All Chapters of TOO LATE TO RETURN: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
214 Chapters
Furious Junxie
Junxie Li was dazed. He remained speechless. Children conceived by mischief and deception?   He slowly stood up. Luciana had insulted Theresa and probably said things like she forced herself to his bed to see herself pregnant with his child.  Did she drag him into it by saying he said so? Was that why Theresa was angry with him and wanted to take the boys away?   She said they were her business. Of course they both were the reason the conception occured. She must have been humiliated that she couldn't say anything and Rita doesn't want to say it either.   While Junxie Li stood with his eyes closed analysing what might have really transpired, the whole family turned in Luciana's direction. 
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Finding clues
Julia is Keen on salvaging the whole situation. He can't let anything happen to his brother and Theresa's relationship.    While his parents were yet to find answers to give to Junxie's questioning glares, he spoke up.   " What are you saying, Aunt Luciana? You flopped and yet want to drag my parents into the mess you caused?   You have already done a lot of harm. Don't make things appear more complex than they are right now. You have bruised Theresa's ego and I expect that you should humble yourself and apologise to her.   Theresa Mo and Junxie are two pure people who are fortunate to meet each other. Why are you trying to cause chaos in their love life? Why are you always so mean with your words?"&nbs
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Finding answers
"What would you like to take kids?" Junxie Li asked. He looked at the quietly seated boys through the rear view mirror.  The car seemed solemn. No one said anything to another. It was a total contrast to when they were coming a few hours ago.   "I don't want anything, '' Tim answered. He looked at his father and their eyes locked. His dad doesn't look happy either.  "Ok. What about you Lee?" Junxie Li asked. Lee didn't even say anything, he just shook his head indicating he was fine.   That made Junxie's heart sink deeper in disappointment. The boys are vibrant, happy boys who don't take such questions lightly.   In the past, they would reply by naming a va
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Kiss Me
Theresa Mo ignored Junxie. She was making the decision to leave him. But she knows taking her kids along will be difficult.  " I know you feel hurt. What Luciana said is worth making you unhappy. But don't vent your anger on me.  You can't make me bear the brunt of her unbridled tongue. I can't think of living my life without you. I love you…" Junxie Li coaxed.  Theresa Mo snapped at him " you don't love me! I thought you did. I can't imagine how I ended up with you, loving you and giving myself to you"    She cleaned the tears again and took her suitcase, wanting to leave. Junxie Li bit his lower lip. He held her by her wrist violently, staring at her.  
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Let's do it
Theresa held him tight, she could feel his dick poking her. She crossed her hands around his neck and pressed her boobs against him.   Junxie Li's desire was burning within, he wanted to take her and ravished her. " I want you Theresa'' he whispered, slipping his hands under her short silk gown.   She didn't restrain him. He discovered she wore only a pant underneath and he used his finger, forcing the pants aside and caressing her folds.  Theresa Moans, "let's do it Junxie" she started feeling all wet and ready for him. "Yeah," Junxie replied and carried her into the king size bed.    He pulled the zipper on her gown and Theresa was desperately in need of him, she pulled the zipper of his jeans and exposed
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Want Theresa back
Theresa Mo was dazed. His family is here? When did they arrive? Was Junxie Li aware that they were here when he said she should come downstairs for lunch?   No, he doesn't know. She is sure of that. From what he said, she knows he's not aware of their presence. She has to be brave and step out.  She heard her kids chuckling and happy. Without being told, she knows they are with Julia. He has always been their super uncle.   Li Guang was coaxing Junxie to let it pass and call Theresa so everything can be sorted out when they saw her coming downstairs.   She looked like a schoolgirl in her ponytail. She is beautiful and sweet. "Uncle, Aunt, you are here?" She asked, wearing a smiling face.
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I still love him
Lu Jingli's lawyer took the glass of wine in front of him and sipped down a mouthful. When he placed his glass down, Lu Jingli was picking his own.  " Consider the case in your favour. Get the wedding certificate and keep it safe" he declared, pulling his necktie and adjusting it.   " How soon Derek? I want to hold her in my arms and declare her my woman" Lu Jingli demanded.  His sudden attraction to Theresa was more of a sexual sort than his heart yarning. His body needs her and he intends to satisfy that desire.  " How soon are you ready to invite her for a dialogue?" Derek, Lu Jingli's lawyer demanded.   "Check your schedule and tell me when you will be free.
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The meeting at the beach
Rosa was sobbing like a child. Theresa held her trying to calm her. It hurts when you know you cannot live without a person and yet get separated from him or her.   Lanre loves her and she loves him too. No matter what happens, they should be able to mend their differences and go ahead with their relationship.  Lanre had said he was planning on proposing to Rosa before things fell apart between them.  What is she going to do now? They both are her friends. She can't sit back and watch them stray away from each other and do nothing.  She needs to involve Junxie, if that's the only option she has left. She would ask him to help out.  " It's Ok Rosa. I will have a talk
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Don't hurt me
"Hi" She said, removing her shade and smiled. "Hello" Lanre replied and smiled too. They both shook hands and Lanre was offered a seat.   " I am Margret Davies but I am popularly known as Mag D" the woman introduced herself.  From Lanre's angle of assessment, she should be a woman in her late fifties or early sixties.  Despite the make up, she still has a wrinkled face. Her cheeks seemed to sag and her entire body looked weak and aged.   But she had a heavy make up on and wore a golden necklace and earrings. She had a gold ring on her finger and seemed to be a perfectionist.  Lanre gave her a brief assessment and looked away calmly. He took the seat opposite Ms
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Met Tara
When Lanre left the beach, it was getting dark. He felt heavy and wondered why someone would want him dead just as he was coming out of his mother's womb.  He needed to cool off and drove to a bar. There seemed to be a party going on there and everywhere was bubbling.  He took a seat and ordered some alcohol. Wanting a companion, he called Julia. The latter said he was on a date and wouldn't be able to accompany him.  He then called his student friend. He is an intern student under him just as Xixi. They would be rounding off in a couple of months.  The fellow hurried along. While waiting for Clement to come, he started helping himself to the alcohol.  A woman had brought
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