All Chapters of The Jewel Of Humanity: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
143 Chapters
Lord Azelle
“I only have my Kingdom left. Lord Azelle, you doubt my abilities, but I assure you my mother taught me well. You and I want the same thing. Justice for these unspeakable deaths, and peace in our land. Yes, this is our land. Not mine, but ours. Pledge your allegiance to me not because of the deeds of what my parents did before me, but on my own merit, on the hope that I will make sure we stand strong and united as my parents did, and take comfort in knowing that whoever is doing these hideous deeds will be punished. I am strong, capable, and above all I love my country. Thank you.”She stood there stoic, looking straight ahead.Then she saw it. One lord removed his sword and layed it in front of him and knelt,signifying his pledge to her. Then another and another,
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Lord Azelle *prt 2*
No matter his fate she still had to worry about her own. At first the Lord just stood there. The General then unsheathed his sword and spoke. “She’s waiting.”The Lord looked miserable. He had never been one to grovel or beg. The Princess's  mother had always ignored his rousing and always proved her worth in any and all royal duties. That would be no more. He would have to prove his worth now. His title and lands could be stripped from him. He really disliked the General ever since he had been inducted into the Royal Military service, two decades ago. Lord Azelle had always thought he was a self serving psychopath and right now he could see that was exactly what he was. No one else would say anything about it because they wanted to ke
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Forgive my foolishness
“Guards! Take Lord Azelle to the dungeon, now! I believe a stay there will change his mind.” The guards looked at her then at the General, when he nodded they nodded and picked the Lord up off of the marble floor and carried him out. It was just them in the room now. He turned around then and looked at her with that icy gaze she had come to associate with the pain he inflicted on her.“You little bitch! How dare you give me orders in front of anyone!” He strode up the steps then grabbed her by her wrist and yanked her hard. She almost fell. He yanked again and she did. The unnatural way he held her arm made it strain even more with the angle he was holding it. She was kneeling in front of him now. He twisted her wrist and she cried out in pain. “You like this. If you didn’t you wouldn't disobey me so much.”
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Marlon had once again slipped inside of Castle Meadowbrooke undetected. He kept the robe on so no one would detect him. He was standing just outside of the throne room doors when they burst open and out came two guards dragging an unconscious man. He made sure to look down so they wouldn’t see his face that was now hidden under the hood. The doors were slowly closing when he saw the General and the Princess. She looked beautiful and capable and he looked angry that was all he saw when the large doors closed in front of him. A surge of jealousy shot through him. He needed to save her and help her. Just as he was about to enter the room by pushing the large doors open he saw a figure out of the corner of his eye.  He looked in the direction and saw it was Khepri. This time she wore a sheer gold robe. She smiled at him and rounded the corner. He knew
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Marlon *prt 2*
For those who saw him their eyes seemed to widen in fear and he wondered just how holy were the men who wore these robes he was disguised in. He scanned the cell and saw Lord Azelle in the corner.His well made clothing was now crumpled and bloodied. He was now missing his shoes. Marlon walked over to him and knelt down so he was eye level to the man. The man showed no interest, only disgust.“I do not wish to give you my confession you bastard. I will rot in here before I pledge my allegiance to the General!”Marlon now understood why this man had been thrown in the dungeon. He knew then he could trust this man to help him find his father. He took off his hood then and let him see his face. THe man recognized him.“’re that apothecary wh
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Happy Reunion
“Father, it’s me. Marlon.”“Marlon?...My son…” He stood up from his sitting position then.Marlon saw how skinny he was.“It really is you? came back for me? Even though I left you….I...I’m so sorry I left you alone in this cruel sorry….the war I had to find who did it will..I had to….I’m sorry.” His father's ramblings broke his heart. He seemed manic.“It’s alright.” He reassured him. “We have to get out of her now though.”He wrapped his father's arm around his neck and put his arm behind him to support him and they slowly walked out the cell
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King's Funeral
Today had been overwhelming for Flossina. She still hadn't heard anything from, or even seen Marlon again, since the tomb. She didn't even know if he was still inside of the castle walls. It didn’t matter now. It couldn’t. It was already past dusk. The General had insisted they lay her stepfather to rest today, which was the exact same day he died, and a bit hasty in her eyes as well has the people, but no one dared judge his actions or say so publicly. She figured she had been tied up in that tomb for a few hours, but she couldn't understand why it hadn’t felt that long. He had allowed her one servant to help get her ready for the event. She was appraising herself in the mirror. She wore a floor length sheer black ball gown, that had beautiful black rhinestone flowering detail all over it. A black veil gently rested over her chignon, c
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Kings speech
She kept her movements calculated and her emotions somber. She raised her hand and the cheering immediately stopped. She spoke to them then. “King Fvendal, my stepfather, was a great man. He was not born of noble blood, but he became King nonetheless. He was a champion for my mother, winning her heart and all of yours. He was an exceptional father, and that is how he won mine. He gave his life to a falling Kingdom with hope for their Queen and an unborn child that was not his. He won the war and made the Kingdom stronger. He continued a legacy. As long as these stones hold up our castle walls, and there is breath in all of our bodies, he will never be forgotten. For his name will be written on every scroll in the history books of Zuff.” The crowd cheered again. “ I have lost quite a lot in these months passed, and endured hardships at the loss of my mother, my father, and now my ste
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“May I escort you to your chambers,Your Majesty?” He offered dryly. She couldn’t say ‘no’. She waited for him to catch up with her and they walked in silence until they reached her quarters. She was surprised by this because they always seemed to stay in his chambers. He opened the door for her and she walked in first. The room had already been prepared. A small table laden with her favorite dishes. Her bed was also turned down. There was a fire going in the fireplace. It was all very cozy, and comforting. She took her shawl off then and laid it across the foot of her bed. She had missed sleeping in here. Alone. Away from him. In her own space. “I thought it best you stay here now. I’m sure you’re under a great deal of stress. ” He was behind her the
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Sweet return
He stood up and took his black shirt off. She marveled at the well defined muscles on his chest. She reached her hand out then and lightly traced his hard body. He was warm. He was real. He had come back to her. She got on her tiptoes and kissed him on his lips then. She was just going to give him a peck, but he wouldn’t let her break the kiss. It turned sultry,and hot, in no time, his tongue gently dipped into her mouth. With each wet thrust she felt her loins come to life. She returned the kiss with fervor as she wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to get closer to him. Her feet barely touched the ground. The kiss deepened and she let out a little moan when he wrapped one arm on her back to support her and picked her up. Marlon was extremely turned on by Flossina. So much so that his erection was stretching against his leather trousers, and he di
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