All Chapters of KATE: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
81 Chapters
Chris’ POV I couldn’t sleep yesterday night. I don’t know what the arraignment will be like. But Emma and Kayla has assured me that they will help me out. I was still asleep when I was woken up by Kayla. “Come on out let’s discuss.” On getting there I saw Tanner already seated. We looked at each other and smiled. I heard from Vin that Tanner was protecting me. Stanley’s POV I felt slightly ashamed to represent the people who have caused havoc in Winster county for these few months. “The opening proceedings is 11am tomorrow. The prosecution have already examined the evidence and will be charging you on account of second degree murder and first degree murder respectively.” I saw the worried look on Chris’ face, Tanner was rather indifferent. “However I advise you to take Alford plea to lessen your sentence. During the pretrial, I will plead with the jury because the prosecution already have inculpatory evidence against both of yo
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Bench trial
Stanley’s POV “I heard that during Smith’s trial, the judges will be sitting en banc.” Nobody was surprised. “Maybe he will receive the death penalty; even though it is a bench trial,” said Kayla. I nodded in agreement. I believe that even if it were a jury trial, he would still be incarcerated for life because he committed a capital offense. “When is the trial?” asked Emma. “Five days from today” I answered. Emma’s POV Kayla and Vin took Chris and Tanner back, while Kate, Stanley and myself went to the hospital to check up on Melissa and our parents. On getting there, Melissa was already doing well. All her cognitive responses are now normal. On getting to my dad’s ward, I heard him laughing heartily. Stanley and I exchanged glances. I was surprised to see agent Tom there. “Agent Tom…?” I asked pleasantly surprised. Mr Stewart’s POV “Tom used to be my buddy back in the day,” my dad explained. “W
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Next victims
Melissa’s POV I initially planned to go alone. But Kate is a welcomed distraction, if not I wouldn’t have obliged. I kept checking my watch, by 9am I left the house. On getting to the station, I have lots of questions in my mind. I saw Kate talking to Emma and Kayla. After sometime, they brought me inside the waiting room. Kate’s POV I explained to Emma that Melissa is not in her right mind. That they should keep watch. So he assigned Vin to oversee the whole incident. I on the other hand joined in Emma and Kayla in the lobby enjoying the early morning summer sun. Smith’s POV I was surprised when I saw Melissa in the waiting room. The way she was looking haggard made me happy. I smiled and sat across her from the table. Her whole facial expressions and the wrinkles on her face gave joy. “How did you meet Max?” she asked me. I didn’t want to answer before, however now that I know I can’t escape, I
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The verdict
Melissa’s POV I have heard what I wanted to hear. I sat still on the chair as they led him back to the cell. Maybe it would have been better, if I didn’t know what happened. I regretted coming to the station. As I was thinking about it, my head became hot. I couldn’t see clearly again. The next time I woke up, I was on my bed. I don’t know how many hours I blanked out. Kate’s POV I chatted with Emma and Kayla for over an hour. We became worried about Melissa. So we went inside, on getting there Vin was already leading Smith away. Melissa collapsed. Emma and Kayla carried to our car. I drove her back. I called her doctor and explained what happened. He came and administered some medications to her. I have been excited the whole evening because tomorrow is Smith’s trial. Many media outlets will be covering the story. Stanley already told me that the judgment is by 10am. I am sure that the whole or at least three-q
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Sheriff Morgan's burial
Agent Tom’s POV I wrote to the agency and they gave me a written statement which I submitted to the judges. That was the least I could do  for Tanner. As the police were leading him away, he said the three words I have been waiting to hear for the past 19 years: “ I forgive you.” Emma’s POV Today is sheriff Morgan’s burial. We all stood up in our black suit to observe a minute silence for him. All us were sad. But deep down, we are happy that we were able to make Winster county peaceful again. Vin’s POV I was nominated to eulogize the deceased sheriff Morgan. He was like a father figure to me. “For over ten years, he had sleepless nights working night and day to ensure the safety of all in Winster county. I remembered his face each time he remembers his retirement coming up next year June. He would laugh happily and envision the various adventures he will undertake… but we lost him due to inhumanity and despicable
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Three years plan
Stanley’s POV “What gave you the confidence to defend Chris and Tanner?” I scratched my chin for answers. “ Everyone has the right to be heard. When I heard their stories, it reminded me of the daily struggles of many indigent teenagers.” “Were you pleased with the results?” she asked.I laughed heartily. “Of course. That was one of my most memorable cases ever. It reminded me that once we put hope in people they are bound to reciprocate it with love.” Emma’s POV “How do you feel about being the new Sheriff?” she asked “I feel nervous and excited at the same time.” “What ideals do you want to uphold as the sheriff?” “Security, peace, hope and inclusiveness,” I answered. She asked Kayla, Vin and Lynn different questions from work to their personal lives and what have you. Finally she turned to Kate and asked her, “what is your plan for the future?” We all turned and steadied our eyes on her. “I want to be
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Emma’s POV We chatted with Melissa for a long time. Albert was playing around the house. It is already 3pm, we have to get going for the requiem mass for sheriff Morgan’s anniversary. “Be a good boy and listen to grandma. Mommy have to meet some friends,” she instructed Albert. He nodded and ran off playing with Melissa. As we were exiting the house we could hear him and Melissa playing and laughing. I held Kate tightly with as we entered the car to attend the anniversary. Kate’s POV When we got there, I was really surprised. The whole place was quite different from what it was three years ago. Interesting! As I stepped out of the car, I saw Kayla. She was the first to greet me. The last time I saw her was when they bid me farewell at the airport. “How have you been?” I asked. My eyes immediately went to the flashy ring on her fingers. “Congratulations to you and Eddie!” I could see the bulge that has began to f
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Next mayor
Kate’s POV I was a bit nervous when climbing the podium, but now all my fear seems to have disappeared. The sound of people’s applause was deafening. I smiled, I believe I did well. People were coming up to me for photos and autographs. “What is going on?” I asked myself. I could see Emma among the crowd. He gave me a thumbs up and winked at me. Even though I rejected his proposal one year ago, he has always been there for me. My heart is beginning to open to the idea of marriage. Vin’s POV I and Emily prepared the venue for the dinner. Emily is always meticulous with such things. We booked a restaurant down the alley of Park Avenue. After the anniversary we all moved there. The old gang: Emma, Lynn, Kayla, Kate, Stanley, Dr Amanda, Emily, myself and Eddie who is joining us for the first time. “Welcome back Kate!” we all chorused as she stepped in with Emma. She was still a bit bashful! Emily’s POV
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Second chance
Kate’s POV I have not seen Chris for three years. He looks healthy and happy. “I am doing great,” I answered. I saw that he has really changed. He was very excited to see me. “When is your parole coming up?” “Few months from now, after which I will do community service for one.” “Where do you want to serve?” I asked out of curiosity. “Youth correctional facility centre,” he answered. After Chris, the next stop for us was Tanner’s. He looked younger than he was before. Maybe it is because of his low cut hair. “Kate, it has been a long time; you look great,” he complimented. I smiled. “How are you doing?” I asked Tanner’s POV Kate was the first person that ever treated me like a human being. It is such a pity that I was a jerk back then. I don’t deserve her. “I am doing great, I have been to therapy. I am healing and working as well.” Kate’s POV I was pleasantly surprised. “That means that
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Running for mayor
Kate’s POV I was at loss on what to wear. Even though we have dated for long, I rejected his proposal once. Then our relationship became cold. But since I came back to Winster county, my heart has been skipping each time I see him. Finally, I saw the pink gown I have been looking for. It was Emma that bought it for me. It was already 7pm, I dressed up as early as 6:40pm occasionally sweating. Finally, he called me that he has come to pick me up. Melissa was very supportive and excited for me. As I stepped out, I saw him standing near his car dressed in black tuxedo suit. He came forward and took my hands. Emma’s POV I decided to look good today. I even went to the salon to cut my hair and sideburns. I was leaning on my car waiting for her to come out. Finally, she came out. She looks very beautiful in that pink gown. “Where are we going?” she asked. “It is a secret,” I answered. We arrive
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