All Chapters of Taming His Dramatic Little Wife: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
Chapter 31 - Returning vs. Leaving
For the past week since Jonathan and Stefani finally returned home, Stefani's friends had stuck to her side like rice cakes, almost never leaving her alone even a minute. To this point, Stefani was starting to feel irritated by their clinginess. Adding to that, she hasn't seen Jonathan at all after they reached the city. Where the hell did that monkey go? For some reason, Stefani felt uneasy not seeing Jonathan around."Hey, Stef! I'm saying something!!" Bridget shouted, pouting at Stefani while bouncing at Stefani's bed. Dianne, Christina, and Ivy were also in her bedroom, doing whatever they wanted in Stefani's belongings.At this time, Stefani was holding her phone, pacing back and forth to her door, contemplating whether to call Jonathan or not. What if he was in the middle of having a rest? Or was he at work? Wait, that fast?! But considering the type of man Jonathan Gonzalez was, that wouldn't be impossible either! Stefani was biting her nails, completely uncomfo
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Chapter 32 - Better vs. Best
It had been a week since Jonathan and Stefani returned safely to the city. The Chief Operations Officer was staring at the wide overlooking sight of the city through his office. The sun was up yet he couldn't feel any warmth in his body.Somehow, Jonathan knew. Somehow, Jonathan had expected it already. Because deep inside, Jonathan knew he failed and he had to accept the consequences.Jonathan breathed in and out, trying to calm himself as he slowly recalled his conversation with Mr. Hernandez a few days after they had returned."Jonathan, I know how much you've worked so hard for this company for the past years," Mr. Hernandez began. "And I know you've also done everything you could to... to tame my daughter."Jonathan was silent as he just listened to his second father figure.Mr. Hernandez looked down as he uttered, "I didn't expect things to go this far, Jonathan-ah. Stefani... To think Stefani went as far as to run away from home because of t
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Chapter 33 - Warm Days vs. Cold Days (Part 1)
Flashback It was a lonely cold day and little Stefani was warmed up inside her bedroom. There were no hints of possible sunlight outside, a sad day for kids, but Stefani has a smile on her face as a warm pair of arms were wrapped around her with a book on her lap. "No one had the slightest suspicion of what beautiful things she had seen; no one even dreamed of the splendor in which, with her grandmother she had entered on the joys of a new year," Jonathan said, voice low and soft. "The end." Stefani's eyelashes softly moved as she turned to look up at Jonathan, "It's the end already? Read it again, Jonathan. Pwease."
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Chapter 34 - Warm Days vs. Cold Days (Part 2)
"Sshh! Don't talk to that gloomy kid. She doesn't interact with anyone really, she's just always so gloomy." "She's been like that since sixth grade. It's best to ignore her." "She looks so lonely though..." "Let's just leave her alone. If she wants to have friends, she should change herself first." Stefani never loses her earphones. Wherever she goes, she would wear them so other people wouldn't dare talk to her. 
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Chapter 35 - Hate vs. Something Else
Stefani's mind was a mess. Her body felt so cold she was shaking too much as she reached her father's study. Just then, she heard the voice of Jane from inside."I remember, there was a time when we were kids, Stefani told me Jonathan told her he's gonna marry her someday," Jane said, voice a lot sadder than her usual relaxed and neutral voice. "But too bad, Jonathan has a fever that time. And Jonathan always forgets what he does before he faints when he has a high fever. The doctor gave medications but they say it's kind of a psychological condition so they can't do anything about it. But Jonathan... My brother Jonathan, aside from those times of his fever, he has never once forgotten Stefani." Jane gave out a sad smile before she continued, "When we were in Australia, he'd write letters for Stefani and wait for her response even if he knew it was hopele
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Chapter 36 - My Love vs. Your Love
Without letting another second pass, Jonathan closed their distance as he swiftly pulled Stefani in his arms. Jonathan's heart was filled with overwhelming emotions he couldn't pick what to attend to first. He felt Stefani's body tremble against him as the younger continued to cry and Jonathan, for the first time, became the most impatient person in the world. He said without a hint of hesitation, "Let's get married." Stefani, upon feeling the warmth she desperately longed for the past ten years, pulled away from the hug and stared at Jonathan.Jonathan looked directly into Stefani's eyes, held Stefani's cheeks softly, and gently wiped the tears off her face as he spoke, "Let's get married... not out of obligation, not out of responsibility, not out of order from anybody. I don't care what other people s
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Chapter 37 - Jonathan & Stefani
The moment Jonathan and Stefani arrived at the Hernandez Mansion, Jane greeted them with a big smile and told them Mr. Hernandez had gone to work.  Jonathan quickly went back to his car, with Stefani following behind. "Y-You're not really going to ask my dad about that, right?"  Jonathan just looked at Stefani then started the ignition. There wasn't a time Jonathan did not keep his own words, aside from the times he would forget what he did or said before having a high fever. When he said he wanted to marry and live with Stefani, he was sure as hell and would do anything to make it happen. He might not need anyone's opinion about it, but Stefani's dad's approval on this matter was important for Jonathan. At least, he should get permission from Ste
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Chapter 38 - Mine vs. Yours
Stefani looked at her right side. Then to her left. Then slowly, she took a long deep breath. Suddenly, the sound of the shower came to her ears and Stefani jumped. For the fifth time!  "Stefani, f-focus! Focus on your breathing!" Stefani told herself as she stood by the foot of the bed.  Jonathan's bed.  Again, the sound of the water from the bathroom made her jump. She could hear how loud her heart was making against her chest and Stefani felt like she would die if she could hear another sound of water near her.  After having a deep and seri
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Chapter 39 - For Me vs. For You
Apparently, Stefani's school festival was extended for another week. Thus, the reason why Stefani was quick to leave Jonathan's apartment today and asked Pacholo to drive her off to school. She personally did this as she knew Jonathan was too tired since he had some work to do the entire night before he slept next to Stefani.  Because Jonathan was supposed to leave the country, Mr. Hernandez advised him to have some work-related things done at home instead and that he just needed to go to Japan if they needed further people to fix things there. Actually, this was just Mr. Hernandez's way of saying Jonathan should focus on Stefani first. And by saying focus, Jonathan must also attend Stefani's school festival events. 
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Chapter 40 - First Love vs. Eternal Love
Stefani knew now. Why she hated Jonathan the most was because of that one fact: he was the only person who can make Stefani's heart beat crazily. Simply, Jonathan was Stefani's first love. And most probably, the truest and last, too.   Stefani's eyes were cast on Jonathan. The older was also looking back at her, though this time, he no longer had an uninterested face. Jonathan, with eyes full of love and admiration for the same person all the past years, smiled at Stefani.  And like a movie, a series of flashbacks came right to Stefani's eyes. It was as if everything happened yesterday and Stefani could still vividly remember herself barging inside her dad's office. 
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