Semua Bab The First Chosen Alpha (Prequel): Bab 51 - Bab 60
63 Bab
Chapter 51: Unrest Within
Chapter 51: Unrest WithinMink’s P.O.VI watched the packmates murmur about the disaster that had just hit us like a bolt from the blue. The Jammu pack led by Arsalan Ali, our long-standing rivals, had dared to send their beta into our territory, a brazen move that spoke volumes of their intentions. But now, with the beta lying dead at our borders, there was no denying the storm that brewed on the horizon. War was inevitable.I paced back and forth in my office, the tension palpable in the air as Ruksaar, Kashmira and Abhay stood in front of me, their faces drawn in concentration as they tried to comprehend the magnitude of the situation."We cannot afford to underestimate them," I declared, my voice firm despite the turmoil raging within me. "They will not rest until they have torn us apart, piece by piece."Eyes flickered with uncertainty, murmurs of doubt threading through the room like shadows in the night. "But Mink," Ruksaar spoke up, her tone laced with concern, "they outnumber
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Chapter 52: A True Alpha’s Powers
Chapter 52: A True Alpha’s PowersMink’s P.O.VMy heart pounded against my ribcage like a frantic drum as I watched Abhay step in front of me, taking a stance in front of my whole pack."Abhay, step back!" I hissed urgently, my voice tight with fear. "You can't win against a wolf, especially not one that's lost its mind."Abhay glanced back at me, his expression determined yet tinged with concern. "Mink, listen to me," he said firmly, but there was a hint of desperation in his voice."I know you're strong enough to take them on, but you're pregnant. You shouldn't be taking on this kind of challenge in the first place."I shook my head, frustration and fear warring within me. "So what if I'm pregnant?" I retorted, my voice trembling with emotion. “I can deal with them just fine.”“You can, I know you can,” Abhay spoke reasonably. "But that doesn't mean you have to agree to every stupid request thrown your way. I can handle them myself."The wolves growled menacingly, their eyes wild wi
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Chapter 53: Princess?
Chapter 53: Princess?Mink’s P.O.VAs Abhay and I stood in front of the tranquil Jharna on this quiet evening, the sound of water cascading down the rocks filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere around us. The light of the rising sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the landscape. It was one of those rare moments of peace amidst the chaos that had engulfed our lives lately.Abhay took a sip of his beer, his expression thoughtful as he gazed out at the flowing water. I watched him for a moment, envying his ability to find solace in something as simple as a drink.At that moment, I wished I could join him, to let go of all the worries and fears that had been weighing heavily on my mind since last afternoon."I envy you, Abhay," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "I wish I could drink too, just so I could forget everything that happened today."Abhay turned to look at me, his eyes reflecting understanding mixed with a hint of concern."
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Chapter 54: Dangers Looming Closer
Chapter 54: Dangers Looming CloserAbhay’s P.O.VI woke up with a start, my heart pounding against my chest as if trying to break free.The closer we get to the war, the more vivid my nightmares become, but still, I keep hoping that what I was seeing was for a reason and that the new addition of the black wolf meant something more than just what we were to face during the upcoming battle.The room was bathed in a soft glow from the dawn light filtering through the curtains, casting shadows across the familiar contours of the furniture. I turned my head slowly, my eyes adjusting to the darkness, and found Mink lying peacefully beside me, her chest rising and falling in the rhythm of sleep. Relief flooded through me, a wave of reassurance that she was safe, at least for now.Quietly, so as not to disturb her rest, I slid out of bed, careful not to let the floorboards creak beneath my weight. With each step, I felt the tension in my muscles ease, the residual fear dissipating like mist u
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Chapter 55: Protecting Him
Mink’s P.O.VAs I sit here, eight months pregnant and visibly showing, I can't help but feel the weight of impending motherhood pressing down on me. Every kick from within serves as a reminder of the life growing inside me, a life that I will soon be responsible for. But amidst the anticipation and joy, there's an undercurrent of unease, a feeling that the other shoe is about to drop soon.The news of Arsalan's Beta's death reached his Alpha much later than expected, a delay that was completely unexpected because I would have thought Sahil to have sent a telepathic message to his Alpha as soon as I had slashed his chest. But as to why that hadn't happened was now a cause for concern.However, we then stumbled upon a new discovery that went against our strategic planning and the reason why Sahil hadn't sent Arsalan a final cry for help became increasingly clear. Through meticulous research and observation, we've come to realize that our pack's ability to communicate with other wolves o
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Chapter 56: Underestimated
Chapter 56: UnderestimatedMink’s P.O.VAs we rushed to the area where the enemy army was advancing, tension hung heavy in the air. My soldiers moved swiftly, their training kicking in as we prepared to face off against the oncoming threat. Ruksaar took position with her snipers and other long-range weapons, ready to halt the progress of the wolves with deadly precision."Keep your eyes peeled, everyone," I called out, my voice firm and commanding. "We need to hold them off until reinforcements arrive."She nodded, her gaze focused through the scope of her rifle. "I've got them in my sights," she replied, her voice steady despite the chaos around us.As the enemy army drew nearer, the tension escalated, and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Then, amidst the chaos, Alphas Arsalan and Daksh appeared at the center of the battlefield, flanked by their loyal pack.I narrowed my eyes as they approached, sizing them up. These were tough opponents, but I refused to let fe
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Chapter 57: Beginning of the Inevitable
Chapter 57: Beginning of the InevitableMink’s P.O.VMy heart raced as I prowled through the fresh snow, my senses alert to every rustle and scent in the moonlit landscape. The tension hung thick in the air, a palpable beginning to the impending clash. I glanced at Ruksaar, Kashmira, and Abhay, their eyes gleaming with a mixture of determination and fear, mirroring her own emotions.The distant howl of Alpha Arsalan echoed through the trees, sending a shiver down my spine. It was time.With a silent signal, we surged forward, a blur of fur and fangs, our packmates at our heels. As we neared the clearing, I caught sight of the imposing figures of Alpha Arsalan and Alpha Daksh, flanked by their formidable pack.“It's time. Do everything you can to defend this pack and yourselves, may the Moon Goddess be with us.” I said.Ruksaar, with her sleek black coat, her movements fluid and calculated. She engaged in a fierce duel with Alpha Daksh's beta, teeth bared and claws slashing. With a swi
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Chapter 58: The End of Me Part 1
Abhay’s P.O.VThe battle raged around me like a violent tornado, the weight of the gun and knifes in my hands a stark reminder of the danger lurking in the shadows. My heart raced with adrenaline, each sound sending a jolt of fear through my veins but I couldn't afford to let fear consume me, not when Mink's life hung in the balance.I spotted movement ahead, the glint of moonlight reflecting off fur, and I knew the wolves were closing in. Gripping the gun tighter, I steadied my breathing and prepared for the inevitable confrontation. It wasn't much, just a simple handgun and a knife, but it was all I needed. Mink and the other wolves were fighting in their wolf form, so this was nothing compared to them.As the first wolf lunged at me, teeth bared in a snarl, instinct took over. I sidestepped its attack, the knife flashing in my hand as I slashed out, catching the wolf across the muzzle. It yelped in pain, momentarily stunned, and I seized the opportunity to fire off a shot, the reco
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Chapter 59: The End of Me Part 2
Abhay’s P.O.VBracing my uninjured hand on the snow, I got up into a seated position and took a peak at my shoulder. The black wolf had dug through skin and bones and if I wasn’t mistaken, left one of its fangs embedded into my shoulder. But that was the least of my worries. The cold was making me numb, unable to feel the pain, and for now, that was a good thing.I stood up on unsteady feet and immediately, blood gushed down my arm and soaked the sleeves of the coat to drip down onto the snow. And that was when I saw it. I saw my dream unfolding right in front of my eyes.The blood dripping onto the snow. The gushing waters of the Jharna in front of me. And the plain soaked with blood behind.“This is it.” I whispered to myself. This was how my life ended. This is what the heavens have been preparing me for through my dreams.I turned back slowly, finally facing the battlefield and it wasn’t at all like my dreams. Yes, the field was soaked in blood, but it was also filled with the mot
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Chapter 60: A Light Amid the Darkness
Chapter 60: A Light Amid the DarknessMink’s P.O.VAs I stood there, frozen in shock, time seemed to slow down to a crawl. I watched in horror as the knife sliced through the air, aimed directly at Arsalan's eyes. His expression shifted from determination to disbelief as the blade found its mark, piercing through his flesh with a sickening thud. Blood spurting through the wound as he staggered backwards, a gut-wrenching scream escaping his lips.Everything around me seemed to blur as Arsalan stumbled away, his vision obscured by blood and agony. In the chaos that ensued, I could hear Abhay's panicked voice shouting for him as he moved away towards the Jharna, to lure Arsalan away from me.Arsalan's wrath knew no bounds, as he turned away from me and raced back towards Abhay. But just as Arsalan reached out to grab onto Abhay, their fates intertwined in a tragic dance of violence and desperation, my own transformation began.As I shifted from my wolf form to my human form, a primal scr
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