All Chapters of Begin Again: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
196 Chapters
71|With The Boss
A gentle tap on the door pulled Liam away from his laptop, and he was surprised when Eden walked in with a file in her hand. He didn't expect to see her before the marketing meeting after lunch, and he certainly didn't think she would ever want to come to his office again willingly, given their last showdown in this very room. This sudden turn of events pleased him greatly. He gawked at her openly, taking in every little thing about her, from her side-swept hair to the black knee-length dress and matching pumps she wore. Was she always so pretty, or did it happen overnight? Was that even possible? Good grief, why was he even noticing how pretty she is when he should still be annoyed with her? "Mr Anderson," Eden said from the door, and he waved her over. "What can I do for you?" Liam asked softly, praying he doesn't say something stupid to mess up this golden opportunity. Now's his chance to make things right wi
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72|I Want Your Friend
They were at his childhood home in Glen Eagles in fifteen minutes. Sitting around the fireplace and enjoying their mid-morning snack, his parents were pleasantly surprised to see him when he walked into the parlour with Eden in tow. "Sit!" He glowered at her, pointing at the loveseat in front of the French windows overlooking the back garden. Eden hesitated ever so briefly—as if she's debating whether to challenge him or not—before she sat down. "Mom, Dad," Liam began. "You both remember Eden, my new assistant. She has a few questions for you." Eden nodded and stammered all over his parents. "Mr and Mrs Anderson, it's a pleasure to see you again." "Please call me Lois," His mom laughed, her face beaming with delight. "'Mr and Mrs Anderson' makes us sound so old and stuffy, right, Clarke?" His father cleared his throat and nodded his agreement. "Yes, of course. How are your parents, my dear? It was wonderful seeing them after su
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73|Make You Mine
Eden tried every excuse in the book to get out of the business dinner with Liam. She'd declined his invitation as soon as Clara sent it last night and again this morning, citing everything from being sick with a sudden bout of flu to Aiden not having a nanny, an obvious lie since Brenda lives with her. Liam saw right through her bullshit reasons and rearranged his whole diary for her, moving their appointment from 7:00 PM to earlier in the day. He was determined to get his money's worth from her and make sure she brings Lydia to the fold by any means necessary. Promptly at 4:00 PM, he knocked on her door, and Eden sucked in her breath when she looked up from her laptop, and their eyes clashed. She was convinced, now more than ever, Liam was sent on earth with the sole purpose of tempting her. He looked sinfully dapper in a navy three-piece suit and his usual white shirt, but he had abandoned the matching tie he'd worn throughout the day.
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74|We Can Work With That
Eden was floored by Liam's announcement, the butterflies in her stomach skipping out of control again while her heart jumped to her throat. His half-empty bottle of wine didn't seem like a terrible idea now. Maybe a glass, half even, would do a fantastic job of calming her nerves because, quite frankly, her Evian water wasn't cutting it. But the last time she touched alcohol, she ended up in Liam's bed and pregnant with his child she's yet to inform him of. To avoid making another catastrophic mistake, Eden picked up her water instead, her hand trembling slightly. "I don't think that's going to be possible." "Why not?" Liam asked, his eyebrows shooting up. "You don't believe I can make you mine, Princess? You doubt me?" The only person Eden doubted in this whole thing was her. It would be so easy to give in to Liam, to be swept up in the excitement of possibility, to fall in love with the idea of 'what ifs' and allow herself to be consumed by
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75|Set My Sights On You
Sometime before lunch, the phone on Eden's desk rang. She knew it's Liam; no one else called her office line. She ignored it and stared listlessly at Isaac's place of employment, at his colleagues puffing away on Marlboros or maybe Stuyvesant's on the rooftop. Tormented beyond her limits by memories of her dinner with Liam last night, Eden finally gave in to the urge. She rifled through her purse, pulled out some notes and dashed to the breakroom, ignoring Liam's frantic calls behind her. She spent a good two minutes in front of the vending machine, unable to decide between her very limited options. The cigarette brand was important; she knew that much; it said something about one's social standing. She may not be the prettiest or smartest candle in the room, but she had class and grace and poise, and her cigarette choice should reflect all her shining qualities. She shoved the notes in the slot and pressed the corresponding numbers of her bra
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76|Won't Settle
Eden was still recovering from Liam's announcement when he stunned her again with more revelations of his big plans for their future. "I'm too old to be running around and meeting up in hotels, and I sure as hell won't be waking up in your dinky little house." "Excuse me?" Eden seethed. Did he just insult her house? Did he know how much money she's poured into her place, all that love and time? "My house is hardly little or dinky!" She said, dumping her fork on her plate. "I've worked very hard to do up my place. So for you to insult it, it's truly disheartening, Mr Anderson." "It's Liam. No more 'Mr Anderson'," he reminded her. "And I'm sorry, it wasn't meant as an insult. I should have said it's not as big as this place and won't be comfortable. This place is perfect." "Perfect for what? Perfect for who?" "For us, of course!" Liam groaned and impatiently ran his hand through his hair, his eyes narrowing in her directi
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77|Burn Out Of Control
Eden didn't make it far at all when she heard Liam's rapid footsteps behind her, and in a heartbeat, he had her caged in his arms in a possessive embrace, and he crushed her mouth with his in a fiery, angry kiss. She matched his hunger and anger and excitement, and it wasn't long before they were entangled on the couch, totally intoxicated and enraptured with each other. "This is how good we'll be, Princess!" Liam kissed her neck, his hands running all over her body and down lower to her inner thigh, tracing a sensual line along her panty line. "Tell me you don't want me—" He teased her, running his thumb sumptuously on her through her underwear, his voice low and intense, his eyes heavy with the same yearning Eden was pretty sure clouded hers. "— And I'll let you go." He added as he leaned over and kissed her hard, igniting a swirling heat deep in her core. "I—Umm—" Eden tried to protest, but good Lord, his tongue in her mouth and his roguish
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78|No Regrets
On their way to Eden's place in Forrest Creek, Liam reminded her about the company's plans to sign Lydia Edwards as Anderson Logistics' brand ambassador. "How soon can we secure that meeting?" He asked, giving her a sidelong glance. "I haven't had a chance to chat to her," Eden admitted as she stared listlessly outside the window, at the high-rise apartments zooming by. "And frankly, I don't like using my connections—" Liam closed his eyes and breathed in hard, trying his best not lose his shit. But Eden was seriously testing his patience. "Listen to me carefully, Princess." He said, gritting his teeth. "Your insanely high salary hinges on this meeting." "But that's marketing's job." Eden insisted, her mouth set in a stubborn line as she crossed her arms and stared straight ahead. "And you are in the marketing area, aren't you?" Liam pointed out. "How many times do I have to tell you talent sourcing has tried many times to secure a mee
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The digital display on the dash said it's 8:15 PM. It's late. But not late enough for Linda to have gone home already. Liam's appointment with her was scheduled for the day after tomorrow, but he couldn't wait that long. He had to chat with her ASAP. She didn't sound too impressed when he called her, but she agreed to a thirty-minute chat. The building was nearly empty, and he wasn't likely to run into anyone, so he took the public elevator to Linda's floor. "Couldn't this wait? We're supposed to meet in two days," she said as she showed him inside. "Nice to see you too, Linda." Liam smiled and headed straight to the couch. "And no, it couldn't wait. I have news!" He spent the first ten minutes of their spur of the moment meeting, updating his therapist on his two romantic evenings with Eden. Normally he liked to sit up for their chats, but today he wanted to act like a real patient and get his money's worth.
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80|Best Laid Plans
The plan for Eden was to sneak into work very early, like the crack of dawn early, so she could return Liam's blazer without attracting too much attention, and maybe before he even came in because, after last night, she was confused as fuck, and needed a moment to work through her feelings and his proposal. But sometimes, even the best-laid plans can go awry, as Eden discovered. She overslept. And by the time she made it to work—dressed in a drab grey dress, her hair pulled back in a low messy bun—both the visitors' and staff parking lots were already packed to capacity, and the building was just as full. Trying to sneak into Liam's office was no longer an option. The seductive dragon was very likely already sitting on his throne, waiting for her to crawl to him and beg to be pleased, like he had last night. Boy, did he please her! She'd spent the whole night, tossing and turning, reliving every little moment on that couch, eve
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