Lahat ng Kabanata ng Clara's Mystery: Kabanata 61 - Kabanata 70
127 Kabanata
61 - The Visit (2)
‘Do you want to order food so we can just have it here?’ Clara asks after they stop kissing. Her tummy has been grumbling since he went running after his dad. ‘I forgot to eat lunch because I was so nervous trying to get here.’ ‘Of course, let’s go to Lexi’s desk. He has all the menus. Tell me, why did you feel that way? Were you nervous about seeing my handsome face?’ he said teasingly. She laughed and swatted his arm. ‘I don’t know. What if you didn’t want me here?’ she says, then curses. When he asks her why, Clara tells him that she forgot to book a place for the night. ‘You can always stay with me, you know that right?’ he says, and her heart drops. ‘Does it mean that he wants us to sleep together? Is tonight the night?’ she turned pale and tried to avert her gaze. 
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62 - R18 - NSFW
-=- This chapter is part of the R18 series. If you are not over 18, please skip this chapter and proceed to Chapter 66. -=-   Kissing. 'How did I go on for ten years without this?' Clara forgot how good it felt to kiss somebody, especially someone as good a kisser as Sebastian. Someone who did not slobber all over her. Shoved his tongue down her throat. Or sucked her lips like he was sucking an oyster out of its shell. His kisses felt just right, soft in the beginning, and like a slow-burning wood log, the fire grows steadily, igniting and awakening the desire deep within her. She could feel Sebastian’s hand grazing her arms and her legs as if questioning her if it was
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63 - R18 - NSFW
-=- This chapter is still part of the R18 series. If you are not over 18, please skip this chapter and proceed to Chapter 66. -=- ‘With Clara’s vulnerable feelings, we shouldn’t rush this,’ thought Baz, ‘She needs more time, and we will take this slow. I should stop touching her and thinking about the taste of her soft, silky skin. Vanilla! That’s what she smells and tastes like.’  ‘Think about something else, anything... Think about flowers, yes, flowers. Her skin smells very fragrant like she took a bath in a tub full of flowers.’ ‘Okay, not that either. Think about the office, think about work. You have a
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64 - R18 - NSFW
-=- This chapter is still part of the R18 series. If you are not over 18, please skip this chapter and proceed to Chapter 66. -=- Clara was taking control and was kissing him like she was on a mission. She wanted Baz to know that she was ready wherever this may lead them.  When he remains stationary, only his lips moving to kiss her back, hands balled up tightly beside him, Clara kisses and licks his neck. He moans, and she gets encouraged that he is getting affected by what she is doing. With her bravery spiking up, she explores his half-naked body with her hands. Running both of them along his shoulders, lingering on his chest as her lips followed. She was licking and nibbling on him, leaving love bites wherever they landed, just like he did t
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65 - R18 - NSFW
-=- This chapter is still part of the R18 series. If you are not over 18, please skip this chapter and proceed to Chapter 66. -=- ‘That was just the beginning.’ He looked very dangerous, staring and smiling at her as he removed the rest of his clothing, hands getting busy again, and his tongue even busier. He explored every inch of her skin like she had chocolate slathered all over her. Lingering on spots that made her moan louder. Her body had a mind of its own. The electric current running under her veins was making her body warm and her spine tingly again. She couldn’t help but moan and squirm under his skillful hands. He slid into her slowly, inch by inch, so she could get used to his girth, and as they melded seamlessly into each other, she gasp
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66 - DISCOVERY (1)
[The first part of this chapter has been added to bring cohesion to the story, so even if you did not read the sexy scenes, it would still be okay. Skip the first 3 paragraphs if you read the R18 pages.] Clara was taking control and was kissing him like she was on a mission. She wanted Baz to know that she was ready wherever this may lead them. After exploring each other’s bodies and making love for the first time, they took a catnap. But when they woke up, it was already lunchtime, and the outside world was trying to contact Baz. She felt awful that she held him back from doing anything. So she planned to sneak away and find out if she could access the files from the computer in his office when she felt an arm around her middle pull her back. She screamed. ‘Where do you think you’re going? I’m n
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67 - Discovery (2)
‘What happened, Clara? Is everything okay?’ Baz pulled her to his chest, ‘Did you see anything in the paper I gave you? Do you know anybody on the list? Honey? Tell me... my love…,’ he said as he held her face between his hands.  ‘I... his name’s Nathaniel,’ she looks away. ‘He’s my uncle, and I remember him. He was nice to us. I’m scared... is my dad on the list too?'  'They don’t know me... Yet I feel the pressure… They’re both good men...' she rattled on.  'I just found you, Baz, and my dad… Don’t make me choose,’ she cried as her knees gave up. Before she hit the floor, he was there to catch her. He pulled her onto his lap, ‘Shh… shh... It's okay, don't cry. We have no idea what’s happening yet. But I didn’t see your dad’s name on the list.' He loo
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68 - Oh Brother! (1)
Sebastian sprawled beside her on the bed and cuddled her sleeping form. Clara gets startled and struggles to get out of his hug. ‘Clara, it’s me. It’s Baz, you’re okay.’ When he hugged her, his intentions were innocent, he just wanted to cuddle. All he wanted was to bring back the time they had that morning. What he forgot was that Clara still has this underlying issue of freaking out when someone hugs her. Her heart was beating so fast that she fought hard to breathe. It took a few seconds before she calmed down. It was just Baz trying to hug her. She kisses his hands and turns to face him. ‘Babe, I’m sorry if I scared you.’ he caressed her face with worry in his eyes. ‘I’m okay. Was that your dad you were talking to, outside?’’ she asked.
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69 - Oh Brother (2)
‘Get away from her!’ Baz commanded as he tried to separate his brother from Clara. ‘She’s mine unless you want me to break your bones.’ Clara felt like everything around her was happening in slow motion. ‘Mine,’ she smiled as Baz protectively hugged her close, ‘that has a nice ring to it.’ ‘What’s your name, beautiful?’ Ethan asks as she peeks from her boyfriend’s embrace. ‘I’m Clara, and I think your brother is more handsome,’ she says, smiling up at Baz and kissing him on the lips. ‘And yummy,’ she whispers into his ear as she nips at it.  Baz could not help himself, as he kissed Clara with the intensity of a man thirsting for water, not caring if they had an audience.
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70 - In-laws
‘I.. what if... your mom… she doesn’t like me? What if she says you should… break up with me?’ Clara said, her voice cracking.  ‘Oh, baby, that will never happen. You heard Ethan, my mom can’t wait to meet you. She’s half in love with you already, and they haven’t even met you. She will love you more when you get to know each other.’  ‘And I... I will never let anyone tell me I cannot love you. You are mine, and I am yours until the end of time,’ he said as he hugged her to his chest. ‘I love you, and nobody can take you away from me, not even my parents.’  They stayed like that for a few minutes until he started kissing her neck, his hand crawling up her knee, traveling under her skirt, trying to pull down her undies. ‘Baz! What are you doing?’ she giggled as she squirmed away from him. 
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