All Chapters of Touched by Forever: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
300 Chapters
Chapter 251
“Come, sit here,” the woman patted the bed, showing him where to sit.Prince Vasili hesitated for a moment.“We don’t have to do this, I am so sorry,” Chione said.“If you want to have children then you have to do something about it,” the woman said before taking Chione’s hand and putting it on her breast, and kissing her. A little sound of pleasure escaped Chione.Prince Vasili could feel his manhood grow into a full erection, “Anything for my wife.”Prince Vasili watched as the two women explored each other’s bodies with their delicate hands and lips.While the woman was busy stimulating Chione’s cl*toris with her fingers she pulled prince Vasili to lay down. Prince Vasili removed his clothes before laying down on his back, being coached by the woman.Chione’s moans was becoming louder and louder and just as she was about to reach her climax the woman stopped..“Why are you stopping?” Chione asksed, opening her eyes.“Get onto your husband,” the woman said while stroking prince Vasil
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Chapter 252
“Why would you take such a risk?” Shysie asked.“Because I wanted my own flesh and blood,” King Thorvald said, pouring himself a drink.“Strange that not one of the she-wolves fell pregnant with your offspring,” Shysie remarked.“Get out, and Shysie, I am personally putting you in charge of my daughter’s safety,” King Thorvald warned.“Thank you for the honor but I politely decline,” Shysie said before speeding off.King Thorvald took another drink, “How did she even carry the child inside a convent with a shaman spell over it without making the child sick?” King Thorvald reads the words in his head of a nun explaining what has come to pass. That the mother had the castle’s address in her diary and wrote about a king Thorvald, a demon king, and when they found the little demon child on her dead mother’s breast, drinking from her flesh, her blood, with fangs instead of milk they thought it best to send the child to her father.Wynn immediately took his leave and sped over to the convent
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Chapter 253
“This bloodsucker will turn into ash when the last drop of blood leaves his body,” their capturer shouted to his subjects.It felt like the longest moment, Shysie kept her eyes on the man waiting for him to turn into ash. ‘How do I know what ash is and that I am a woman and that is a man and that he is dying. How do I understand this man shouting and understand that he is in charge, but I don’t know who I am?’ Shysie wondered, watching the man, waiting for him to turn to ash but nothing happened. The man’s dead eyes stare at her and Shysie gulped air and looked up at the stars again.“We will have to wait for the morning then, when the sun hits, he will turn to ash,” the man said, taking a drink.Their capturer along with his subjects continued their drinking and their party into the early morning until they passed out.Shysie got a fright when she felt a tuck at her tied feet, “You know you are strong enough to just break these.”“Who are you?” Shysie asked, looking at the man with lo
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Chapter 254
‘Thank goodness I made the rest of that promise in my head or else I would have burnt for the rest of my life,’ Prince Andre thought to himself.“Why is it that you are not squealing in pain?” Lady Hannah asked.“I promised that I will never compel you and then the rest of the promise was silent,” Prince Andre admits.“Rest of the promise?” Lady Hannah asked, furious.“I promise that I will never compel you in front of anyone,” Prince Andre hanged his head.“Good thing I never trusted you,” Lady Hannah spat putting her necklace under her dress again.Prince Andre grabbed her by her arm, “Don’t do this. Be my wife.”“Let go of me,” Lady Hannah saif, looking at his hand that was tightly wrapped around her upper arm, hurting her.“You heard my wife, let go of her,” Lord Dario’s voice reached their ears.“Husband!” Lady Hannah said and prince Andre let go of her arm before speeding off.Lord Dario sped over to her closing the gap between them, “Wife.”“I thought you are dead,” Lady Hannah
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Chapter 255
Lady Hannah looked back over her shoulder and nodded her head before leaving.Shysie was lurking in the shadows, ‘If I knew she was going to take lord Darii away from here so soon after his return I would have left her to marry prince Andre,’ Shysie thought with clenched fist, her nails piercing the palm of her hands.Shysie stepped out of the darkness, licking the palms of her hands to heal up her wounds, “I found Emily, she is with the Egyptian prince and princess Freda that looks like myself and Wynn.”“Good, I want them all three in the dungeons by the end of this week,” King Thorvald said.“They are more than lycans. It appears they are hybrids,” Shysie said.“Good, now I have a reason to lock them up,” King Thorvald said, thinking that they drank a vampire to death to become hybrids, not knowing the truth about them.“Bring Emily to my bedroom, don’t let the council know that she is alive,” King Thorvald gave a final order.The next day lord Dario and lady Hannah left with Dario
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Chapter 256
The search for prince Mano was finally stopped in favor of searching for the baby princesses.Princess Anse and princess Phoebe were never seen without ten guards and a few hunter toddlers.The girls grew up into beautiful young ladies while the hunter kids that they were forced to be playmates with grew up alongside them. Even though they all trained together every second day the hunter kids training consisted of double the load more than the princesses. The hunter kids were reminded on a daily basis that their sole purpose in life is to protect Anse. Phoebe and Anse were best friends but as they grew older Phoebe could not help but wonder what made Anse more special than her.Queen Lana explained to Phoebe that her mother died giving birth to her, unlike the humans that were killed by an evil vampire. Thirteen-year-old Phoebe was left with more questions, especially after she got showed a painting of all the royal brothers sitting with their wives. ‘Why is my skin so dark and my hair
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Chapter 257
“Well, ok, see you at dinner?” Princess Anse asked.“If I feel better, but perhaps tomorrow at breakfast,” Princess Phoebe said before walking a bit faster.‘I can run as fast as a vampire and blood entice me but yet no Hunter kids have ever reacted against me?’ What the hell am I?’ she thought as she looked back at the group.In the safety of her room, she leaned against her door. ‘How am I going to get to the dungeons?’ she asked herself, looking at her flapping curtains.Princess Phoebe walked over to her balcony and looked at the ground for a moment, ‘Too many people,’ she thought as she put the idea of jumping down out of her mind.After waiting a while, she exited her room and made her way to the dungeons again, this time careful to not get noticed. Princess Phoebe was relieved to have reached the stairs to the dungeons unnoticed and sneaked past the guard that appeared as if he was sleeping standing up straight. ‘One would think they will use a vampire to be guard,’ Princess Pho
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Chapter 258
‘He confessed. Prince Ra and princess Freda has been held in the dungeons for the past decade,’ King Makens mind linked back.Prince Deacon blocked his father out, “I am going to go visit my old friend in the dungeons. My future wife, where is she?”“You will do no such thing,” Queen Lana said.“Let him go, at least he can say goodbye,” King Makens override her.“My future wife?” Prince Deacon reminded them of the question.“She is in the dungeons with him,” King Makens said.‘Dungeons, now,’ Prince Duncan mind linked Wynn. Before walking off he stopped at the table next to theirs and in a low tone said, 'Trust me you don't want to turn vampire on a hybrid, it has never worked before.'‘I am kind of busy,’ Wynn showed him the naked beauty spread out in front of him.‘Your daughter and prince Ra have been locked up in the dungeons for the past decade,’ Prince Deacon mind linked him.Wynn sped over to the dungeons without hesitation.***“Where is princess Phoebe?” Queen Lana asked princ
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Chapter 259
The next full moon finally arrived, and princess Anse could not contain her excitement any longer. After breakfast that morning princess Anse finally found a moment to announce that tonight she will be shifting with them.“My darling granddaughter, why didn’t you tell us?” Queen Lana exclaimed.“I tried but there is always something going on with this family,” Princess Anse laughed it off.“Well then there is much to do before tonight,” Prince Vasili said, pulling his daughter in, and kissing her on the forehead.“Dad!” she said, embarrassed pushing him away. The whole day was about princess Anse and even though she was hoping to share this special moment with her best friend she soon forgot she even had a best friend her day was so busy. From pampering, to the lycan women welcoming her to womanhood, to shopping sprees and high tea, to a lycan ritual with a shaman to help her first shift to be less painful. Princess Anse was presented to everyone an hour before the sunset, wearing a
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Chapter 260
It was clear that no one knew the whereabouts of princess Phoebe. “So we lost another princess,” Queen Lana said in a slow angry but controlled tone.“Well, you did allow her father to be executed and well we all know,” Prince Deacon started but his father silenced him with just a stare.“I would like my night time guards rotated more often,” Princess Anse interrupted the staredown between father and son.“Why?” Prince Vasili asked.“I will sleep better if I know they are more alert,” Princess Anse said.“It’s been a decade and we have not found our stolen grand children and no sign of the devil that took them,” Queen Lana slammed her hand down on the table.“Bleidd, you are to pay prince Juno a visit and invite them to the castle,” King Makens said, putting his hand over queen Lana’s.“Why?” Prince Deacon asked, curious.“I have been informed that after a decade they still don’t have any children so perhaps it is time to intervene,” King Makens said.“Intervene?” Prince Deacon asked.
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