All Chapters of My Unofficial Rejection : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
43 Chapters
Alpha Dylan’s POV
It’s almost been 8 months since Raven came to me. My gift from the goddess. My everything. My love. She is the best warrior we have, I found out through her dreams/memories of her parents that she was a warriors daughter. It made sense with how strong and fast paced she was during training, it also explained how she was paired with an Alpha, she was beyond strong, in both body and mind.  Her nightmares have finally stopped, she seems to have settled in fully now, she has a place she has built for herself, everyone in the pack loves her and looks up to her. Not because she’s dating me, but because of her own merits. I’m so unbelievably proud of her and what she’s accomplished but I’m also proud of myself for letting such a beautiful, amazing person in. Her being in my life and my pack has done n
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Raven’s POV
I was surrounded by darkness, I knew I was alive but I also knew I wasn’t awake. I wanted Dylan, I wanted him to hold me and tell me I was going to be ok. I wanted to tell him I loved him and don’t care anymore about rejecting Zach officially. He never showed me mercy and did that for me, he pushed me to this and I was now happy. He didn’t deserve the chance to be free from me, I will always be the reminder of him fucking up, and I have moved on and I’m happy now.  I didn’t owe him anything, all I wanted was Dylan, all I needed was Dylan. Soon the darkness seemed to have taken another shape. I tried to focus on it and I realised it was a memory.   FLASHBACK It’s my 16th Birthday!! Not that my brothe
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Alpha Dylan’s POV
It’s been two and a half years since Raven showed up on my pack lands and I couldn’t be any happier. She brought hope and love to my life which I never thought I would have. A year after her being here and of us dating I asked her to be my Luna, we were fully mated and had the ceremony a month later. I can’t believe how lucky I got.Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been easy sailing, we have come arcoss some horrible speed bumps from the hunters and pack attacks by rogues. But with Raven by my side, our pack has survived and prospered. Looking at her curled up next to me in bed I still can’t believe she’s all mine. The perfect mate, the perfect Luna. Our pack has only grown stronger since our mating, and we have even got a pup together, our little Alpha is almost 8 months old now. Our little gift from the moon goddess to show her support of our bond as if having h
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Raven's POV
I awoke in the morning next to my handsome mate and my beautiful sleeping pup. I couldn't be happier. Yesterday was perfect, I had a lay in and spent the entire day with the two men in my life. Pure bliss!After I got up and got both myself and Prince ready for the day, as well as feeding him, Dylan calls Mia, Ash, Ethan, some of our strongest, most trained pack members and I in for a meeting. When he mentioned me to come, he didn't even look at me in the eye so it must be something that I won't like.Dylan and I are seated whilst we wait for everyone to come and either take a seat or stand. When everyone arrived, I looked up at Dylan and asked what it was about, "I'll tell everyone together my love but you are not going to like it"he mumbles back.Now I was getting nervous and I hate getting nervous. Everyone was sat for a good ten minutes and Dylan still hadn't said a word besides welcome. "Look Dylan, I left our child with a 13 year old baby sitte
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Raven's POV
'Dylan, I'm out in the woods. I've found a pup being attacked by two rogues I need your help.' I mind linked him so that I knew if I get hurt someone will come to help the pup.'We are on our way, try to stay out as long as possible, don't attack alone.''I'm already here Dylan, just make sure the pups ok.'As I said that the first rogue, a mangy grey wolf lunged for me. I dodged the attack and spun around and nipped it's hind leg. It let out a Yelp and I heard the second rogue, a dusty brown wolf, coming at me from behind, I waited and as I heard it leap I pinned myself to the ground and he sailed over me. I rolled over and let my claws rip open his chest as he went over me.He cried out in pain and they both turned to face me, their red rogues eyes stared at me in anger. I let another menacing growl rip through my throat as I lunged at the grey wolf, catching him off guard I pinned him to the floor by his neck and applied enough pressure to make him pas
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Raven's POV
Training day was here. I didn't know how the pack was going to take getting orders from another Alpha and their trainers but hopefully Zach and his father have made it clear they asked for this.I went through my morning routine and settled Prince and Oliver down with the babysitter. I got dressed in a pair of running leggings and a sports bra and made me way out to the training field. Here we go.A few minutes go by as everyone gathered on the field in front of us. "Can I get your attention" Mia says trying to get everyone's attention."You can get my attention any day babe" some clown said from the back of the crowd."And you can get my fist in your throat" Ethan growls back, oh yeah did I mention my bestie was his mate now? It turns out that Ethan was rejected by his mate before I knew him and Mia felt her mate die a year ago. They dated a bit and now are fully mated! Anyway, that shuts the idiot up but makes some of the others snicker.
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Raven's POV
The next day:-Dylan and I stood in front of the trainees, the others all spread out ready to receive their groups. "Right everyone settle down. We know your strengths and weaknesses so we decided to put you into groups where you can get as much support as you need to improve the skills you need help developing." Dylan states."That's correct, you should all know who your trainer is as we sent uniforms to each of you last night. Please get into your groups and stand by your instructors, they will be wearing the same colours as your uniform if you can't remember our names." I announced while stepping away from Dylan so our groups would have space to join us."As I introduced myself yesterday my name is Luna Rayne and I will be your trainer. You are in my group because you need support with your hand to hand combat. I will help you build your confidence along with your precision and speed in human form." I heard a scoff.Anger radiated throu
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Raven's POV
Training went smoothly after that day, a few weeks later and we were packing up ready to return home. We had adopted Oliver officially and I honestly couldn't be happier! Dylan loved the idea of having another little spirit running around our family home and playing with Prince.Walking out of the door i called out to Dylan letting him know I was going for a run before having to be cooped up in the car for hours. After stripping and shifting I was off... I decided to follow a path I used to take when I was younger, it led to the most beautiful waterfall and I wanted to see it before I left all over again. It was exactly as I remembered it as I launched myself into the water, shifting to swim around under the warm, steadily pounding water. I was so entranced I didn't notice Zach. He cleared his throat and I jumped letting a squeal leave my mouth."Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you Rayne." He was obviously holding back a laugh as I scowled at him."W
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Raven's POV
"I'm not called Rayne.""What? Why would you use a different name?" He didn't seem mad, just confused."My real name is Raven." I all but whisper, but I knew he heard me."Raven? Are you playing some kind of cruel joke on me?" He roared. "That's not funny at all!” He growled out while trying to read my face. “Unless... did you hide your name so I wouldn't be upset that you shared her name?" His voice calmed down a bit when he realised by my posture that I was distressed and not pranking him."No, look Zach, you're going to have a lot of questions and I will try to answer them all but just know that I'm sorry. I have moved on and a lot has changed with me. I know you don't recognise me but I am Raven.” I took a deep breath, I had to get this out now, it was like I had opened a jack-in-the-box and there was no holding it back. “I'm the one who you bullied at school, the one you cheated on with Cassidy, the one whose s
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Raven's POV
"Uhhhhhhh", I rolled onto my side as I started to wake up. Why the hell did my neck hurt so bad? I blinked the sleep out of my eyes as I realised that I was laying on a cold concrete floor. What the fuck? Then I remembered the waterfall... Zach.... then blackness. My goddess, where was I? I groaned out in pain as I tried to sit up without the nausea taking over from my dizzy head."Oh Raven thank goddess you're awake, I was worried you wouldn't wake up for a minute there!" I know that voice, at least I think I do. I tried to turn around slowly but my head hurt to bad and my legs wouldn't obey my mind. That's when I noticed the silver chains pinning my feet to the floor stopping me from turning... unless I wanted to burn my skin that is. I put my head in my hands and sighed. "Raven, please, just say something?" I did know that voice.... it was..."Zach?""Oh thank you
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