All Chapters of Loving Mia: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
38 Chapters
Chapter 20
Liam Novak -Seven Months Later-As the SUV came to a halt at the entrance of Novak's headquarters, I turned to look at my almost one year old son who's sitting next to me in his car seat. He's looking around, probably wondering why we stopped. He certainly loved when we got into a car. He knew we were going somewhere."Hey buddy, we're here," I say, and he turns to look at me. I'm greeted with those hazel eyes he got from his mom, and like always, I marvel at their color. "Do you want to go?""Go! Go! Go!" he exclaims, and Ben and I chuckle at his enthusiasm. He surely took that from me. He's domineering, controlling, and can be pos
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Chapter 21
Mia NovakAs we drive away from the building, I sigh in relief. Book conferences were so lengthy and tiring. I've been here since 9 am this morning, and now it's 3 pm. I would've been going home to Liam and Logan but apparently, Sophia sent Ben a message to pass on to me. I have an interview to attend at Clikk! Magazine which I'd totally forgotten about. My phone battery died earlier on, and with all the activities occurring at the conference, I forgot to charge my phone. Therefore, she couldn't get in contact with me personally.Luckily, I had on a black blazer, a grey, black and white color-blocked sheath dress, super opaque black tights, a grey scarf and Christian Louboutin 160mm Black Suede Daf Booties. I'd like to say I was prepared for the snow, as it was still winter season.
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Chapter 22
Mia Novak The 20th of January- Liam and Logan's birthday- we were doing last minute preparations for the surprise party. Lewis- one of the security guards- was driving, Logan and I in the backseat of the SUV. I'd tried leaving Logan home with his grandparents but he'd cried when he realized that I was going out. Having no choice, I brought him along with me. He didn't like staying home at all.I wonder where he got this from!The cakes would be delivered in a few hours; the house was being decorated; guests would be arriving early enough so Liam would not be suspicious; and on top of all this, Logan's very excited.I chuckled seeing him in the car sea
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Chapter 23
Mia Novak I stared at the chest in hesitation and reluctance. I'd never opened it before, scared of what could possibly be in there. After all these years, I'd never expected a time that I would've found myself having no choice but to open it. What could be in there?The others stood surrounding the coffee table, anticipating the contents of the chest- just as I was. Taking a deep breathe, I opened the chest. I breathed a sigh of relief as I looked at the contents inside. Nothing seemed strange.There were a number of items in there, and I looked through it wondering what they were. Finally, I pulled out a cloth, and unwrapping it, I noticed that it was a baby onesie that said 'Daddy's Little Princess'.
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Chapter 24
Mia Novak I'm awakened by the insistent poking of my cheeks, forehead, eyes and nose. I frown, but opening my eyes, I'm greeted by my cheeky little baby boy. Liam must have kept him here all night. His piercing hazel eyes that he got from me, are sparkling, and to me, he's the most adorable little being in the world. And I'm not being biased at all.I crawl out of bed, not really wanting to get up, but knowing I should. Liam's probably left for work by now, and my angel and I need breakfast. I help Logan out of bed, and he follows me into the bathroom as I brush my teeth and put my hair up into a ponytail.When I'm done in there, I change into a sweater, a pair of blue skinny jeans and cotton socks. I carry Log
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Chapter 25
Mia Novak As we drive to the FBI department building, I look out the window at nothing in particular. We pass buildings, people, and cars, but I'm not aware of anything but my thoughts. I'm thinking about my life; my past. It's completely selfish, but there's more baggage to my life than most celebrities in the tabloids.I wish I could change the hands of time; go back to being one day old, and possibly in a happy home. Possibly. I'm not sure. I don't even know myself anymore, and the truth- I've never actually known myself.How could my childhood have turned out? Can I even find out about myself and who I am, or am I too late? I feel like I've been living a lie my whole li
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Chapter 26
Liam NovakI gaze at Mia as she sleeps soundly in our king-sized bed. Her usually untamed hair is beyond tussled from sleep, but she looks completely adorable. She hasn't had a good night's sleep in two days and I frown remembering her waking from nightmares during the night. Her nightmares have certainly taken a toll on her. It's usually of a man chasing her or killing everyone she loves; Neil Jones.To know that my wife is going through this is not at all comforting. Actually, it's the exact opposite. 'Where has my lively, bubbly wife gone to?' I often ask myself. She's normally so full of life, and laughter, but this man has affected her in more ways than one. It's almost like he's taken her life away from her, and all that's left is her memories.
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Chapter 27
Mia NovakHe's back again!Back to bring my life more sufferings. Back to take away all my happiness; joyful memories. He won't rest until he's destroyed me. Until all that's left of me is a mere memory. And he's succeeded. Our chase has gone on for too long, and by the look on his face, he's here to end this journey. He shows not even an ounce of mercy. And I can tell that this fight will not go so successful for me.What he's taken away from me far outweigh what I've been given; what I've achieved in my life. He gives me that sly smirk and I shiver in disgust. A man who has shadowed me my whole life, and seen me grow from a baby to a woman. A man with secrets. A man who has murdered, and threatened others to get what he wants. A man I'm disguste
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Chapter 28
Mia Novak I dreaded going to this book conference today, but simply, I had no choice. My fans were depending on me, and getting out of the house did help putting my mind as ease- even if I didn't feel as 'ease' with myself. I'd been cooped up in the house for too long, and I needed exposure- according to Liam.I walked into the George's Hotel with Caleb and James following behind me. People smiled, waved, and I did so in return, putting on my brave face, and a few smiles to mask my emotion. No one needed to know what was going on in my life. No one needed all this baggage.I was dressed as formally as I could; baby-blue dress shirt, black pencil skirt and a pair of Giuseppe Zanotti Black Suede pumps. It was pre
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Chapter 29
Mia Novak Liam has been sulking ever since our little exchange of words in the bedroom. Okay, maybe the exchange of words no matter how brief of a conversation it was, wasn't as little as it seemed at the time. And I probably overreacted too.What? I'm a girl. Girls overreact all the time. And it wasn't entirely true that I didn't want more kids. Truth is I did want a few more miniature Liams running around the house and creating havoc.Spending time with Logan, and seeing him grow, made me so proud at being a mom. It's like no matter how much pain I went through to give birth to him, seeing my little boy so energetic and adorable, made it worth every single pain. However, I was
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