All Chapters of Riana Rivera: The Huntress: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
78 Chapters
Chapter 51
Although he had misinterpreted my meaning, i was truly touched that he cared about my feelings. So I walked up to him and linked my hands around his neck and decided to ask him the question which I already knew the answer to. It made him freeze on the spot just as he was about to place his mouth on mine."You are my soul mate aren't you?"That’s was the question I had said to him causing him to react like that."How do you know that?” Lucas then said and to my disappointment quickly moved away from me. I was not giving up and wanted us to do the marking bond tonight. "Are you a Hunter?" I then said taking one step closer to him. No response but he just stared intensely at me."A witch?" I continued while taking another step."Ooh you’re a werewolf aren't you?" I then said pretending to be excited while reaching him and wrapping my hand back around his neck. "No." I then heard him respond at last."Aw if only you were a werewolf?" I then responde
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Chapter 52
I felt fear as I stood under that willow tree with my Vampire mate Lucas about to finish uttering and completing the mating bond and now hearing this loud menacing sound which looked to be getting nearer and nearer to us. I had never heard such a sound before in my life. Lucas also looked at me with alert eyes. I then almost let out a scream as these scary looking creatures came out of the forest looking to be headed for us. I could not even describe them and could not believe that I was actually finally coming face to face with them, a moment I had so dreaded. The creatures had blood red eyes which looked soulless, human like faces with menacing grins on their faces but the most horrifying to me was their charcoal black wings. I closed my eyes hoping that when i opened them again the things would have disappeared but it was not my luck. “Demons!” I then heard Lucas utter with wide angry eyes. As soon as he uttered that dreaded word to me, they became tru
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Chapter 53
After that horrible Forest demon attack, my vampire guard had quickly packed away my things while Lucas led me back home with my werewolf guard following to make sure I was safe. I was still a little shaken but thankful to be alive. “Are you ok?” Tiana then said running up to me and seeing the expression on my face. She was also surprised to see my other two companions, my guards. She was in her pajamas as it was still night. I still could not believe that I had faced demons and how the heck had they found me as I still had the human spell on and appeared human? I had managed to evade them for 6 years after I moved away from the castle. “Tiana, don’t worry I’m okay. I just had a shock that’s all.” I said not wanting her to know about the demon attack yet. She was still trying to take me being a vampire in and so i did not want to scare her more. Lucas just looked at me with an eye brow up in question which then turned to an understanding expression. I looked at h
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Chapter 54
While approaching me to give me a hug, my closest friend Tiana remarked to me, "Hey Rosie, or should I say Princessa Angelina?" she said."Tiana, would you want to accompany me to the castle?" I said once we had both regained our composure, but she seemed to be unsure.When I mentioned the phrase masquerade ball to celebrate my birthday and the fact that there will be a lot of gorgeous affluent bachelors in attendance, she immediately consented."Will you still date them if they are supernatural creatures?" "Will you still date them if they are supernatural creatures?" Curiosity piqued my interest, so I inquired.With a dreamy expression on her face, she muttered something to me, and when I began laughing at her, she frowned at me.I was a little unsure about what to wear until I got two dresses in the mail the next morning, sent to me by my mother.I was pleased that she had done so since I was going to be seeing my family on the way and would have to dress and be
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Chapter 55
Riana `s POV Tiana thought I had not noticed but I had noticed that she was still thinking about the grey wolf she had seen.And no I did not read her mind as I respected people's privacy its just that I could read Tiana's face like an open book.This made me happy as I thought maybe the wolf might just be her mate as vampires and werewolves could mate with humans. I felt a little sorry for her as werewolf mates were to protective, heck i experienced that personally from my Werewolf father, and he even more protective to my mother his mate. But what i loved about it was because I knew he did it out of love for us. The Lucky thing was that I knew the guy so I was going to invite him to my masquerade ball to meet Tiana.The car door then opened and I felt a little giddy as I was meeting my dear parents whom I missed dearly again."Mom, Dad!" I said to my parents while I rushed using my vampire speed to meet them.My mom still looked the same
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Chapter 56
My room was well to me a bit too much and that is why Tiana was gasping from surprise.It was a huge room, in the middle was a queen sized bed and behind my bed was a huge see through glass window which gave me the whole perfect view of outside.In front of my bed on the walls above was a huge flat screen TV which could be controlled using voice command. It was also connected to the video game and everything. Plus I also had a shelf filled with novels like a mini library on the side. To the right I had my own mini kitchen which I rarely used as my mother always wanted us to eat as a family. Since she was a vampire she still made the effort to eat human food for dad and me.On the left of my room was a glass see through door which led to my balcony where you could see a huge Jacuzzi. And my bathroom was also huge and classy. I then let Tiana explore the room while I rested on my bed and started watching TV.Luckily my favorite show Merlin was on. After
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Chapter 57
"Tiana our daughter has told us that she has become really close to you and she considers you like a sister. Me and my husband we've seen what a wonderful girl you are and we wanted to ask if you would say yes to us adopting you as you've not turned 18 yet and we want you to be our daughter." my mother said to Tiana in a motherly tone."The papers and everything are all here ready to be signed if you say yes." My dad added looking anxious awaiting her answer.Tiana just first looked at them flabbergasted and shocked."Tiana please, I would love for you to be my younger sister." I said to her while gently touching her hand to calm her as I knew this was too much for her."Yes," she suddenly said in a whisper causing me to almost burst with joy.After giving us hugs my dad and mom then went out to prepare the things for the adoption papers before we went to my birthday masquerade ball.They were quickly doing this as they wanted to also introduce Tiana there as the s
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Chapter 58
After fixing ourselves, I took Tiana's hand and led her the way to the party room where the masquerade ball was taking place.I could feel she was beginning to feel a little bit nervous but I helped her calm down.I told her to talk to me if she needed anything through mind link as she could now do that since she was family.Since we were accompanied by guards one of them went into the room and told the announcer to announce our presence. I then instructed Tiana and we put our masks on as it was a masquerade ball."Ladies and gentleman, the time has come for me to present the two beautiful ladies whose celebration we are here for tonight." I heard the announcer's voice boom even behind the door."I would like to present her majesties the Hybrid princess Angelina Riana Rivera Wolfen whose 19th birthday we are celebrating today and our new second Princess, Tiana Loanda Rivera Wolfen who is being introduced to us today." the announcer said as me and Tiana entered into th
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Chapter 59
After that, the individual gently removed his mask, and as I gazed at his entire attractive face, I realized he was not Lucas!My suspicions were confirmed when he remarked to me, "I'm Jasper, not Lucas." His honey smooth voice, which was like lovely music to my ears, confirmed my suspicions as he answered to me with this honey smooth voice, which was like sweet music to my ears.To my dismay, the guy I had just kissed and proclaimed I love you was not Lucas, my soul mate as I had assumed!However, this person had blonde hair, which led me to believe that Lucas had dyed it, and his dark green hypnotic eyes had led me to believe that Lucas was wearing contact lenses.I had assumed Lucas was attempting to play a game with me when he bolted out to the street.When I felt sparks instead of Tingles, I should have realized it wasn't him and called 911.As I looked at him, I was stunned, and then, just as I heard the clock strike midnight, something even more unexpected h
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Chapter 60
"Can I introduce you to my pack The Dark moon pack as they are all already here?" Jasper then asked me. "Sure why not, but please can we not let any of them know about my royal status yet?" I said to him and not many people knew my identity as the Princess since I was I spent most of my life living as a human.  "Ok love but how am I going to explain the crown mark on my shoulder." Jasper then asked me. Even with clothes on, any supernatural could see the mark. "Simple." I said as I made it appear invisible shocking him. "That is how we royals keep our identities hidden." I explained to him and also if he wanted it to appear he could just command it to appear himself. I wore his shirt and some blue jeans exactly my size which he had borrowed from one of the girls in his pack. He took my hand making me feel those damn sparks then led me to meet his pack. I was nervous as hell as an Alpha Wolf’s Pack was like family to him.  
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