All Chapters of The Alpha's Healer: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
48 Chapters
Chapter 22- Needing Answers
Running away from the people hunting me seemed like an endless task, with us driving for days and only stopping to get gas or food. We did not stop long enough to eat, everything was done in the car, including diaper changes and those were gross.  Luckily, we were able to score a bigger car, a minivan to find even more space. With Damian still out of it, Dalia still weak, they both needed enough space to sleep and I needed space for all the gross diaper changes and bottle feeding. Plus, I used half of the time that Justin slept, to sleep myself. Darco and Goddard took turns driving as I used some of my energy to heal Dalia. I only allowed myself to use a little bit...  not knowing what lies ahead, it would be foolish of me to not be prepared and it has been proven that I possess a great power, probably greater than my body can hold. I constantly feel the need to use my magic more and more for the simplest things but I don't, yet I
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Chapter 23- My Magic
"Jeannie,you need to go back. Stop stalling and get your mate back. If he is indeed in his childhood memories then we will lose him. He's already so far gone Jean, you want to do whatever you can, as quickly as you can, to get Damian back. Trust me when I say that losing a mate is not something you want to experience." Dalia says to me. "What do you mean lose him? He is healing, I can feel it." I say. Could I feel it? I am not so sure myself. I mean I hear his heart beat getting stronger every day and that seems to calm my nerves... that means he is getting better.  "Don't be so naive Jeannie. He's gone back to his childhood, which means whatever he was going through in his current age was too much to bare and the pain of his past was much easier to deal with...or maybe since he has already been through it, it seems like a walk in the park now and a warm memory resides somewhere inbetween the painful past." Darco sa
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Chapter 24- Find Me
  Today was a new day.A fresh start, a new dawn... It was all so overwhelming yet exciting. The excitement of a new world and the promise of a better tomorrow... Dalia could feel it, Darco and Goddard too. It was in Justin's baby talk and his cute giggles, in Damian's peace as he slept. His heart reaching out to me from the darkness within him, that seeks to hold him captive but he fights still. The hope in my heart for his return, fueled by this new feeling that runs in our veins and swirls in the mind constantly.  The hope instilled in us seemed to bring Dalia to her full self, her healing complete and the strength to fight for better days, returned tenfold... Well, what about me?  My power centered my pack.I was their beacon, A light at the end of the tunnel and I could feel all their emotions, sadness turned to pure joy in the realization that I
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Chapter 25- Lost Again
Damian was here....My heart was happy, my wolf even happier but something seemed off about him that I could not shake...He looked like the same Damian I have known for some time but sometimes he would look at me, in a way that sent a chill up my spine. It was cold and unloving, but as quick as it came, it left. He would then warm up and be himself again...Dalia and the boys have not noticed a thing, Damian keeping his distance and mouth shut when they talk to him. As if Darco and Goddard would care, they continued with their rants without him but keeping him away from the steering wheel... "We need to stop here and continue on foot. Jeannie and I will walk ahead to secure the area, you boys will stay behind and wait for our return. Can I trust that you will all behave?" Dalia asks and they all nod their heads. Goddard drives to the side of the road, putting the car in park. Dalia, Justin and I exit the vehicle. Dalia
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Chapter 26- Sacrifice
 "You did what?" I ask, my body starting to vibrate in anger. Xena was growling at Dalia now, fully awake and in no way were we going to allow Damian to be sacrificed. "Think Jeannie! Your role in this life is far greater than just a love story. You are required to help many and sometimes that will take a lot from you. Did you honestly think that in the pursuit of your full potential there would not be any casualties?" Dalia asks, with zero emotion on her face but her voice held enough annoyance at my failure to understand or allow the sacrifice to be.  "I will not allow it." I say, trying to find the energy to connect with my magic and release Damian from whatever magic that holds him but failing."If it is magic that is keeping him, then it is magic that will release him."I say and Dalia chuckles."You may speak the old language but you will not succeed here. A deal has been made already and by the looks of
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Chapter 27- We Meet Again
The man stands up and walks up to me. He holds out his hand and I reach out my hand to shake his."My name is Reginald." He says to me and I pause mid hand shake to get a better look at him. Reginald was my great grandfather's name but he died before I was even born. He looks familiar because he looks just like the man in the many photographs at home.How could that be?"Impossible." I say and he breaks out in laughter, with his head rolling back."Oh you must think I mean The alpha Reginald but no, I am no alpha." Reginald says to me."Then why do you look like him? Why do you look like the man in the pictures back home??" I ask."Well, I look like him because I was born from one of his son's and boy did he have many! They named me after him, even though your father was his first born... born from his mate, making him future alpha. I chose a different path anyway..." He says to me, looking around the room.I copy his movements, follw
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Chapter 28- It's Time
There are consequences to actions taken, whether it be against someone or just normally so as one embarks on the journey called life. We are given the freedom to make choices on our own, those choices lead us to where we are today. Dalia has betrayed the little trust I had in her. I mean sure, I did not completely trust her and I kind of sensed her from the beginning but my distrust for her was never because I thought she would kill people to get her way. I thought she would use me in some way and then run off, leaving me behind to deal with the consequences alone. Only to be told that I am not her first rodeo. In fact, there are plenty here under the sacrificial land, who claim to have fallen victim to Dalia's cimes. Reginald took me in to this room, a very big room with no windows and just one door, the one we walked through just now. In this room, sits about twenty individuals, staring at me blankly.Reginald introduces me as the q
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Chapter 29- I Need You To Come Back To Me
"We have retrieved the boy. He is in room 71." An old man with long white hair says to Reggie, nodding his head as soon as Reggie acknowledges him with a nod as well before leaving the room, we were in.   My immediate thought was Damian, him being young still. I look at Reggie but he is focused on the three trees in front of us, as if they were talking to him somehow. Hope was standing right next to me, looking in curiously like me. Reginald spends the next 5 minutes staring quietly between the three tree barks, his stance of someone busy with mind link.
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Chapter 30- Losing Control
As my mate, Damian faces a lot of challenges. For starters, he has to go against everything he was taught to believe just to love me and be with me. Damian had to flee, in parting, he abdicated his throne... who knows if he will get to become alpha when he returns? With or without me.   That is why I have left him to rest so I can talk to Reginald about helping me heal the hate in his heart for our kind. The fact that we are mated, just the goddess deeming us compatible, where life could possibly argue that we aren't, says a lot and I am willing to fight as long as he is. He has an even bigger fight, the coming war aside, an internal battle is one
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Chapter 31- Trouble
"What the fuck?" I say out loud, making the girls giggle in front of me. I look at them, all at the same time and individually, just to let it all sink in... to make sure I was not going insane. I mean, maybe I am and this tree gives some form of a high when you touch it. That's it! I am probably hallucinating, that would make sense and Reginald tried to warn me but I would not listen and also that his warning came a bit too late. "We can assure you; you are not going crazy." One girl tells me, voice sounding eerily like my own. That freaks me out even more and I feel myself begin to actually lose it.  I feel my head spin, the oxygen leaving the b
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