All Chapters of Falling For A Man Of The City: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
48 Chapters
It was a skill in itself to have control and be able to withstand the inclination to scratch that itch. Ignoring it was not easy and when you navigate through life and come face to face with more obstacles you learn that it's not supposed to be simple. I had done my best to steer clear from anything that held the potential to destroy my ability to control myself. Unfortunately the resistance I built to withstand anything went out the window of that car. With my mind focused on the feel of his hand it took finally coming towards a luxurious building to snap me back to reality to turn quizzically in his direction. "I was serious when I said I was stealing you away," his voice came out just merely a whisper as if conveying a secret. And walking on wobbly legs I allowed him to lead us into it, with his arm wrapped around my waist keeping a firm hold on me. The power emanating from the man beside me will never cease to baffle me especially with the way the few people who lingered in the l
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Once Victor Walsh was convicted for a crime he didn't commit, being the only one left in his mother's world Nicholas stepped up. At just the mere age of fourteen he allowed himself to be immersed in the world that came with Hell's Kitchen. It hadn't been easy to enter that life. Once word spread about his father's downfall and you add in the lack of Italian blood, danger was sure to follow them. But Sonny Giovanni placed Nicholas under his wing and vouched for him to everyone who held doubts about their loyalty. Once he proved himself it was only natural that by the age of twenty-three Nicholas took a blood oath and joined the family. It was completely unprecedented to have someone like him be a part of the mafia and rise up the ranks from a mere foot soldier to a boss at just thirty-four. And he had made it clear to me that first night we spent in each other's arms how imperative Sonny was to him and that he owed him a lot. It had only made me intrigued to meet him at some point w
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The Families were organized in their structure. One can start out as an associate before proving to be worthy enough to become a made man. Once an official member you can settle into the role of being a soldier, the one on the ground engaging in the activities that would involve getting your hands dirty. There was a chain of command where any order from the top would travel down to the very last man. It was quite intricate with the three highest positions making up the administration such that it would be hard to tie any boss of the family to any crimes that occurred on the street. The city back in the 1980s experienced a lot more violence that occurred whenever it came to issues over territory or eager individuals who felt they were worthy to carry the title of being either a captain or Boss. Although these families thrived, when they were nearly destroyed due to so many members being either buried six feet under or going to prison - there had to be a change. As a result the remai
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I'd like to think I've done all I could to be a descent and good person. In the thrilling time spent being immersed in a new world there often comes the alluring temptation to abandon all your ways and succumb to an overwhelming need. Stepping into my apartment after my father left I wasn't sure where to begin with Nicky. Throughout the time my father had been there, the moment that we shared had settled in the back of our minds on a slow burn. However, with him gone it returned to the forefront bombarding us with the question on what to do. Doing my best to ignore the dark look in his eyes I scurried towards the sink and busied myself with cleaning up only falling short when there was nothing in there to help distract me from the anxious feeling. And till this day I blush and find my breaths coming out short at the permanent mark he made when he came and stood dangerously close to my delicate frame. "Just breathe," were the words I vividly remember chanting over and over again in m
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There are people who are meant to exist in your life for a certain season who eventually fade as you evolve. In time those who were once meant to be forever will become a blurry face whose name you often fail to recall. Yet with someone like Donovan and as time would reveal Marcie they were the people I hoped would not become a distant factor in my life. At the end of the day as you go through life you need other people. Humans weren't meant to survive on their own. As such it was hard to come to terms with one of the most important people in my life literally ghosting me. I was not oblivious to the reason. I knew Donovan's cold shoulder was due to Nicholas being in my life but I couldn't help how I felt. Marcie comprehended where I was coming from and had even tried to help but it was useless. Nicholas had told me not to worry but Marcie called his words utter bluff to hide his relief that I wasn't spending so much time with the other male. But I missed his company; school wasn't
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It all began with a ring in the late hours. It was a time where the dark meandered in every corner of the streets over the sleeping souls to disrupt me. Initially annoyed at my peace being demolished that feeling was pushed aside at the voice on the other end. Past the cloudy lines of sight I haphazardly threw on my clothes not caring about how I looked when all I wanted to do was help him. I had never been to the police station before. When it came to the law I kept a respectable distance and preferred to just obey it. It's funny how I wound up with someone like Nicholas. Someone who was painted in the colour of grey in relation to whether he obeyed the law or not. But there I was waiting impatiently, leg bouncing to soothe my anxiousness and when his forlorn face appeared I jumped out of my seat to see if he was in any pain. The dimness in his eyes aggravated by the bags around them, almost made me forget about the mild smell of piss emanating from his dishevelled clothing. No mat
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There were many things I wanted to do in my life before my time on earth ended. When I came to a new city in sought of something new I managed to get it. I managed to step out of my comfort zone. Nicky once mentioned the beauty that existed in his world and after our first ever argument came to an end we were still in a good chapter together. When he asked to make it up to me, the idea I had in mind certainly didn't involve holding onto him for dear life whilst he whisked us away on his Harley Davidson . It's pretty funny in a way, as a little girl I had always fallen in love with the idea of having a gallant prince charming on a white horse coming to take me away. Now as a woman, I wound up falling for a man who was far from being ever defined as royalty who smoked cigars, drank hard liquor and rode a long-distance cruiser. Yet I was happy wearing a wide grin as we moved with the land splayed before us, begging to be explored. At first apprehensive to get on the bike, he insisted a
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Its funny how much of my life changed. He went from a mere stranger to a man who was the embodiment of sin itself who pulverized the very temple in which I prayed. After that episode in the tub that resulted in us cleaning up giving a few kisses here and there we ended up in bed with me lying on his chest. He hadn't kept his eyes nor hands off of me, it had made me feel special. With the fire crackling in the fireplace I could feel myself being lulled to sleep after listening to the light sound of the rain until he finally spoke making me look up at him. "You asked me why I can't just leave that life," he breathed staring up at the ceiling. "Truth is baby, I'm trying to," he replied releasing a heavy sigh that held within it the frustration of a man attempting to cut off any ties, "that's part of what I've been doing lately. But it's not easy to just walk away once you take the oath ." The oath he was referring to was a blood oath that was a part of a ritual that originated from Roma
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It's never healthy to bottle everything inside. To lock away all the anger and to wear a mask covered with a smile to fool everyone into thinking that they're happy. There is so much agony that one can take in silence before eventually erupting like a volcano destroying everything in its path. Nicky's warm hand wrapped around mine eased my nerves that danced all over the dining room of Ms Friedman's home or as I had slowly grown to call her Aunt Elle. Marcie sat across from us looking visibly upset given the way she was eyeballing the plate of food which she had hardly touched. I wanted to be anywhere else but in that room given the uncomfortable silence that settled amongst us. "You just had to make this public," she scoffed pushing her plate away folding her arms. She looked at her mother clenching her jaw, glazed eyes that shined still holding onto her tears and pain. "Only because you refuse to talk to me, you left me no other choice since you've shut me out," Aunt Elle replied s
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Sucking in a harsh breath at the next stage to come I can still remember bright lights whose source touched every inch of the room. The undertones of soaps and cleaners being the only solid smell I could detect and focus on whilst my knee bounced in a chaotic motion on the chair beside the bed. The sweet words whispered from a concerned mother to her daughter were muffled by the sounds of the heart monitor and the only question that I could find myself asking was how did we get here? After everything that happened the sight of the clock staring at me will be with me for as long as I live and breathe. I can still remember the feel of the plush carpet that left tattoos on my arms and legs in a pattern I would never forget when I turned to find the space Marcie occupied empty. I always heard people say nothing good ever happens after three in the morning, I had never believed that claim as much. Yet in that house where silence reigned so much to the extent it could allow the sound of a
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