All Chapters of His Alpha: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
124 Chapters
About Win and Sam relationship before their breakup;))Win know his mate is a shy and reserved person by nature, he knows this. Even Sam also expresses his feelings in an equally quiet way, preferring to show his love through his actions and touches rather than words. He loves Win so much and for so long that he guards his love so jealously, so closely to his heart. He has loved Win from afar, through his loneliness and tears, and from the quietest corners of his desolated heart; so, in a sense, this love is sometimes his even more than it is Win. Of course , he's not going to be able to just say it casually. He also doesn't know how to put it into words most of the time. No words in this world can describe the magnitude of his love, his adoration, his fondness, and his devotion to his Win. It’s impossible for him to say it all so he shows it instead. Besides, he likes taking care of Win, likes making sure that Win  eats well and sle
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--- Sebestian and Allen greeted Alex stiffly when they got to the bar. They looked at Alex like they were just waiting for him to run off again.  But Alex had gone to his apartment that afternoon and packed a bag to take to Ash house. They were calling it a trial run for now, but he had hope that it would become permanent as soon as Ash was comfortable with that. He wasn’t going to run. Nothing could make Alex leave his family behind again. But ofcourse no one is going to belive him. Well it's not loke Alex want everyone to belive him either, for him only two people matters, his and his mate.  But ofcourse Alex know how important Sebestian and Allen for Ash. They are like family to him, they are with him in his most critical time. When he deliver his baby, when he cry alone. Sebestian and Allen with him as his back, so they deserve answer from Alex.  
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“I wish I could believe that. But I can't Alex even if I want to. I see how my bestfriend cry every night, even if he think no one knows. I see him during his pregnancy time. He always sit infront of laptop and wait for your message but nothing came. After he deliver Adom and he go to your old house to meet you. Even me and Seb try to stop him but you are not their to. If it's not Adom my bestfriend was really broken, but he stand up again because Of Adom.” Allen looked out at the river and the city lights beyond, gripping the railing with both hands. The smell of oiled leather swelled around him until a breeze tugged it away. “Look, when Ash found out he was pregnant, it was like he... froze. Adom was their to with him, he want to tell you about this but he see you with Pink. He was really hurt broken that day, he lost his father, he is pregnant and he saw his mate with someone else. After his performance when you told him everything he is really happy. When he le
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“Maybe we all could have fo better for him, but hey it's ok.” Allen said, soft and wry. He was quiet for a moment. Eventually, he murmured, “A couple months after your brother call and talk God know what shit, there were disputes among the shareholders of his father company. None of them thought Ash was fit to inherit because they’re a bunch of bigoted assholes, and the fact that he’s a single parent was just one more reason for them to disapprove of him. And ofcourse him being a Omega is a big reason, In order to help his late father company, he threw himself into his work. He stopped mentioning you. We thought he was over you until you showed up again three months again, me and Sebestian know what happened between you guys three months ago but ofcourse we know we can't control Ash beacuse is an adult and mature person.” Alex scrubbed his face with both hands. They came away wet, so he wiped them on his jacket. “Maybe t
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Many years of their beautiful and healthy realtionship, Allen and Sebestian decided to buy a new house together, like anew nest of love for the young couple. Well not so young actually, Allen and Sebestian want to take the next step of their realtionship, they are actually waiting for this day.  To have their own family, getting married and many more things nd after seeing Ash happy with his stupid mate both of them are in relief. It's like not Ash is the one who stoping them to take further step in their realtionship, they are the one who is taking their time. And now both of them feel like,  they are ready to child. Initially, the two of them set their target to build their home with their own design, but they really don't have time. Both of them are busy in their work, Allen father keep calling and and wining him to take his business and with Sebestian his mother kee
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One day in the second week of their new home, when all the heat was supposed to have been doused or tempered -- which, well, lies, because every look and every touch still set them off -- Allen came home to Sebestian sprawled over the piano bench, dressed in nothing so mundane as clothes but rather, air.His mate look handsome and care free, after knowing about Allen pregnancy, Sebestian is really happy. He become a really different person or he becomes more protective towards Allen.They still didn't share this news to Ash, beacuse they are waiting for right time and ofcourse with Allen Dad and Sebestian mom. Both of them sure both elders will be furious and want to take care of Allen.For now they only to want to enjoy this news without anyone present.No air, that was how Allen felt when he enter in their new home. He touched a palm to the wall to steady himself as he toed off his shoes. "What are you doing baby?"Sebestian spread hi
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"Brother, seriously I don't have a time" Sam say and roll his eyes, his brother call him early in the morning and he want him to come his son Adom birthday party.According to his brother Adom is his big fan and he will be happy if Sam will be come.First Sam was really shock when he know about Adom, on the other day Alvin call him and laugh his ass off.He is calling both him and Alex dump and stupid.Sam already felling guilty beacuse of the stupid call and now this, Ash was pregnant when his brother leave him. And Adom was already born when Sam call him and talk all those shits."Alex look, I don't think so I can face Ash. After that phone shit".Alex chuck which make Sam even more angry."He know everything already Sam, so don't worry, he already forgive us."'Yes but I can't forgive myself, not after what I did to his brother'."Hey, Sam are you listing me?"."Now what brother, look I told you already I
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"What did he say?" Ash asked as Alex hang the phone, he look stressed after taking to his brother. "I don't know Ash, he said he is not sure. He don't know how to face you after that stupid phone call." Ash nod his head in understanding, he can understand Sam. "Yea but it's not his fault, your grandfather was the one who didn't gave him choice". "I know remember everything Ash, you know it's really frustrating for Sam. He really don't want to do this but or Grandfather he just..." "He told him to call me otherwise your grandfather will make sure no one treat your disease, which actually don't exists in first place". Alex nod and he rest his head on his mate lap. "He really play dirty, him and my father they both play dirty. And it's all beacuse you are omega. Seriously Ash I want to kill my father" Ash chuck and smack
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Ash was fell asleep again on the way home. Alex was starting to reconsider whether to try to convince his mate to see a doctor. Ash look really pale and unwell.  Alex shook his head, his mate will not going to see doctor , Ash practically hate doctors. If only Alex can call Monika, she will be a best choice for his mate. She know very well how to takecare of Ash. And she is the only one doctor whom Ash will listen. But ofcourse he can't call her, not after all those shits she did to him and Ash.  Sometimes Alex really think, why Monika did all those things but again it doesn't matter how many time they will ask, she will never going to tell them truth. Alex shook his head again to get ride of those stupid thought and look towards his beautiful mate who look really pale and weak. Maybe he would call to his stupid cousin and ask for his opinion. It wa
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“Hey Alex, hear me out young man ,” his mate step father said, before Alex could pick up the tray and escape from this akward situation. He paused politely, waiting for Ash step father to continue. “You won’t take my son away from me. Ash is my son, Adom gave his responsibility to me before he die. So don't you ever think, so hear me out young man I will never let you snatched my son and grandson away for me” “I won’t tell him who he can and can’t see, I am his mate, his life partner not his master or something. I don't know about you Man, but me and Ash respect eachother and our realtionship is quite healthy” Alex said with cold tone, and he didn’t mean it as an insult, but from the way Ash step father stiffened, he’d taken it as one. “And I won’t keep you from your grandson, either. But seeing them means seeing me too. And I hope you accept this truth Man, beacuse it doesn't matter w
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