All Chapters of Graycorts : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
191 Chapters
Bk 2 Ch 20: Nate
I was grinning like an idiot while I waited for my prey to exit the school. Benefits of stalking the kid for the last two weeks, I knew when he should be leaving the building, and through which door. I didn’t have long to wait. The idiot came out, and he was with a few of his friends, including a cheerleader or two. So that’s how he’d seen the video. I knew Kirsten had sent it to the entire cheer squad and the football team. Bitch. I slid up from behind him and put my arm around his shoulders. “If it isn’t my friend, Zack,” I said with a malicious smile. “I need to have a chat with you.” I started to lead him away from his friends. “Oh, hey, Nate. Going to kill me?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm.
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Bk 2 Ch 21: Kimia
“Kimia! That is a, well, it is a dog, isn’t it?” my therapist asked when Nate and I walked in for my session. I couldn’t help but smile at her shock. Nate was pretty imposing as a wolf. “He’s got a lot of wolf in him, but he’s fairly well trained.” I had Nate on a leash and collar, and I could tell he wasn’t entirely happy about it. Dr. Mayfeld still looked a little apprehensive, but allowed Nate to stay. I sat on the couch, and Nate climbed up next to me. “Well behaved, huh?” I patted Nate’s head, and scratched his ears. “He comforts me, and he’ll keep me honest.” “I’ve never heard of a support dog keeping a person
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Bk 2 Ch 22: Nate
I’d learned more about Kimi in the last hour than I’d learned in the last six months. I quickly shifted in her back seat, then pulled my clothes back on. We’d left together after school, and I shifted on the way to the therapist’s.  “So, where to next?” I asked when I was fully clothed and climbing into the front seat.  “Fuck!” she swore. “Give a girl warning when you’re going to move while she’s driving! I suppose you want to talk about what I said in there?” I shook my head. “Nope. What happens in therapy, stays in therapy unless you want to discuss it.” “A bit like Fight Club, huh?” she chuckled.
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Bk 2 Ch 23: Kimia
“Do you think I should get the shirt with the unicorn, or the turtle?” Rose and I were laying on her bed shopping. Aspen Falls is so small that we don’t have many clothing stores, and the ones we do have suck.  “I like the unicorn, but they’d send you home from school if you wore it,” I told her when I looked at the options. The unicorn was really cute, but it was giving the finger with its front hooves. The turtle was also adorable, and looking grumpy.  Rose growled, but put the turtle shirt in her cart. “I wish we had a decent mall or a department store. Online is such a risk.” I glanced at her boobs. “Well, not everyone can be as endowed as you, or have your hips.” 
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Bk 2 Ch 24: Nate
“Whoever invented these torture devices needs to be resurrected and shot,” I grumbled to Kam as we were getting ready for the dance. The girls were in Kimi’s room, while Kam and I were in his. I had been attempting to knot a tie at my throat, but failed miserably.  Kam laughed at me. “I agree, but Rose says they make a man look smoking hot.” I glanced at him in the mirror. He was wearing a white long sleeve button down shirt, black tie, and a black and gold vest with black slacks.  “Well,” I said, throwing my tie behind me, “I’m not trying to impress your girlfriend.” “No, just my sister,” Kam smirked. I flipped him off, then rearranged my shirt in the mirror. I had on a black button down and b
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Bk 2 Ch 25: Kimia
“So, another hike to your favorite spot?” Nate asked after he’d shifted back to his bipedal form. We’d just left therapy, and I’d vented some of my feelings about Kam and Rose. Apparently, I’m jealous they have a relationship that I crave. One that I’d thought I’d have with Simon before he was killed. “Not today,” I bit my lower lip. Dr. Mayfeld did give me an assignment to list attributes I’d like in a partner, and attributes I’d like them to admire about me. “I have some thinking to do.” Nate nodded with understanding. “So, are we going to continue to torture the happy couple?”  I grinned. “Hell, yes.” I’d gotten my parents on board Sunday before Kam and R
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Bk 2, Ch 26: Rose
“I’m going to put you down, bitch!” I screamed at the screen as Jimmy and I were competing in Soul Calibur. He was playing his favorite character, and I had mine.  He just laughed at me. “You’ll never escape my chain sword!” His character had a sword that would extend like a chain and whip the other characters. Bastard. “Your back is weak, and I am fast.” I maneuvered my character so that she could spin and hit his character’s back. It’s a cheap shot, but one guaranteed to bring victory if repeated. “Come on, Jimmy, kick her ass,” my stupid boyfriend cheered. I snorted. He knows I could whoop his ass at this game any day of the week, if he doesn’t cheat. 
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Bk 2, Ch 27: Kamron
*Knock, knock.* I knocked on Kimi’s door frame, and leaned against it, staring at her. She was studying on her bed and hadn’t seen me stop at her room. “Hum?” she asked without looking up. I smiled and laid down next to her. “Rose cried today.” “Why?” That got her attention. She looked at me with concern. “Well, she wanted to make sure she wasn't pregnant, so we got a test.” I paused for effect. “Is she okay?” Kimi asked. “The test was negative, by the way. But I had to ask myself why she would think she might be when we&
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Bk 2, Ch 28: Kimia
“She can shift!” Rose burst into my room the Monday before I had therapy. It had been almost two weeks since Dr. Mayfeld had given me the assignment to figure out what I wanted in a guy. I’d put her off last week talking about Nate, and I probably gave her the wrong idea. I was trying to get my list ready for my session when Rose burst in. “Are you talking about Mal?” “Yes!” she groaned. “The brat keeps popping up in random places as different creepy animals. Last night, I tried to go to bed, but I couldn’t. There was a capuchin named Mallory in my bed.” I laughed at the imagery. “Sounds like she’s getting pretty good at it.” Rose flopped
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Bk 2, Ch 29: Nate
I was doing my homework, and having a rare moment of peace from other people, when my phone sounded.  I checked the number and smiled. “Uncle Micky! To what do I owe the pleasure?”  “Hey, kid,” his voice came through the phone. “I wanted to know if you and your Ma are coming up for Thanksgiving.” “I don’t know,” I answered. “Ma hasn’t told me one way or the other. Is Aunt Lulu planning on making her usual spread? Or maybe you two are going to escape your kids and travel.” Uncle Micky chuckled. “Well travel when you take over the bar. I was just concerned because my brother’s parole hearing is next week, and if things go well, he’ll be out by Thanksgiving.”
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