupid questions.  "Look, we need to brainstorm on a way to breakout, quickly!"Michael just looked at him like he lost his mind.  "You do know where we are...correct?"Brent just looked at him with barely controlled contempt.  "Yes, I know where we are located."Michael just shrugged his shoulders.  "Okay boss, meet me back in the cell in about 20 minutes."As Brent went outside for some fresh air, Michael went to the cell and waited for his cellmate to return.Brent returned to his cell only to find that Michael was ly
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"It is nice to finally meet you Detective Ryans, Detective Stone.  May I ask why the two of you are visiting my humble abode?"  Warden Scotts, asked suspiciously. "Look, Warden Scotts, we are here to talk to Brent about his latest victim."  Sierra wasn't going to give him details. "Oh, you mean Jason Kemp?  Well we already know how and why he died.  So your services won't be necessary."  Warden Scotts smugly smiled. Sierra and Mack looked at each other in confusion then she turned back to the warden.  "Wait, what are you talking about?  We are here to talk to him about Isabella Fuentes.  When did you kill Jason Kemp?  Did he tell you his reasoning for killing him?"  Sierra didn't understand why Brent would do this.  Then she looked at the confusion on the wardens face then continued.  "I am only asking because Brent had never killed a man before, it has only been women, they are weaker than he i
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Once Brent received his dinner meal, he walked back to the wall of his cell.  He reached for the seventh brick down and pulled out his sharpening tools.  He would need some sharp weapons for his escape plan to work.  He wa so preoccupied with sharpening t he tools that he hadn't noticed someone watching him."What are you doing?"Brent froze, DAMN!  I'm seriously slipping as of late!  I have got to get it together!  "I am doing absolutely nothing."  He slowly turned around as he slid his project under his pillow.  When he saw who it was he let out a sigh of relief.  "Damn it O'Grady!  Don't sneak up on me like that again, I almost had a heart attack!"  He said as he eyed his visitor warily, still not fully trusting him."Sorry, so have ye made any progress in deciding on an escape plan?"  Garrison smiled wickedly.Brent had to be cautious when he answered.  He had to have an ace in
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The feeling of impending dread never left her body, in fact it actually intensified ever since she left the prison.  She knew that Brent was up to something she just didn't know what it was and Warden Scotts thought she was just being paranoid.  There was no use worrying about something that hasn't happened so she went into the kitchen and heated herself a TV dinner because she didn't feel like cooking at the moment.  She sat in the living room and turned on the television only to find nothing of interest on.  So instead of watching TV she ate her meal in silence. Once she was done eating she washed what little dished she had left thanks to Xavier and her intruders.  She grabbed herself a couplf of beers from the fridge and headed to the bathroom to draw herself another very hot bubble bath. She was half way down the hall when her cell rang.  Someone was calling her from a private number.  Now who could this be?  She h
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Brent could hear the guards coming with the breakfast tray, so he had to act fast.  The guards had no idea that he was prone to seizures, so he quickly brought one on.  By the time the guards had arrived to give him his food, he was already on the floor and foaming at the mouth!"Open cell B-34 and call and ambulance now!"  The guard dropped the tray to help the prisoner.When the ambulance arrived, the EMT's were ushered in.  "We have to get him to a hospital STAT!  His blood pressure is dropping and his pulse is fading!""Can't he just be transported to the infirmary here at the prison?"  Warden Scotts asked when he finally arrived."Sir, if we don't get him to a hospital soon he is going to die!"  The EMT stated."Fine, but you have to have two officers accompany you."  Warden ordered, not at all happy about this unexpected turn of events.  He also didn't like the fact that he had no control in this m
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