All Chapters of Under The Waning Moon: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
179 Chapters
Her Wolf
“Uhhhhghh!” She flapped in the water and heaved a deep breath. She was about to panic when she realized that she was back on the murky water of the swamp when Masaya hit her forehead and said. “Wake up!”Lina sat up from the divan and her eyes darted across the room before it landed on Masaya’s worried face.“Are you okay? I lost you for a long time! What happened?”“Huh?” She looked at her, creasing her brows. “I didn’t go anywhere. I was right at the swamp.” She didn’t know but those words smoothly came out of her mouth without much thought. She tilted her head to the side in confusion on why she just lied to Masaya.“I was so worried. What was in the swamp?” She asked, helping her drink some tea that tastes like citrus and wild flowers. The combination was so strange, she almost gagged.“The wolves. They were not after me to hurt me. They are my ances
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She's One Of Us
“It’s the spirit of your wolf that is living inside of you.” Masaya smiled at Lina.“What does it mean?” Eon pulled Lina down to sit beside him. His hand was clasping her hands so hard.“It's confirmation that Lina is one of us. But her situation is a bit odd since she doesn’t shift and the reason for that was because her wolf has been repressed inside her to be a spirit. It’s like a child that wasn’t given a chance to grow into adulthood.” It was his father who answered Eon.Masaya nodded, confirming what Alpha Aaron said.“Does it have—” Eon in the confusion of the information he heard couldn’t process it.“No. It doesn’t pose any problem.” Alpha Aaron smiled at Lina who was looking pale. “The only difference between us and her was that she doesn’t shift, that's all.” He looked at Masaya to confirm what he said.“Ye
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What Makes Us Different
She splashed the water in the tub before answering Eon who was sitting on the edge of the tub, facing her. She looked up and met his eyes. “They were in their wolf form. Father was the one who suppressed my wolf to hide me away from the family.” She swallowed and leaned back her head against the edge of the tub, stretching her legs. “He said he did it to protect me. Our family wasn’t just like any other and they don’t allow half-breed like me. Hence, my father was banished from the family. He’s somewhere serving his punishment.”She and Eon gazed at each other’s eyes, thinking of the same thing. The castle that they visited in Ireland where Lina’s mother was being kept wasn’t just any castle.“He said that because of what he did to me, wherever he goes, death follows.”Eon nodded. He understood what she meant. A family that belongs to a royal pack was mostly born with special skills but thos
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A Normal Morning Before The Storm
The morning light kissed the left side of her face and her eyelids fluttered. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Eon’s sleeping face. She grinned and put her hands, pressed together under her cheek, and watched him sleep. He looks so handsome and the way the corner of his mouth twitched when he breathed sometimes was truly adorable.She was still grinning like a foolish teenager, watching her crush when she felt the call of nature. She slowly got up so as to not disturb Eon’s sleep. She was about to stand up when she pulled right back to bed.“Eon!” She called him with gritted teeth. His arms were like tentacles that wrapped her lower abdomen, not letting her go. “Please, not now. I’m going to use the toilet!”“Hmm, let me take you there,” he nuzzled her neck and inhaled her scent. “You smell so good,” he murmured, licking the length of her neck in a slow agonizing manner that curled her toes and
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A Devious Plan
The rain was battering the old tin roof. The weather report said sunny weather was to be expected today but the rain has been falling since early morning. However, the unexpected rainfall was not welcome because it helped hide what was happening inside the rusty container van in the middle of the forest.Lina would recognize the place and people that were having a talk. They were the same people that abducted her and kept her in that godforsaken place for how many days—cut away from the rest of the world. The same faces hovered around her, telling her information about herself that she had no idea about, telling her she was a she-wolf and a guardian when those words were nothing but words to her, for at that time she had no idea who and what she was.They were the same people, except for one face. A rather familiar face.“What’s the status?” The old woman asked in a gravelly voice staring deeply towards Larissa who was sitting between two
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A Dreadful Warning
The tree branches were dancing with the wind breeze, its shadows reflecting on the glass windows of Lina’s bedroom. It was only two in the afternoon but she was already in bed, naked. Eon hungered her like she was his favorite meal that he wanted to eat anytime he wanted. She grinned, stretching her arms over her head. It’s not like she was complaining about Eon’s insatiable hunger for her. There is nothing to complain about, all is good—especially that he is her favorite meal too. She giggled to herself and blushed when she remembered everything that she did to Eon in return for everything that he did to her too.She pulled the blanket over her head, when she kicked the blanket she felt a soft pain in between her legs. She gently lifted her butt off the mattress. She knew why she was feeling pain in that particular part of her body. Let’s just say that Eon was like a man who stayed in the desert for such a long time and found a spring of water.
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I Can Feel You
“Eon, are you listening?” Elyon snorted in disgust with how Eon would always be absent-minded whenever he was away with Lina. As if he could not wait to go home and be with her. He remembered Eon with Elara and he didn’t recall him to be this lovestruck.“What?!” Eon snapped. They just finished the run with his men when they happened to meet Elyon, taking the young boys and girls that would be taking part in the Turning event the next day.“I was telling, why don’t you and Lina stay? I mean, I’m sure your father won’t mind. He adores your girlfriend, you know,” he grinned. “Come on, the young wolves will need someone to emulate, why don’t you stay with us and show our greenhorn wolfies.”He furrowed his brows deeply, hearing the words that came out of Elyon’s mouth. “Where the hell did you learn such words? Wolfies? Seriously?”“We are getting old and we
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Danger All Around Them
He knew that running through this usual route would take him not less than twenty minutes but he felt like he wasn’t running fast enough. He was cursing himself for leaving Lina alone in the house and even when Travis confirmed to him that she was safe inside the house, and the cabin came into view, he still could not let go of his worries. He wanted to see Lina with his own two eyes and have her inside his arms, only then, he could say that indeed she was safe.He dashed inside the house using the back porch that was left open. He passed by the wolf that was watching the door. He has men posted around the house, making sure no one could enter the house except for him and Lina.“Baby?” He called her as soon as he shifted. He hurried to the second floor, stark naked. He was just in the middle of the stairs when the door of Lina’s bedroom flew open.“You’re back!” She yelled excitedly, leaning against the doorframe waiting
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It's Time To Go Home
He pulled the blanket closer to her chin and watched her breast rise and fall in a steady rhythm, indicating that she was deeply asleep. He brushed the strands of hair that were on her cheeks and pressed a gentle kiss on her flushed cheeks. She needed a good rest. He had been keeping her awake all night since they bonded. Thus, he has no intention of waking her up tonight.[Eon, I’m here.]He straightened up and replied to Frio. [Go to the study. I’ll be right there.] He checked all the windows, making sure it was locked, and draw the curtains tightly. He doesn’t want any crows to come and disturb Lina’s sleep. He had already sent a message to his father, asking if there were some strange things happening around but he had not received a reply.He exhaled a soft sigh, gazing lovingly at Lina’s angelic face. He would love to stay here with her and just stared at her while she sleeps but he has to make sure that those bastards that ar
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Caught Like A Fish
Lina twisted and turned in bed. She was sweating but feeling cold. “Help…help me, please…somebody help me, please…” She uttered helplessly in her sleep.She remembered falling asleep. Eon was home and they were having tea. She had no plan to fall asleep but she did. However, she wondered why she watched herself fall asleep? This kind of feeling was somehow similar to the dream state that she had under the ritual that Masaya did with her.She heaved a deep breath. Her body felt like it was being pushed underwater but she wondered how she could breathe easily. Where is this going, she wondered as she watched herself submerged underwater and not a moment after, flow with the water current.Meanwhile, in Eon’s study, he was busy discussing the security details for their trip tomorrow. He decided to leave at noon. Too early in the morning would be a bit difficult because of the fog, at the same time, he wanted Lina to have a lon
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