All Chapters of The Sheikh's Baby: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
71 Chapters
61 | The calm before the Storm
Tequila was happy, everything was working out well. Jamila was already in prison, Sheikh Muhammad did not make any move, and her babies were alright. It was so easy to call Jamila's daughter hers, as she had become so attached to the girl. She even thought of naming her but Uthman said that she should calm down, so that she will not be so attached to the child and then someone would come to claim her. It was already a month since she was born and that had become the last of her worries. Malik even came once in a while to see his niece but he did not seem to have any interest in naming her, he just played with her and tickled her and loved when she held his finger in her little hand."You look so pretty my Princess," Tequila said to her as she put her nose in the pink dress that she bought, she smelt so wonderful, Tequila could drown in her scent.The baby seemed to understand what she was saying and she opened her mouth in sort of a laugh. Tequila smiled, she felt so warm at the laugh
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62 | Prep
Tequila felt like the happiest woman in the world, nothing could kill her joy. The feeling that she had was second to no other. She would have not expected to feel like that with Uthman, but it was there and she could not make it go away. It felt like she was floating with the love that she had. It was tingling in her and she felt restless with the love. She wanted to show off her ring to everyone and tell them that someone loved her just the way she loved him and that she was happy about it."It looks so pretty sis," Dream said, she was just as entranced by the ring ad Tequila was. She raised Tequila's hand to the light and was looking at it."Thank you," Tequila said. She was so happy. She was going to spend the rest of her life with the man that she loved. Tequila had always felt that brides were overreacting when they seemed so excited and crazy during their weddings, it was all just one day to her, but now that she was in it, she was realizing that it was the day that was the beg
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63 | Attack
Uthman and Tequila walked into the room with smiles on their faces. It was easy this time as both parties conformed to the marriage and everything that they were worried about was settled. It was definitely their beginning of a happy ending and things would start to look good from then henceforth.The crowd did not seem happy for them, but that did not matter to Tequila, the woman that they might have wanted for their King was a psychopath and already in prison, if they did not still like her, then that was their problem, it was not hers."Sheikh Uthman and Ms. Tequila, his wife to be," the announcer said as they entered into the party, there was a standing ovation and Tequila smiled as she sat on the high table with the Uthman. Queen Elia, Amir and Dream were also seated there, it was nice to be with family they were together."You look so beautiful," Queen Elia said and touched her hand. Tequila was so happy and she smiled to her. Tequila loved that she had such a supporting mother
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64 | Reassurance.
Tequila removed the ring on her finger and turned to Uthman. Her heart was beating fastly in her chest and she felt like she was about to cry again, but she knew that she was making the right decision for everyone."I want to go home," she said to him. The words felt heavy in her mouth and it felt like she should not say them out loud, but she could not help herself. In this case, it was the best thing to do."What?" Uthman asked. He was shocked. He could not believe what she was saying. It sounded so foreign coming out of her mouth. Uthman could quite literally feel his heart breaking. They had passed this stage, they had passed the stage that she was trying to go home every chance that she got."I want to go back to the US, Uthman can stay here with Zara, Dream can be here it she wants to, but I want to leave. I can not be here and causing you so much problems," Tequila said. The maids had left the room already and it was only the sleeping children that were inside.Uthman felt like
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65 | Counter Planning
Tequila woke up feeling Uthman's arms around her. It was one of the best feelings in the world. Being with someone that she loved.Imagines of what happened the previous night began to flash through her mind, she had forgotten why exactly she was waking up in Uthman's arms. She knew that she might have been a tad but dramatic when she said that she had to leave, but she also knew that the battle she had to fight was one that would take a while and it was one that would hurt a lot. That was the only option, she had though, it was the option to fight for her family, that was all that she could do, that was all she would do."Why are you looking so serious so early in the morning?" Uthman asked and Tequila turned to him. He looked so hot with his five o'clock shadow and his bed hair. His hand was already on her breast and he was toying with her nipple. Tequila could barely remember what she was previously thinking about. "Hmm," Uthman asked again as she did not reply him."Uhmm, just th
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66 | Counter Planning 2
The ride to Lakera was short and tense, Tequila was already missing her children and she was scared of what was to come, she liked the idea of using, Yusuf playing the video in front of the crowd during the festival. Things were becoming more and more digitalized and so it was easy to put the projector in place. The festival was for seven days and so they were going on the first day, the video will be played on the last day. They had the six days to convince all the elders that their Sheikh was shit, and that was what Uthman and Tequila would do. it was quite normal and expected too for Sheikhs from other countries to come for the festivals, so their presence there was not unwarranted."The place is beautiful," Tequila noted as she looked outside the window. They were passing through the square and the festival seemed to be starting already. The place was booming with color and it was so beautiful."I can not wait to come out later and see the place," Dream said. Her sister and Amir
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67 | Counter Attack
"Oh I have enjoyed myself here, even if their Sheikh is a bastard, they do know how to party in Lakera," Dream said, she was smiling and tapping her feet on the ground. It was the last day of the festival and their plan was already in place, they were just waiting to execute their plan."And we were able to put our plan in place too," Tequila said to her sister. It was just morning and she was already excited, she wanted to get the day over with so that she could go home, see her children and have her happily ever after in place."Of course, everything has to work perfectly today, so everyone should be in their various positions," Uthman said. Tequila knew that the love of her life was tense, he put a lot in place to be able to fight Sheikh Muhammad, if he failed it will all come back to bite him. Even if he did not say at out loud or show it, Tequila knew that he was scared, she did not want that at all. She wanted him to win too, so that they will all be happy."Everything will be
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68 | Take over
Uthman was afraid of what was to come, but he put on a bold face, he knew that how he presented himself mattered a lot. Even if he was out of the picture, the news will still spread. It will be easier for Sheikh Muhammad to die it down, but the news will be out anyways."Let them go," Prince Ishmael said and the guards began to loosen the bonds on their bodies. Uthman was confused. He just told the son of the man that he wants to destroy, and he was asking his men to let him go, if that was not odd then what was odd."Why?" Uthman asked. The ropes around him and Yusuf were already loosened and he was pretty sure that Prince Ishmael will not tie them up again. If he believed that the man would do that, he would not have said a word."I want to help you, we both have the same goal," Prince Ishmael said simply. Uthman was confused. And he showed his confusion to the Prince."You want to help me? Why did you kidnap me in the first place?" Uthman asked and Prince Ishmael shrugged."I had
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69 | Revelations
Uthman sat down in the midst of the elders and he could say that he was shocked by all what he heard about the Sheikh. So many counts of crimes seemed to come up at the conversations, he raped on elder's daughter, coveted someone's property. In one way or another, he had hurt each and every person the room. The fight was already beyond Uthman, he was just a by stander. He was just the reason that the fight became public, they would have brought him down if Uthman did not say anything, but he was happy that he tried to call him out regardless.The votes were clear and obvious, Sheikh Muhammad was going to pay for his crimes."The only issue now is Jamila's father, he will want to stand behind the Sheikh, we have to make sure that there is no one behind him," Prince Ishmael said."I will go and see Prince Malik tomorrow, I will make him understand the gravity of the situation and he will talk to his father," Uthman siad to them and the men agreed.."The game plan is to paint my father b
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70 | The Final Showdown
Tequila was seated eagerly in the court room, all of the Sheikhs and elders were already seated in the room, and Sheikh Muhammad was looking very beaten and down cast. She had seen him look very angered at the beginning when he thought that he could get away with what he did. He took him a little while to realize that he did not have anyway out of the mess."We will now start the trial of Sheikh Muhammad, for several counts of murder, assault, kidnap and treason to the entire lands," Sheikh Ila said. He was the next powerful Sheikh after Sheikh Muhammad. The older man looked so very disappointed, he just shook his head at the man."We have several evidence against the King, but before we begin the trial, we will strip him of the rights that belong to a Sheikh, thereby removing his immunity to the laws of the land," Sheikh Ila continued and Tequila saw Uthman nod at the man."All the Shiekhs are gathered with Prince Ishmael standing in place of his father. Do you all agree that we shou
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