Semua Bab Bitter Marriage: The Missing Gleam in Their Eyes: Bab 51 - Bab 60
106 Bab
“His name is Brandon.” Diana smiled, reminiscing. “And I will always love him.”They sat in the corner of the coffee shop as usual. It wasn't raining hard outside, just a drizzle that was pleasing to the eye. Diana pondered while looking at the raindrops that formed lumps like tears on the glass, counting them carefully.That day Diana told her about her past, about Brandon, her true lover who was snatched away the day before their wedding.Adrian looked at her. “I'm sorry for your loss, Diana.”“It does not matter. Brandon will always live here.” She touched her chest cavity, where her heart was. Brandon had indeed died, his heart was no longer beating for Diana as he had promised. However, Diana's heart still beats for Brandon, hopefully for the rest of her life.***“Look who's waiting for you.” Clarissa smiled as she pointed in front of the campus gate. Several people seemed to
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“So you're going to keep acting childish and avoiding Adrian?” Clarissa put her hands on her hips while looking at Diana who was so gloomy, sitting hugging her knees in the corner of the bed.“He's mean, telling me to forget Brandon.”“He's not mean. He just wants you to get up in the real world, step forward again, enjoy your life.”“By forgetting Brandon?”“You don't have to forget him. You can still keep memories of him in your heart, but you can't wallow in those memories. You have to move on, Diana.”“Your speaking style is like Adrian. I suspect you guys are conspiring.”Clarissa laughed. “Listen, my beautiful friend, we both love you and, because we love you, we think the same. Maybe Brandon over there will think the same as us.”Diana fell silent, taking Clarissa's words in silence.At that time they were choosing a ring and intended to
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“In fact, it is highly discouraged for the recipient to know who the donor is from.” Doctor Kim, a cardiologist who is Adrian's own uncle, frowned as he read the file in his hand. “But since the donor's own family didn't ask to be kept secret, I don't think you're breaking the rules for asking.”“Who donated his heart to me, Uncle?”“Why are you so curious, Adrian? Aren't you better off not knowing? So you can live your life ahead well, rearrange your life, because as far as I know the heart is very healthy and suitable for you.”Adrian pinched the tip of his nose, feeling dizzy in his head. The question had haunted him so much and the dreams were present every night, that Adrian felt they were real. “I need to know, for my own reasons.”His uncle could only sigh. “Does this have anything to do with you breaking off your engagement to Kat? You made that good girl so sad.”Adria
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The first time Adrian saw Diana was when the woman came out of the grocery store in the shop and stepped on the sidewalk.By then the cloud had darkened, sending the message that it was about to drop its cargo to earth. Adrian has finished all his business to live in Bandung. The administration of his lectures was in order and he had found a new place to live. A small house in the upper Bandung housing complex which is cold and lush by old trees that soar into the sky, directing its trunk like outstretched arms overgrown with leaves and soothing the soul.After that, he searched Brandon's home address, seeking any information he could get from the neighbors. He received quite important information, that Brandon died the day before his marriage to Diana. What kind of grief could Diana have endured at that time? Adrian didn't dare imagine it. It took two days until Adrian finally found the address of Diana's campus.By one of her college friends, he was told that
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Diana stepped hesitantly in front of the cafe, still the same cafe. A simple old building but keeps a lot of history inside, it is said that this cafe is the oldest coffee shop in Bandung, which was founded in 1920. Years have passed and this cafe is still serving the same menu, all coffee dishes are made from selected Bandung specialty coffees. Kopi Aroma whose factory is located in another corner of the old city of Bandung, a coffee that is very famous for its manufacturing process that also does not change from year to year, retains its taste and also retains its memories, for some.Diana sighed. Why is she here? Does that mean she's giving Adrian a chance to distract her from Brandon? However, Clarissa says, accepting Adrian doesn't mean she's dumping Brandon. Brandon will always be there and will always live in her heart.However, it is undeniable, Diana also loves Adrian. That feeling grows somehow. Maybe since Adrian introduced himself, maybe since their regular
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“Kat is sick.” His mother called the next morning. Her tone was sad, making Adrian wince tight.“What's wrong with her, mom?”His mother sighed. “Since you left, she's been suffering, she won't eat. She just cried, her body condition deteriorated. Last night she was taken to the hospital.”“Is it serious?”“Very,” her mother's voice trembled. “I looked at her, Adrian. She was so thin, she was so sad. Kat's mother even begged me in tears so I could persuade you to come. You know how sad I am? Kat's mother is my best friend and Kat is like my own child.”Adrian pondered, guilt and confusion swirling in his mind. He remembered last night he turned down Kat who asked for his attention.“Then what should I do, mom?”“Go home, Adrian, I beg you. For the times Kat has given up to be there for you when you were sick.” His mother's words pierced his
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When his cell phone rang, Adrian sighed seeing the name on the screen. He suddenly felt tired. His mother would surely persuade him to come home to see Kat.Reluctantly he picked up the phone. “Yes, mom?”“I've already called Diana.”The voice on the other end of the phone stunned Adrian. “What?”“I've already called Diana. I said I wanted to meet her and tell her about Kat and you.”Adrian's fingers, which were holding the cell phone, trembled. “You had the heart to do that to me, mom?”His mother sighed regretfully on the other side. “I'm sorry, Adrian. I have to do it. Otherwise, your hard wall will not fall. I just want you to soften your heart, look at Kat, pity her.”“What about me? Don't you feel sorry for me, Mom, by committing this cruelty to me, to Diana? She knows nothing!” Adrian growled, starting to get angry.“I'm sorry, Adri
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Adrian feeds Kat with porridge provided by the hospital. Kat wasn't allowed to eat solid food because her stomach still couldn't digest it, but she was able to eat porridge so she was no longer dependent on the IV.They never discussed the breakup again. Adrian held himself back, trying to hold on to being by Kat's side and caring for her when she was sick.Everyone was right. Adrian had a tremendous debt of gratitude to Kat. He only realized now, that caring for the sick was exhausting. Not to mention that Kat had done all these years for him, taking care of him when he was weak and helpless.Maybe deep in his heart Adrian hoped that what he was doing could pay off his debt to Kat. Although he was sure that it was impossible. His debt was too great and could only be paid if he continued his engagement to Kat towards marriage.However, can a marriage be run on the basis of a debt of gratitude? That foundation was too weak to be their foundation. Kat said
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Kat stepped off the train towards the exit at a large station in Bandung. Lots of people passing by, mostly shopping for merchandise. She stepped out of the station door, onto the wide platform. She stood for a moment, still, looking around. Breathing the air in a city she often visited as a child.Adrian was in this city, breathing the same air, Kat thought with pain. Supposedly if their relationship was fine, Adrian would be here to pick her up. However, what happened now was that she stepped out here alone, in a suffocating loneliness, feeling sad and ironic.“Kat? Have you been waiting long?”Kat looked up at the call, then smiled when she realized who had picked her up. “Hello, Dean.” She quickly walked over to her cousin, left hee bag on the floor and hugged him.Dean returned the hug with love, Kat will always be his favorite sister. Dean is an only child, he has no siblings and the only person he can be close to is Kat.
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As soon as she got home, Kat immediately threw the books she'd bought at the front desk. She glanced slightly and her chest throbbed when she saw the cover of the book called Jane Eyre. Immediately, Diana's face flashed through her mind as she explained about the book. Diana looked happy, beautiful and cheerful, as if she was not carrying any burden on her mind.Was that the woman who had snatched Adrian's heart from her?Kat took the book and held it tightly in her fingers. Her mind wandered, suddenly imagining what if Adrian smiled gently at Diana, what it would be like when the two walked together and looked so… fit together.The visualization made Kat's chest feel tight and sore.***“I want to invite you.” Diana looked at Adrian who was sitting in front of her with a half worried smile.Adrian took a sip of his coffee, looked at Diana over the top of his cup. “Where?”Diana sighed, then made up her
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