All Chapters of Cheers To My Beautiful: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
101 Chapters
Their dark secret
Lovett's standpointI bit my fingernails in panic, my heart hammering with fear. The stupid ladies failed, they shot the wrong woman… Not just any woman, the girl of Aaron Skye. He won't call himself a mafia, he won't call himself a don, but he was the lord over half of the United States or maybe even all. He didn't create enemies and was respected by many other dons and lords all over the world. Now I had gotten myself in serious trouble. Why didn't I think it through?"Hurry up, girls, the sooner we return to Philadelphia the better for us. We are going to go on a low for now!" My right-hand woman shouted. Everyone was packing to leave for Ireland, though we were saying Philadelphia to the cameras. We needed to leave as soon as possible.Our flight was delayed, another reason for us to be stuck here. "Is everyone accounted for?""Yes, now all we have to do is load the bags into the SUVs and leave. Everyone outside with your bags, do I have to tell you before you…" The door was blown
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Chelsea's standpointI parked Autumn's car in front of the building. I looked at her to see how she was doing, and she wasn't doing well at all. Autumn was curled up in the seat, head resting on the window as she wept convulsively. It's not every day you find out your parents who you thought died a natural death were murdered by your father's ex. It was better when she didn't know at all. Mordecai was right, though she unfortunately heard it.There was also the fact that Anderson and the guys might be part of a criminal organization. What am I saying? They are. I heard his voice. He killed Mordecai's stepmother and he sounded delighted to do it. From the tone of his voice, it wasn't his first time taking a soul and he didn't regret it one bit. I am in love with a murderer, we are dating criminals. The whole thing had me in a mess too, but I couldn't show it because Autumn didn't need me to break down too and I made a promise to myself to always ask Andy to explain himself to avoid mis
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Where's Autumn?
Chelsea moaned painfully as she turned her head slightly, she knew her muscles were tight. She forced her eyes open and blinked the blurriness away before looking around. She was in her living room, on the floor. Her head hurt like crazy. She whimpered as the pain started becoming more apparent as she put two and two together.She started panicking as she realized she was tied up and was bleeding from her head. The pool of blood spread out around her head to her shoulders. She had lost a lot of blood and was sure to pass out again if she didn't get help soon."Help," she shouted weakly, "somebody, help me…" her throat burnt from dryness and her eyes itched with irritation from falling tears. She felt like she had a nasty fever and would die soon. Her brain pounded against her skull, causing her heartbeat to speed up. She had to call out or she would die. Yet, all she could think of was Autumn and her baby, of what that man would do to her. One look at him and you'd know he's a psychop
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We don't have time
Autumn's standpointI whimpered from pain and disgust. My whole body and that horrible smell. It smelt like dry urine and vomit, really sticky and smelly vomit. I forced my eyes open, already knowing what to expect. Unlike some people who wouldn't recognize where they were when they first woke up after being kidnapped. I knew I was kidnapped, I knew who took me but not who he was. I was more concerned for my unborn child and Chelsea, they probably knocked her out with the butt of a gun. The hit could cause a concussion and that wasn't what I wished for my best friend. If she didn't concuss, she was likely to bleed to death. Hopefully, they didn't knock her out.Surprisingly, I was in a bedroom, a dirty old bedroom. I was wondering what the hell they used the bedroom for when the devil opened the door and walked in. I rolled my weak eyes away from his evil smirk and threw myself back into my sleeping position."You are finally awake,""Yeah, no thanks to you," I said scornfully."Baby,
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Let's go get your woman
Aaron's standpoint"We don't have time!" Mordecai screamed. His phone rang at that moment. He angrily removed the phone from his pocket and answered it. "What?" He snapped. "What the fuck, Landon! Why are you calling me?!""Put it on speaker," I instructed. He put the call on speaker."How could you let him take Autumn?! You are irresponsible!" Him?"So says the idiot that couldn't handle his father's company! What do you want?!""It's all over the news, Brianna's accident, Meredith's attempted murder, Chelsea's hospitalization, and Autumn's kidnap! The whole world already knows someone out there is on to you!" He knew something."Landon, if you have any idea where Autumn is, please share.""I have no fucking clue. I hired him to get rid of you, not her. I warned him not to. I don't know where he lives, I wish I did." He said pathetically."You are completely useless," Andy spat angrily."You hired him to kill my sister, didn't you, Landon?" Mordecai said with a dark chuckle. "I will
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Autumn's standpointTears rolled down the side of my eyes to the bed as I held the wooden bar of the headboard. Montona pounded into me as he groaned and moaned. I had to do it, I had to let him touch me or he would suspect and force himself on me. He thought the tears were for pleasure, but it wasn't. I felt filthy as I let the fool break my marital vow. He would have done it anyway, I just made it easier for myself so my baby wouldn't get hurt. Protecting my baby was my utmost priority, it was the only thing that mattered.All I wanted was Mordecai to hold me, but no, he wasn't there. I swallowed the sob from leaving my mouth, my body shaking with pain but to him, it was pleasure."Scream my name, baby, scream it," he demanded."Oh, Montona, fuck me harder, babe, that's it… Right there, fuck me harder, Montona…""That's right, scream my name louder!" I continued screaming and crying with pain though he was thinking it was pleasure. At least, I convinced him to wear a condom. He ejac
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Autumn's standpointCrap! Crap! Million more crap!This is bad!I couldn't do anything else than follow him or he would shoot me. He was the kind that would rather kill me than let someone else have me. And if he found out that I had been playing him, he would get really pissed. I walk-run behind him, glancing over my shoulders for any sign of Mordecai or even Eugene. My hope dwindled with every step I took, freedom was as good as gone.The black helicopter spun dangerously in the middle of the field, its blades pushing every light thing away. The dust flew here and there, causing us to shield our eyes from it."Sir, we have to hurry! Eugene has noticed the copter and is com…" The short redhead barely finished his statement before a bullet hit him right between the eyes. I screamed with horror at the disgusting sight. Montana quickly dragged me around to the other side of the copter."Why don't we get in?" I asked as if I wanted to."They could shoot it down, come on," he pulled me al
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Everything will be okay
Two Weeks LaterThe heart monitor beeps continuously as I check Chelsea's pulse. I hummed so I wouldn't cry. Two whole weeks of hell. Brianna woke up—thank God—but the others hadn't. Chelsea was showing more signs of improvement since she kept drifting in and out of consciousness, but Meredith was unmoving which was a bad thing. I still had hope that she would be fine. Technically, she had been in a coma for a month while Chelsea had been in and out of a coma for three weeks. Brianna only lay in a coma for a week while I was unconscious for three days. My baby was still fine, thankfully.I dropped the notepad on the desk and went over to sit with her. I took her hand in mine and entwined our fingers together. A jolt of electricity charged through my body from our laced fingers. We were connected, Chelsea and I. Our bond was unbreakable and would remain that way."Chelsea, remember when we were ten?" I asked, smiling at the memory. "We went camping with Meredith's family. That was when
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We are quarreling
Mordecai's standpointWhat will it take to get a woman to dress up quickly? I mean come on! What's with women and their forever dress-up?! Just like Autumn almost gave me a heart attack by not showing up on time, Chelsea was doing the same thing to Anderson and his situation was worse. It had been four months and a few weeks since the woman woke up from a coma. Andy decided a month ago that he wanted to get married, so he proposed and the wedding saga followed.Autumn dragged me to different events for the so-called quiet wedding. Who needs a dinner rehearsal for a wedding when you can just get the hell married with no stress or even planning what you want to say? I still don't see the point in it, and being dragged to it wasn't appreciated. I couldn't complain or decline because one, he was my other best friend, and two, Autumn Naggison would talk me to death and cry and scream and mix it all up. Pregnancy doesn't suit her.So there I was, going to check on why the women were being h
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To My Beautiful
Mordecai's standpointThe reception was going just fine with me ignoring Autumn as punishment for suffering me. There was an elevator the whole time and she made me carry her. Do you know how much she weighs? I was already planning on selling Kai if he should come out as a scrawny stick. The troubles he gave me were too much.I looked over at where she sat. She sat alone with hands between her legs as she stared at me intensely. And when I said intensely, I meant in a way her cuteness was troubling. It was difficult to remain mad with the way she was looking at me. She hadn't taken her eyes off me since I started ignoring her. Walking around with two intense eyes on me wasn't comfortable. It made me trip multiple times, satisfying whatever she thought she was doing.Anderson and Chelsea were receiving their wedding toast. I smiled as memories of us at our time replayed in my head. She was the most beautiful then, the most gorgeous woman, and even until now. I returned my glassy eyes t
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