All Chapters of The CEO and me: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
64 Chapters
Leo"She's still in a sensitive state, so I'm going to ask you to keep your questions to the bare minimum" Dr. Miller said, fixing the two detectives with a hard look.Jayden was inside with Irene while I spoke with the doctor and the detectives outside her door. Jayden's friend, detective Jordan Garcia, nodded in understanding. His dark brown eyes shifted to me in plain curiosity. He seemed like a reasonable person.         I had to keep my arms crossed to keep myself from punching the other detective, though. I didn't like him, and I knew to trust my instincts. In his mid twenties, with blond hair slicked back and haughty gray eyes, detective Wilson seemed cocky, especially after the way he turned up his nose at the doctor's order.
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Leo"Hand over your camera," the bodyguard said, while holding the stranger's arm.The man, who I assumed now was a reporter, looked like a deer caught in headlights. I had just noticed the bag he was holding in his hand, a lens was peeking out of a gap in the side of the bag, pointed right at us.         I pushed a confused Irene out as the reporter stuttered excuses while trying to pull his arm out of the bodyguard's grasp. I looked at the bodyguard."I'll take care of it," the bodyguard nodded, "you can go ahead.""Alright, thank you.""Wait," the senseless reporter called, attracting unwanted attention from the nurses and other patients lingering in the hallways, "Mr. Brownings
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Irene.The funeral went by in a haze of tears and choked back sobs.         In the few days after getting discharged from the hospital, Sophia had helped me make the necessary arrangements for the funeral.Jim was buried in my old town, in the same cemetery as my parents. The Brownings and the Allens were all there, along with the only relative I had left; my aunt and her husband.15I thought I saw Nathaniel and Vincent Braxton, too, but I was too exhausted and overwhelmed to question why they were there.4The only thing that kept me grounded when Jim was lowered to the ground was Leo's hand clutched in mine. I was sure h
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There's something else,' he signed after I calmed down."What?" I asked.'The press,' he signed, 'it bothers you. I wish I can promise you that your identity won't be revealed, or that they will never bother you in the future. But I can't, I'm sorry,' he locked his jaw, 'I'll do my best to shield you from it all, I promise you that.'I realized then that Leo was scared. He was scared that the press and all the attention would drive me away. Silly, silly Leo. I beamed at him."If you think that some flashlight and a few news shows are going to make me leave you, you better think again." I said, "it makes me uncomfortable, sure. But not to the point where I'll even think about leaving." I loved him too much for that.3Yes, I loved him. So much that my heart almost burst at the seams with it. He was the one thing in life that I
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IreneThat had the twins' attention. They stopped their bickering and looked at me with wide curious eyes. Julianna took one of the guest rooms while I took the twins with me to the studio. They looked around the space with childlike curiosity. I made them sit on the couch and went to the face paint kit I had spotted earlier.By the time it was getting dark outside, Eli was a tiger, Emma a butterfly, and me... I had no idea what the kids had done to my face. After I had painted theirs, I gave them free rein on the paint and my face. Emma took the left side and Eli the right side.         I was poked a couple of times in my eyes, ate some paint at some point and my clothes were a mess, just like the twins' shirts. But we did have a good time.
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Leo's eyes landed on Mrs. Braxton, he stopped beside me. I was now surrounded by three giant, over protective and angry men. I felt sorry for the hotel staff.8Two guards took a few steps back and stood behind the young employee. The poor guy spoke with a bobbing throat to Jayden, while Mrs. Braxton stood her ground. Her stubborn chin raised, but her features had gone from contemptuous to cordial when Leo and Jayden joined us.The only time I had seen Leo this mad was at Lydia's birthday party, when he punched that man, Matt. And just when I thought things had gotten blown way out of proportions, life proved me wrong. Nathaniel Braxton and his son, Vincent, walked up to us with matching frowns.Of course! Join the party! This is the most dramatic bathroom trip ever...I should've just held it in!47I fumbled with the lotus at my n
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She grinned and propped her chin on her hand, "you're not going to tell me it's too dangerous."I rolled my eyes with a smile, 'now you're just being mean.'She laughed. The waiter arrived with menus and left. Irene wrinkled her nose at her menu."I have no idea what half these dishes are," she said. There was humor in her eyes. I relaxed.'What are you in the mood for?' I signed.She pondered over it for a moment, "I'm craving seafood."I scanned the menu, then signed, 'trust me?'She pretended to think about it with a deep sigh, "Maybe. But you are a good cook, so I'll just have to take my chances.""Alright, smarty pants," I said with a smile. Her sense of humor had gotten more... unrestricted recently. But only with me, and I loved it.Food arrived.
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I had lunch with Julianna, then headed to the library. The coffee shop was only a ten minute walk from the center, so I walked there. It gave me time to think. What did I want to do with my life?The answer came immediately. I loved painting. If I could paint for the rest of my life, I would be the happiest person alive. But I also knew that it wasn't easy to make your name known enough in the art industry in order to make a living out of it. I did want to try, however.Which meant that I had to find a job to support myself, while at the same time working on getting my paintings out there.A job? Most well paying jobs require a college degree. With Julianna's payment for the mural and what Sophia paid me for the painting she commissioned, my bank account was no longer suffering.3When I reached the library, I went online, did some research, then some calc
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Ep 39
IreneIt was only minutes later that Nathaniel Braxton called Leo.'It's Nathaniel,' Leo signed, after checking his phone. I fisted my necklace. 'He'll probably want to see you.'         I didn't know whether I wanted to see him now or not. But I had decided I would get my life together, and the first step in doing that would be to face my past.I took a deep breath and nodded, "yes, I'll meet him."Leo hesitated for a moment. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he held back and took the call. I looked away, not wanting to read his lips. I really didn't want to meet Nathaniel right now. There were so many questions that only he could answer, and asking those questions meant digging de
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LeoWe were having dinner in mom's house. Everyone was in attendance. The Allens, Julianna, her husband Ethan, and the twins, Nathaniel and Vincent.         The living room was buzzing with activity. Irene was sitting with the twins on a couch, engrossed in what seemed like a senseless conversation with the two toddlers. She was so good with them, it was no wonder Julianna worshipped the ground Irene walked on. Well, pretty much everyone did, really, not just Julianna.1Jayden, Grayson and I were standing by the french doors of the living room leading out to the garden. The weather was nice enough to keep them open."So, I heard Megan stopped by the exhibit," Jayden said. I made a face. Irene must have t
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