All Chapters of Under The Waning Moon: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
179 Chapters
Fill Up The Empty Space
“There is nothing but the wind,” she muttered under her breath and creased her brows. Why do the words don’t feel like they were hers even though they came out through her mouth? ‘Weird,’ she thought to herself but felt glad for somehow it ease the fear in her heart. Those strange noises had been ongoing for a long time now and light hasn’t come back. She wanted to fall asleep yet, she couldn’t. Those scary noises had been making it impossible for her to do so.She pulled her thin blanket closer to her chest. She began to hate this room that she was in. At first, she was glad that they removed the rope tying her to the bed and the fact that she was being fed on time and no one touches her, but glancing at the lines that she draw every time they brought her food and seeing those lines getting longer, her anger brew for they seemed to mock her.She slid down the bed and stared at the ceiling. This should stop. She can’t jus
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You Are A Wolf
“You can run but you can’t hide!”Lina didn’t stop to listen to the man that was running after her. Last night, with the strong gust of wind, a tree branch fell on the roof of her room. The tin roop gave up from the weight of it and Lina took the opportunity to run.She was panting and gasping for air. Her feet were full of wounds and her legs were too tired from running around aimlessly. She had no idea where she was. When she crawled out of the room where her kidnapper kept her, she almost fainted when she saw that she was in the middle of a forest. It’s like her nightmares coming to life but she took a leap and ran anyway.“Fuck!” The man kicked a tree and pulled a phone out of his jeans pocket. He was scrawny and wearing a flannel shirt and he was shivering and so was she. She was observing the man, trying to listen to what he was saying from under the tree roots that she crawled into.“The she-wolf ran!
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On The Road
Lina and the two men guarding her rode an old truck. The rain finally stopped and Lina realized that the place where she was kept captive for how many days—she had no idea that it was an old house until she had a good look at it when they were leaving. They rode in silence and she saw nothing but trees for hours. Lina had a good look at the man’s watch that was sitting on the passenger seat because his hand was resting on the back of the driver's seat and she saw the date and time. She had been stuck in that hateful room for five days! It felt like an eternity and now, she’s on the way to someplace and she had no idea what’s waiting for her there but she had already made a decision to escape no matter what.She hunched down, pretending to be asleep but every now and then, she would open her eyes and check their surroundings. She became alert when they finally reached a wider road and the trees surrounding them became thinner. She swallowed nervously wh
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The Escape
Lina blinked and opened her eyes into the darkness. She could hear the faint sounds of the rain as it pitter-pattered on the tin roof. She ran her hands all over her body and she didn’t feel anything strange except for the heaviness of her eyelids. The jerks injected something in her that made her fall asleep on the road. She had no idea where she was but she’s still lying in the backseat of the old truck. She slapped her face to wake herself up and slowly pushed her body up the seat. She had to hurry. If they come back, she won’t be able to escape. Before they injected her with the drugs that drove her into a deep slumber, the men discussed how they had to just put enough to put her down while they were at the house of the other man. They needed her awake when they presented her to the elders of the pack. She had no idea what they meant but it’s not the time to know those things. There are a lot of things that she didn’t know and had no plan of knowing. She pushed the door
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I Was Just Looking For Myself
“Would you mind taking off your coat?” The woman asked while lighting the three candles on the small kitchen table, carefully arranged inside a round metal tray.Lina stared at the woman for a few seconds, she glanced over her shoulder then pulled out the wrench from the inside of the coat pocket and put it on the table, next to her steaming cup of coffee.The other woman laughed. “Atta girl. No need to worry, other than my two cats, I am alone in this house. You’ve already met Enola. Her brother Sherlock was already in my bedroom, sleeping.”Lina felt at ease with the way the woman talked and the fact that they were alone in the house. She shook off the oversized coat off her shoulders and was about to put it on a chair next to her when the woman took it from her and brought it to the kitchen counter. She watched as she opened the kitchen drawers, pulled out a black garbage bag and put the coat inside then tied the bag with some dr
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On The Way Home
“Where is she?” Tamara looked at the man, standing on her front steps, wearing a scowl on his handsome face. “Despite all the precautions that I put in to make sure that no one would find her and yet, here you are in my place.” “I have no time to play with you, witch! Where is she?” He growled at the woman, wearing a white nightdress and nothing else, standing cockily against her door frame. “I don’t know why you’re still asking me when you already know the answer. She’s not here.” She smirked gleefully at the anger in his face. Eon put his hand on her delicate neck in the blink of an eye. Two cats hissed behind her while she just laughed as if her life wasn’t in his hands—literally. “You smell different from the ones that were running after her.” She grinned when Eon's hand loosened around her neck. “And because of that, I’ll let you in.” Eon pushed the woman inside and he went in, growling at the two cats that were glaring at him, hi
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Prepare For War
“Where to now, boss?”Eon didn’t look at Frio. He looked outside the car’s window, trying to process his emotions. They didn’t find Lina but he found out that she was safe. And for that, he was thankful. However, he wasn’t one hundred percent happy with the thought that someone took her and she chose to call whoever that person was than him. His jealousy was raging.“Back at my father’s pack. I need an elder from what the witch gave me.” He glanced at the black garbage back, sitting next to him at the passenger seat. He had Frio drive while Ehann sat in the passenger seat and he took the backseat. Not finding Lina and from what he heard from the witch, pissed him off that he would rather just contemplate at the back of the car than drive.Frio and Ehann could sense his bad mood that the two didn’t make any noise in the whole duration of the drive back to his father’s pack. The more than six hours
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Worse Than Death
“Start talking!” Ehann kicked the two men tied back to back on their sides, making them topple to the side on the hard ground.“We know nothing! You have to believe me! I have a family and my wife…ugh!” He gasped for air as his friend elbowed him, making him stop talking as he spat saliva on the ground. His eyes watered with how much pain he was feeling. They were tied with rope soaked in wolfsbane. Every time one of them moved their insides were being lit on fire.Ehann walked slowly in front of the other man. “You were stopping your friend to talk, even when he knew nothing.” He grinned, grabbing a handful of the man’s hair, yanking it to make him look at him. “Do you want to tell me things, instead?”The man spat but his saliva just fell back on his own face. “We have an Alpha.” His mocking tone didn’t escape Ehann, his left hand curled into a fist, cracking the man’s left ja
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I'll Give You A Home
“You are saying that you have no idea of what the Lykanthos did to my woman?” Eon asked the other man, sitting across from him from a Maple table. The coffee in front of them turned cold and untouched. “No,” he replied in a cold tone. The atmosphere between them was terse. “All I knew was that the Lykanthos was giving me a feast because they wanted to be part of my pack. I have no prior knowledge of what they were preparing for me.” Eon stared at the other man coldly. He doesn’t believe everything that he was telling was the truth. But he didn’t come here to seek the truth. He’s here to issue a warning. That no one should dare touch what was his for he won’t just sit down and watch. “Can I ask a few questions?” He creased his forehead for what Alpha James could need from him. But he didn’t say anything, just rolled his neck as he clasped his hands on the table. “I’ve heard how you fixed the problem with the mining company—” “It’s my fa
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The Irony Of Life
“Are you sure you wanted to stay here?” Zhan looked around the apartment that used to be their love nest. His hand circled his wife’s waist, pulling her closer to him. He felt a bit of guilt, taking his wife here but she insisted on personally checking on Lina.She chuckled and winked at Stephanie who was rolling her eyes with how Zhan was acting so protective. “I’ll be fine here. This is the only place that I have happy memories.” She smiled apologetically to Zhan’s wife.Life was really strange. She never thought that it would bring her to this situation where the first man she loved would be standing in front of her with his wife. She was expecting to feel hurt but strangely she didn’t. Zhan and Stephanie were the ones who went above and beyond to make sure that she would come home safely. She didn’t expect them to do so and now she was glad that she called Zhan to ask for help. The things that were left between
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