All Chapters of The Player's Playmate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
56 Chapters
The Master Plan
 Xander’s POV I have no idea what I was thinking about. I really shouldn't have said whatever I said. I should've remained the stupid that I have always been.Why did I give Ellie that advice? Why did I do that when I knew that she liked him?If it wasn't for the sudden wise thoughts that hit me, I would have been sitting here with her, arguing with her about something or the other. If it wasn't for my stupidity, she would never have gone on that date with that idiot!“Xander, tell Jason to share those chips with me!” Mason complained childishly as he pointed at his brother who was munching on some potato chips. “Do it yourself.” I told Mason as I got up and started pacing in my room. What would they be doing right now? Is he saying something to make her laugh or is he saying something to make her blush?Those thoughts made my blood boil.Ellie left about fifteen minutes ago for her date. I saw her leaving from my window. That was one of the advantages of being
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Breaking Bones and Beating Hearts
 Have you ever been in a situation that others find hilarious yet you feel so embarrassed that you just want to hide out in your room with none to minimal contact with the rest of your life?A situation which makes you think that maybe you’ll do something on the computer to make money and just order stuff instead of ever going to the market so that no one sees you?Well, I was feeling exactly that right now as I walked back home. It was quite late and the streets were deserted as I looked up in the star filled sky and questioned god about what I did wrong in life.The humiliation that I was feeling was out of this world. I am seriously considering making money by hacking people’s accounts and moving to Antarctica. I think I’ll also get plastic surgery and even change my name. Darla sounded like a good name, right?I sighed as I looked down to my boot clad feet. At least my knee length boot looked good enough to be seen out in the public. I swear, if I decide not to follow
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The Xander-infection
 “This.” he said. Before I could react or even process what was happening, Xander wrapped one of his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. With his other hand, he cupped my cheek before I felt his soft lips on mine in a passionate kiss. I was too shocked to react however I started kissing him back out of reflex. When I realized how I was kissing my best friend in his driveway while our parents could have been watching, I pulled away from him.What on earth did just happen?!“Xander!” I exclaimed as I stared at him with wide eyes. I pushed him away and took a few steps back myself.“What? Did you react the same way when Ace kissed you?” he questioned before running his hand through his hair in frustration. Is he crazy?“I didn't kiss Ace! And he didn't even try to kiss me while standing in his driveway where his and my mother could have seen us and started planning our 25th anniversary party!” I told him, incredulously.“25th anniversary?” Xander questioned in amuse
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Gruesome Girl's night
 “No means no!” I told Kara. She looked like she was just about to cry as she sat down next to Liam at our table in the cafeteria. Liam looked at Kara with concern shining in his eyes before looking at me with a stern expression. I ignored his anger filled look as I took a seat between Mason and Damien, right in front of Kara. Kara was looking like a little kid who was about to cry.“What are you saying no to? And how can you upset Kara?” Liam asked me. Kara is too cunning! I take my words back from all the time I said that she was innocent!“She is asking me to join her for a sleepover.” I told them with a disgusted face. “So? What’s the problem?” Damien asked me. I turned my head to glare at him. “We have sleepovers all the time. You never have a problem.” Damien shrugged. “That’s because those sleepovers were with you guys. Kara wants a girl’s night.” I told him, shivering at the last sentence. I had no problem with having a sleepover with Kara. She was a nice per
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Manipulative Cousins
 This was a disaster. Bigger than the disaster that any tsunami, hurricane or earthquake ever brought. This was like the king of all disasters. This one was so big that I think nothing would ever be the same.Besides the fact that I was surrounded by the people I barely tolerated at school, Cassie was here too.Turns out, Cassie was actually Sarah’s cousin. And right now, I was trying to smile and act casual as she continued to tell everyone about how she was a cheerleader and how she was the most beautiful girl in her school. I was missing the guys like crazy and when I tried to text Mason, Kara caught me and she took my phone away. So, the only thing left for me to do was to pretend like I am having a nice time.“And all the guys in the school wanted to date me.” Cassie told us in a proud voice. And I thought that this couldn’t get any more clique… “That is so cool! I wish that I was as pretty as you!” A girl said. I think her name was Hannah or Heather or something.
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Capsicum on the Pizza
 “So? What is the problem?” Xander asked with an amused smile on his face. “Why are you so sad about it all? Isn’t this what you wanted?” He asked. I scowled at that. “No, you dork! I wanted plain cheese pizza! Onion was fine but you know that I don’t like capsicum on my pizza!” I said as I pushed the pizza away and glared at the table in front of me. When I told Xander everything about what happened at the sleepover, he didn’t say anything and just drove up to the pizza place. I thought that he just wanted to lift my mood up with pizza but it turned out that that was not the case. When we were ordering, he just kept telling me to order the onion and capsicum pizza. I ordered it because he was the one paying for it but now he was asking me to eat it too.In my current mood, I just wanted to kill him!“Then why did you listen to me when I told you to get one with capsicum? Why did you get the capsicum pizza?” He asked me. I turned my head to glare at him. “That’s becaus
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Dealing with messes and tantrums
 “Hi, Ellie.” Ace smiled at me when he saw me walking up to the table he had reserved. He eyed Xander in suspicion. Xander had a smirk on his face as he walked beside me.He's staring at Xander as if Xander was some kind of alien…“Hi, Ace.” I smiled as I stood with Xander near the table. Well, thinking about it, Xander might be an alien. I mean, who could look this handsome and still be so stupid and idiotic?“What is he doing here? I thought that this was our date.” Ace spoke up as he eyed Xander. Xander was about to say something but I elbowed him, making him shut up. I don't want Xander to start telling Ace about everything that is going on between us… At least not yet… “Actually, Ace, when I met Cassie again, I realized that you guys have more chemistry than you and I do. And let's face it, we were just meant to be friends. It was so awkward to even try to be something else.” I said with an apologetic smile. “Are you saying this because I left you on our date to
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Suspicion breaks friendship
 “Why did Mason get a fresh batch of your special chocolate cookies?” Jason questioned as he eyed his twin who was busy eating the cookies as if it was his last meal ever. “He went out with Sarah when I asked him to.” I told him Jason’s eyes grew wide as he turned to his twin with wide eyes. “Is that why you looked so pale when you came back home?” Jason asked his brother who just nodded his head as he munched on the cookies. “Why did you bake cookies for him for going out with Sarah?” Damien asked me with a confused frown on his face. “To save me.” Xander answered for me as he sat down in the seat next to me. It was our lunch break now and it was just me, the twins, Damien, Xander and a few of the guys from the football team at our table in the cafeteria. Apparently, Sarah was crying over something and so all the girls were with her, trying to console her. And Liam being the awesome boyfriend he is, decided to help his girlfriend with it.“How did that save you?” Jas
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The Talk
 I kept staring at the grass, not speaking anything. I knew that Damien was staring at me, but I didn’t look at him. I was afraid of showing him how weak I was currently feeling. When Damien and I walked out, we made our way out to the entrance of the school which had a few trees. We were currently sitting on the grass under the shade of a tree.“Ellie, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I am sorry for getting angry.” Damien sighed. I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck as I hugged him. I felt his arms around me, hugging me back.Out of all my friends, it was Damien who was always on my side. No matter what, he never yelled at me. He was the only one who never fought with me.Even if I did something wrong, he always took my side. Damien never talked harshly with me. At least not in front of anyone else.Damien pulled away and smiled at me. I smiled back. He raised an eyebrow in question. I sighed. I knew that he was waiting for me to explain everything to him. He was
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The Crazy Chick
 “You were the one who said that you don’t want others to know just yet. Then what made you tell Damien?” Xander spoke as he narrowed his eyes at me. I shrugged at that and smiled as Damien walked into the room with a huge knife in his hand. Damien saw me staring at the knife and he sighed. “You were the one who told me that the rifle won’t scare him! This was the only other option!” Damien told me. “Do you really need anything to scare someone?” I asked Damien as I got up and walked up to him. “Are your fists on a vacation? Where is my scary boxer best friend?” I asked him. Damien shook his head at me before looking behind me to Xander.“Are you sure that you want to be with this crazy chick?” Damien asked Xander. I gasped at that. “Hey! I am standing right here! And I think that you are forgetting that I am your best friend!” I reminded him. He just ignored me as he waited for Xander’s reply. Xander chuckled before standing up from his couch he was sitting in and ca
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