All Chapters of GHOSTLY ENCOUNTERS: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
172 Chapters
Antonia relaxes when she heard his last words and lets out a soft chuckle. "Welcome back Invisible being. I guess you're here to know of my decision.""Yes, Antonia. My heart longs for your decision and that of your sister.""My sister didn't just decline to go with me she also warned me not to go on this journey or else she will report my purpose to our mum."A great wind starts blowing almost shattering things but Antonia screams; "stop!""Why do you ask me to stop Antonia? Your sister is acting foolishly.""You won't insult my sister in my presence. Is that clear?""Yes, sorry about that.""And please I don't want you to scatter anything today. I can't stress myself to do what I did earlier today."The wind stops blowing and everywhere becomes dead silent that for a moment Antonia felt he must've left."I'm here Antonia. Tell me your decision" his cold voice sounds and she smiles."I'll do anything to free my father and nothing, a
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The grasses in the thick wood fluttered open revealing Giovanni who was looking so tattered and displeasing to the eyes. His clothes were torn in parts as if he had engaged in a fight with a wild animal. The down part of his cloak had traces of dark spots all over it. His hair was disheveled and scattered all over his face. His steps were more of limping instead of walking. He keeps yawning in each step he takes as a wave of tiredness courses through him almost pushing him down. It's a day now without food and water and he is still searching for the cave of the broken spirits without even knowing if he was on the right path. Under the scorching sun, he wandered all through yesterday without even stopping to rest for even a second hoping that he would've been back before the end of the day. Even at night, he wandered still hoping that he would see the cave soon until the early morning sun rose to reveal that it was a new day. 'How can I be sent on this kind of journ
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"Shit!" He curses as the rain keeps increasing. The rain was so massive that trees a few steps away from him were lifted right from their root and flung away. The sounds in the air were full of the blasting and rumbling of thunder followed by the cries and howls of animals and the waving of leaves. He looks around in search of shelter but there wasn't any trace of a hut talk more of a house. "What do I do now?" He asks shivering while still limping without giving up. He was so drenched that his hair plastered on his face covering one of his eyes.For several hours he kept limping under the heavy downpour until he came before a path with two lanes and he stopped taken aback by the sight before him and tilted his head quizzically. He peers into the lane on his right and it was so full of life; houses, fruits, beings walking here and there, a fountain, eatable animals and so many more. His eyes bulge out when he realizes that it wasn't raining there and he smiles having the though
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Giovanni gets to the lake and climbs into the canoe waiting for it to move since there wasn't a paddle dropped for paddling but it wouldn't move. 'Why isn't it moving?' He thinks looking around. He ruffles his hair and stamps his feet making the canoe tremble. 'Maybe it requires voice command. Yes!' He thinks more.Move! Go!" He shrieks hoping that it would make it move as he thought but nothing worked. The sky was already darkening and nighttime growls of animals could be heard. His body tenses up when it dawned on him that his almost losing his task and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead in the cold climate. "I can't lose. I've come so far already to lose" he thinks out loud.{{What do I do? Do you both know why the canoe isn't moving}}>>I don't. Just keep trying<<((I don't too. Let's just hope something works))"Hmm," he exhales and lowers his head but suddenly looks up and smiles. "I think I know what to do. I just hope he accepts it"
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The screen fades away at the point where Maria was burnt to ashes and she drops to the ground in tears. Giovanni stares at her and shakes his head doing his best to hold back his tears. He squats and pats sleeping Jalen on her cheek."It's time to go home" he whispers and she gently flutters open her eyes. "You succeeded" she smiles and pecks him on both cheeks before he helped her sit up. "I wouldn't let you die for what you know nothing about and what I didn't even commit." He rubs her cheek softly staring lovingly at her.Maria strolls to them and kneels before them with tears in her eyes."Why is she still alive?" Jalen asks glaring at her and clenching her fist.Giovanni rubs her back and unfolds her clenched fist. "You've every right to be angry Jalen. But Maria here isn't at fault. She thought I raped her and also ordered my friends to rape and kill her. But the truth is that I never did. Just like her, I was attacked by my friends and they used their powe
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The engagement party of Princess Linda has come and gone, and it was the best among others. There was a lot to drink and eat and the kingdom beings couldn't help but keep thanking the Queen for her kind gestures. Lucas was present as he promised to be and he and Linda made most of the beings without lovers so jealous due to their numerous love plays. "Our princess wants to kill us with her lovey-dovey plays with Prince Lucas!" one of the beings had screamed and the whole beings burst out laughing while dancing."You ain't so old to die for love" Princess Linda had replied sarcastically and rolled her eyes at the being and the beings burst out laughing once more.Goddess Amphitrite gave a short speech after the dance was over. She said, "I feel so pleased to be the mother of all these gorgeous females who has decided to give me nothing but happiness. My heart is filled with so much joy cause my first daughter has just made me more than proud. History shall tell of them. The
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It's a day now and Isabella hasn't woken up. Her eyes have been closed while her hands have been on her belly. Chris has been so anxious that he couldn't sleep the previous night. All he's been doing is walking around with his hands on his head while cursing incoherently.Not being able to allow her to lay on the floor in the cold temple of Goddess Alexia since Goddess Alexia and her sister couldn't do anything to revive her he decided to take her home and that he did. Getting home the previous night he laid her on the bed and didn't go out throughout the night. He sat beside her and kept rubbing her hair while whispering soft words to her not minding the time. He sat there rubbing her hair with tears in his eyes till it was dawn only to realize that her body was getting cold by each passing moment. 'Is she dying?' He debated and stood up abruptly. "Only dead people get cold. Does that mean that she's dead? Nope, Isabella can't be dead. She can't die in such way. All she
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Chris and Isabella arrived at the hospital and after Isabella went for a checkup, the doctor confessed that she can't find any baby. She said; "I'm sorry Mr. Chris but we can't find a baby in your wife's womb. It's weird that her belly is still huge like if there's a baby in it but we couldn't find one. I'm so sorry. You can also take her to other hospitals so that they can check too. I'm so sorry once more."Chris banged his fist on the doctor's table and stood up. He glanced at Isabella who was weeping softly and helped her stand before pulling her into himself in a soothing embrace. "Stop crying baby. We still have Alexia. We will visit her once we get home." Isabella slowly nodded and both walked out."I'm sorry Chris!" The doctor screamed after them but they ignored her. They got out and he opened the front door for Isabella to get in after which he got into the driver's side, started the car, and sped off. They arrived home and walked in to meet their mums in t
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It's been days since Chris Allen left and Sandra has been a mess. She hardly eats and always stays indoor. Her mum has tried comforting her but nothing seems to be working. All she's been doing since he left is drowning herself in tears and often sleeps off only when she takes alcohol which has been scaring the hell outta her mum. Her mum damning everything called Allen yesterday and he promised to be back immediately and just like he promised he came back at night and tried entering their room but Sandra refused to open the door for him even after he and her mum begged several times. He ended up sleeping in the guest room only to wake up to see her sitting beside him with tears in her eyes."Sandra" he called and sat up abruptly staring tenderly at her.Sandra went into his arms sobbing softly and his heart melted. He gently disengaged from the hug and stood up. He picked up his phone and dialed a number."What are you doing?" Sandra asked staring closely at hi
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It's currently the fifth day on earth. Chris and Isabella were about to leave back to the sea kingdoms but Isabella suddenly screamed and almost slumped but Chris was fast enough to grab hold of her. He carried her back to their room and called Goddess Alexia who appeared immediately.She checked Isabella's body and said; "It's surprising Chris. But congrats! Your baby is still breathing in the womb of your wife and will soon be out!"Chris couldn't contain his joy as he went all out to get her so many gifts and even began buying baby stuff for his baby yet unborn. The clothes he bought for both gender since he wasn't so sure of the gender she will give birth to. Isabella was so happy and shared the news with their mums and they celebrated all day.After the good news Goddess Alexia conveyed, Chris decided that they won't be going back to the sea kingdoms till she gives birth. In his words, he said; "Our mums have been with us since the early days of this pregnancy so
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