All Chapters of Elizabeth: The Great Reckoning: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
49 Chapters
Chapter 30: Finding the Oracle
Dinner at Fiorelli's was as delicious as they had anticipated. It wasn't Hannah's first time there, but it was the first time she had been there and had sat with her friends instead of her future mate. She looked sideways at Ellie and smiled. She was glad to have met Ellie. She would make a good Queen, if only she could get past her resentment toward the entire magical population. She supposed, like with anything, it would take time for her to adjust to her new position. "Are we having dessert?" Sam asked. "That's a stupid question, of course we are. What are you getting?" She turned to ask Firash. He was sitting next to her at the table. "Cannoli stuffed with bananas and cream cheese," he said with a lick of his lips. "Eurgh," Sam said with a fake gag. "Spumonti for me." "Ah, cheesecake," Ellie said with a smile as Stefano brought her a slice from the back. He winked at her and she grinned up at him as she took a bite. Hannah looked between Ellie, Stefano and Jake. Her brows were
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Chapter 31: Homecoming
It didn't take long for news of Hannah's not-yet-dead mate to circulate campus. Ellie was most surprised, but she felt a certain link to Hannah now that they both were in a similar situation. They both were mated to a man they couldn't yet have. Hannah, because she didn't know where he was or who he was, and Ellie, because the contract between Jake and Hannah still existed.She knew she was being petty by ignoring Jake's pleas for her to be with him despite the contract, but she couldn't help but feel that he hadn't paid enough retribution yet. So, she decided she would go to homecoming with Stefano still and let Jake suffer all the more for it. One more night would not cause him to die, and she was sure once Jake felt the pain of seeing her with Stefano one more night, he will have suffered enough.She had run the idea by Stefano and she laughed at his reaction.Stefano: You're cruel, you know that?Ellie: Me? Cruel? Never!Stefano: Making him suf
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Chapter 32: The Vision
The sun shone brightly against the grassy knoll; trees surrounded the clearing. There were mostly evergreens, ferns and yellow buttercups growing in between. The grass was sparse in the dense forest surrounding the clearing. Moss grew over stones and fallen logs; a deep green glow shone through the forest where the sun was shining through the canopy of foliage above.Ellie could see twelve stone thrones in a circle, surrounding a large stone table. It was larger than anything she had ever seen before, if she didn’t know better, she would think it had been made for giants. But there were no giants on earth, at least she didn’t think there were. She turned in a circle, looking at the clearing and the forest, trying to figure out where she was. She had been in her dormitory just a few moments ago. She was getting her things so she could go to the dance with her friends and now she was walking into the midst of a magical feast.She stared at the table; it was c
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Chapter 33: The Dance
"ELLIE!" Amanda's voice was loud, reverberating throughout the bus. Students were looking back at her now they had calmed down.Ellie was still screaming, drawing attention to herself as she covered her head with both hands and crouched in the back of her seat. She was done with this magical world and anyone looking in from the outside could tell. She had well and truly lost her mind."ELIZABETH VIOLETTA CARTER!" Amanda grabbed Ellie by the shoulders with both hands while Stefano wrapped his arms around her waist protectively.Ellie stopped screaming the minute she heard Amanda use her middle name, it was like a splash of cold water on her face. She was breathing quickly, her heart rate elevated from the fear that coursed through her veins but she stared at Amanda incredulously."How did you know my middle name?" She asked the question curiously, her fear forgotten for a moment. No one called her by her middle name, not even her parents. She
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Chapter 34: Searching for a Needle
Ellie was exhausted. She could hardly keep her eyes open, they kept closing as she stared at the text in front of her. It had been two weeks since the dance at Homecoming and school was starting to get intense. She didn't realize how much was involved in magic. She always thought you either had magic or you didn't. She always assumed she didn't. She was a werewolf without a wolf. That seemed pretty ordinary to her. Despite the weird violet eyes, seeing Jake's future thing. Other than her brief encounter with the lady in red at the Feast of the Fates, her only visions had been about Jake. The weeks that followed Homecoming were packed with new lessons with Stefano, which did not make Jake very happy. He, fortunately for Ellie, had to leave for those weeks to meet with Alphas around the country in preparation for his crowning so Ellie hadn't seen him since the day after the dance. Ellie mused about how much different her lessons with Stefano would be if Jake were hovering just around
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Chapter 35: In the Haystack
Ellie turned, her stomach flipping nervously as she looked up into the dark, green eyes of her favorite person in the entire world."In the entire world? That's quite the title." Jake's lips twitched humorously as Ellie realized he had been listening in to her thoughts once more."You've got to stop doing that," she whispered, staring up at him. She finally let herself feel, and she felt everything. She felt all of the desire and attraction that she had been suppressing for the last many weeks fill her chest.She thought she would burst from the pressure. She didn't know how to contain it. Homecoming had come and gone and with it, her promise to try but Jake had been gone. Now he was here, standing in front of her, his face inches from hers.She could feel the heat of his breath on her lips and her heart raced in anticipation of his kiss. But, he didn't kiss her. Not yet at least."I like doing it," he whispered down at her. "I like hearing your th
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Chapter 36: A Curse of Epic Proportions
It was a curse to see your death right before it happened. Ellie mused on that thought for a moment before she realized she wasn't yet dead. The explosion hadn't happened yet so they still had time to thwart it.Somehow.She didn't know how they would thwart the explosion though, not really. She didn't know where the explosion came from. It could be a bomb. It could be a faulty engine. It could be a flock of birds flying into the engines causing the plane to burst into a ball of fire."Can birds take down a plane?" Ellie asked, her thoughts running wild."What?" Meredith asked, her face equal parts terrified and incredulous."Were there birds in your vision?" Mark's voice was calm as he stared intently at Ellie. She looked up at him in surprise, forgetting for a moment that he was there."No, there was an explosion, I was trying to figure out what could have caused it and then I was wondering if we flew into a flock of birds if they would ca
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Chapter 37: Back from the Dead
Ellie woke slowly, her eyes still closed. She was being cradled against a strong, firm chest. Two arms held her close, holding her tight. She knew this chest. It was familiar to her. It was comforting. She nestled closer to the warm body as she let her senses awaken from the deep sleep she had found herself in."Do you have to hold her so close?" A soft voice called out, laced with jealousy. Ellie tried to place the owner of the voice. It sent tingles through her body."Well, that's a fucking relief." The voice muttered, barely audible, and she knew, somehow, that the owner of the voice knew the effect he had on her. A soft voice interjected."Do you really want to have a monologue over there or are you going to clue the rest of us into what you can hear in Ellie's head? Is she ok?"Ellie was so comfortable, she just wanted to drift back to sleep. It had been so peaceful, she had been warm and safe. Something about the world around her was wrong though and she could feel it in the ai
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Chapter 38: Wolf Blood and Garlic Bones
Ellie and Amanda walked into the restaurant first, the dark ambiance matching the darkness outside. It was late, their plane had landed late after the excitement of the flight. The only places open at such a late hour were restaurants with bars attached. One glance around the room and Ellie could tell half the inhabitants were not normal humans. There was a buzzing in the air, as if even the world around them could feel the presence of something abnormal. She couldn't tell yet whether they were magical, but she could say with certainty they were not human. "Oh my God," Amanda whispered as she nudged Ellie in the ribs with her elbow. "What is it?" Ellie whispered back, glancing at her friend to see what had caught Amanda's attention. "That man's eyes," Amanda said, her voice trailing off as she stared at a man sitting very near a fire at the far end of the restaurant. His eyes glowed a red-orange in the flickering of the flames coming from the gas fireplace insert on the wall next t
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Chapter 39: Hannah's Mate
Hannah paced in the Alpha's office, back and forth. Back and forth. She was nervous. She felt something in the air, something that made the air crackle and pop with anticipation and magic. She could feel it. She could run her hand through the electric current and feel it course through her veins. She was going to meet her mate today, she was sure of it. "Maybe we should just wait outside?" Ellie's voice was small and quiet, she sounded unsure. Hannah looked over at her with a question in her eyes. Something wasn't right, something seemed off and Hannah had a feeling Ellie knew what it was. Ellie wouldn't make eye contact so Hannah decided it must not be anything major. Ellie was skittish, she always had been. She was uncomfortable, that was all. Hannah couldn't spend much more time considering what was wrong with Ellie, she was too excited. She was going to meet him today. Her mate. She let a smile come to her face. She couldn't wipe it clean even if someone held a silver blade to
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