All Chapters of Enslaved to Zion: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
37 Chapters
Chapter 21
With one hand on the side of my neck, just under my jaw, he brings his other hand up and pulls me closer, leaning down until our foreheads touch. I look into his eyes and he uses his thumb to brush a tear away. With two fingers, he then slides them across my lips and closes his eyes. Breathing in deeply, as if inhaling me, he moves his other hand to the small of my back and tries to pull me into his arms. Before he can fully entrap me, I shove myself away. I don't hate the feeling of his touch but I don't want to be someone's property. And he's treating me like I'm nothing but an object for his amusement. He's so confusing! On one hand, he speaks so cruelly, with such indifference, with not an ounce of warmth or compassion in his tone. On the other hand, he wipes my tears away and touches me tenderly.  Would it hurt him to at least pretend he sympathizes with my situation? I don't want to enjoy his caresses while he makes my blood run h
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Chapter 22
These feelings of mine? So it seems he doesn't feel the things he makes me feel. Then why does he do it? Why does he insist on continuing these acts that make my head spin? Does it even matter? I contemplate vocalizing my questions but before I can utter a sound, his hands slip under my shoulders, pulling me up to sit on his lap. Face to face with the man who torments me so, all I can do it stare as the fire in my chest simmers my heavy heart. He rubs his bottom lip on my collar bone and wraps his arms around me to unhook my bra. Then, grabbing the bottom of my dress, he pulls it up over my head and tosses it behind him. It lands on the floor with a swishing sound as his hands so gently and slowly slide my bra straps down my arms. They tickle and tease me the whole way along, the sensations elevated by my heightened senses. The bra gets thrown to the floor as well and he runs his hands along my bare back before cupping the back of my head again, laying me back d
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Chapter 23
Trust him? Not that I have any other choice but I so deeply want to believe in him right now that I can't think straight. We're lying naked together sharing moments more intimate, more intoxicating than anything I've ever experienced in my nearly eighteen years of life. He's now seen me at my most vulnerable and touched me tenderly. He can easily just overpower me and take everything he wants. Instead, he's focusing on my pleasure. If I can't trust him, who can I trust?  "Yes, Master.", I almost purr. As he adjusts himself behind me, I lose my grip and he slides the appendage between my legs, just holding it there for a moment as he inhales deeply. Then, he pulls away a bit and when he pushes forward again, it's right up against me, slipping between the lips of my very wet flesh. This time he's the one who moans and he takes his other arm and slides it under me, hugging me tightly against his entire body. The intens
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Chapter 24
I turn my head just in time to see Benny averting his gaze while Anna, Elise, and Marie come waltzing in, looking a bit perplexed. Oh my. I'm still naked! Marie hurries to close the door and Anna steps around the room, as if searching for something. Noticing little heap of clothes on the floor, her expression changes from confusion to sorrow. Elise puts her hand on her shoulder as if to comfort her for some reason.   "I think we've got this. Why don't you go have a chat with Olga about dinner plans.", she speaks softly before turning to me. "Euroah, I'm sure you're hungry after skipping lunch, right?"   "I am.", is all I can say.   I don't know what this situation is and I don't want to say the wrong thing. There's some bigger picture here that I don't understand. Anna nods her head and hurries out, looking like she's about to cry. What is wrong with her? Perhaps something happened in her personal life and it's making it
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Chapter 25
Music notes float through the evening air like dandelion seeds in a summer breeze. A sad melody fills the entirety of the room, making such a beautiful place feel almost empty, so lonely, and cold. My master looks defeated, just as I felt on the floor of the auction house when I found out that my father had been murdered. With my heart in pain for him, I wish I could comfort him somehow. As I turn to go down the stairs, the appearance of Anna walking up behind him catches my eye and stops me in my tracks. I look at Elise who holds her finger to her lips and then my eyes are drawn like magnets back to the scene about to take place beneath the balcony. Anna comes slowly up to Master's back and hugs him from behind. Upon contact, his fingers stop playing but he doesn't move. He just keeps looking forward, staring into his miserable abyss. "Who gave you permission to touch me?", he asks her, in his usual cold monotone. 
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Chapter 26- Zion's Diary Entry 2
Today, I feel the weight of the entire world on my shoulders. No matter how much I want to believe that everything will turn out alright in the end, I worry that the reputation of the company will never recover. I can't help but fear for the livelihoods of all the people who work under me. If I fail to restore the people's faith in my ability to lead an ethical and responsible company, they'll turn against me like hungry wolves. Such is the way of life. When you live in the spotlight, wether by fate or by choice, you will always be up for scrutiny. No one will remain on your side when a more beneficial opportunity presents itself to the other party. I've got to get to the bottom of this whole thing and weed out the bad actors, one by one, until the people can trust that I'm a competent leader. I swear to all the heavens that I will not rest until I see Randal Alfonso punished to the full extent of the law! It's never been a secret that he tr
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Chapter 27
I open my eyes, inhaling deeply as I scan the room. Everything is the same but There's also something missing. Rolling over, I place my hand on the spot where Master had been laying beside me. When the reality of his absence hits, an empty feeling fills my tummy and I feel a little sad. I run my hand across the spot for a few moments and close my eyes again before finally deciding to get out of bed for the day. The morning goes on, the world keeps turning, and time drudges on as if my empty feeling has no meaning. Today, I feel quite small. Just a tiny smudge on the big picture of life. I get ready and eat breakfast. Olga comes and goes. Elise and Marie stop in briefly and we chat about Anna and where she will go now. As it turns out, her family is wealthy and she will be returning home to them. She is heart broken but she will be okay. After lunch, I'm left alone again. With not much else to do, I decide to watch the television. It beats mo
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Chapter 28
Feeling better to have finally had a chance to let out a lot of my pent up frustrations, I grin to myself, my mind clear and my soul set free. For a moment, Benny doesn't move. He simply stares at me, then looks at the pile of tattered leaves, and back at me again. Finally, he touches his ear again and has a talks in a low tone. "Can we get a gardener to take care of a mess near the Koi pond, please?" I decide to ignore him, as I always do when he converses with himself. Though I'm sure he's probably lonely, that's his own personal issue he's got to deal with. It's not my place to say anything about itI find it odd behavior for a man of his age, but I'm just a silly young thing from the countryside. Perhaps it's not frowned upon to talk to yourself in the city. Seeing the pond, I make my way over to it, strolling along with pep in my step after defeating my leafy foe with a twig sword. As I near the trickling waters, I c
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Chapter 29- Zion's Diary Entry 3
It's been weeks of what feels like the same thing, over and over again. Every day, I've put on a show for the public. I go out and make heart felt speeches and I parade around as though I'm not dying inside. Every breath I take is as painful as the last. I haven't made it through a single night without nightmares plaguing my sleep. My appetite is non-existent, no matter how many local delicacies are served to me. Public relations are improving. The investigation is coming along well, and it seems I'll be found innocent of any involvement in the 'scandal of the century'. Everything is going as well as it could be, in terms of the company's well being. It's true that I couldn't have asked for a better outcome to this situation. I should be happy. I should be overjoyed that things are going to able to be cleared up and smoothed over. But I'm not happy at all. There's no joy in my heart. I don't feel like I can walk through life without putting
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Chapter 30
Beep... beep... beep... This incessant beeping will not stop! It started out as a distant ringing, like a high pitched echo from far away, barely even audible. Now, it's close enough to discern that it's a machine of some sort, driving me insane with it's obnoxious, high pitched, hullabaloo! I can't open my eyes, nor can I move to turn it off or get away from it. Have I been reborn? Slowly, I begin to hear the voices of two women chatting back and forth. "It's been eighty six days, Akida! You need to consider letting her go. There's been no improvement in her condition, no change, no sign of any activity at all. At this point, there's practically zero chance that she'll ever come back, no matter how long you try to keep her hanging on. We're just wasting time and resources." "You and I both know that, but he won't give consent to pull the plug. You know how Zion is. He blames himself. He feels like if he hadn't been so cruel to that girl, sh
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