All Chapters of The Ruthless Wolf: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
92 Chapters
Chapter 70
  🌹🌹 The Beginning (Part 16) 🌹🌹 ❤️❤️ Death (Part B) ❤️❤️ "So is your kingdom far from here?" Vala asked, staring at the clouds above them. "Yeah, but it's not my kingdom, it belongs to my mother. You know, I don't wish to rule," Nilela said. "Why?" "Well, I won't be free to move around like I please, besides, the throne surrounds me, I have been seeing it since I was born, so I don't wish to rule." "Is that why you want to organize a tournament for the winner to rule over us?" "Yes, I will be leaving it in capable hands." "What if I want to contest?" "Hmmm?" "What if I want to join the tournament and contest against the Kings and I win, will you give me the throne?" "This is a tough decision for me because I have already found someone who I want him to win and he is going to win." "I was just joking, I am not interested in the throne," Vala said. "I know."
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Chapter 71
  🌹🌹 The Beginning (Part 17) 🌹🌹 ❤️❤️ Death (Part C) ❤️❤️ That same night, Flower return home and went to her son's room, the guards stationed outside his room door greeted her and gave her chance to knock on the door. "You can come in, mother." Flower entered his room and met him standing beside his window. "Why aren't you sleeping yet?" "I have been thinking," "Where is Vala?" "Where else could she be if not in Mary's room, when I went there to get her she threatened to call Nilela on me,a whole me. She insulted me in front of the ordinary servant mother, the scales in my eyes are now fallen. I wish I could strangle her to death while making love to her, my face will be the last thing she would see before her death." "You don't love her anymore?" "No, today marks the end of my love for her, I will ravish her body before I kill her." Daniel told his mother with anger "Now you are
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Chapter 72
 🌹🌹 The Beginning (Part 18) 🌹🌹❤️❤️ Death (Part D) ❤️❤️Flower kept shut, said her thanks and left the cave. Lucifer entered his hole.➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖Nilela Kingdom:"I have gotten what I would use on Nilela," Flower said to her son after her return. Daniel was in his room. "Your father gave it to me.""What are we going to use this small knife for? Don't tell me you want to use it and fight Nilela, this small kitchen knife won't stop him you know.""I just need to slice any part of his body, in that way, I will be blocking his vision of seeing anything we are doing." Flower explained to her son. "Do you now understand?""Yes, I understand you now mother, but how do we get close to him to cut him without him knowing?""That's why you are here," Flower said, taking one of his hands, forcing his palm open and putting the knife on it. "You will be the one to use it on him." she added and continued, "I don't kno
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Chapter 73
 🌹🌹 The Beginning (Part 19) 🌹🌹❤️❤️ Death (Part E) ❤️❤️Daniel laughed. "Well since I won't be participating in the ongoing tournament, I would really love it if you can give me strong armies to use for battles, please.""Okay, I shall create some armies for you, strong ones before the tournament which is in two days time." Nilela promised, "Let's train.""I was waiting for you to say that," Daniel said and they began to fight."You are good with the knife, Daniel," Nilela said as he dodged Daniel's strike."Thank you," Daniel said and thrust once again, this time around in Nilela's neck and he succeeded, slicing a bit of Nilela's neck and dodging the sword aiming at him, he wasn't fast, the sword cut his stomach, tearing his layer of clothes."We are even now," Nilela said, moving back and smiling. The wound on his neck closed and so did Daniel's own.Daniel smirked, "Yes, we even."They continued their
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Chapter 74
 🌹🌹 The Beginning (Part 20) 🌹🌹❤️❤️ Death (Part F) ❤️❤️At that moment, Vala's brother died, Vala shook him hard trying to wake him up but her efforts didn't yield. He cried out the more when she realized truly her brother was gone. Her rage grew.So engrossed with her tears, Vala didn't see the black centipede that came out from her brother's mouth as the centipede crawled and entered Flower leg."Everything will be alright Vala, maybe Nilela has a reason for doing what he did," Flower said to her.Vala didn't say a word."Sorry about the loss but what has happened has happened," Daniel said, "Zelik, take him and bury him immediately." he told Zelik, who nodded his head and bent down to carry Vala's brother from Vala body, together with Vala, they left the throne room."How were you able to do it, son?""Is the part of killing the whole villagers or bringing Vala's brother who told Vala it was Nilela who had a
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Chapter 75
Ruthless (You're My Obsession) 🌹🌹 The Beginning (Part 21) 🌹🌹❤️❤️ Death (Part G) ❤️❤️Daniel left his mother, heading towards the same direction Vala went too.**********Nilela saw the arena Zeus and the rest of the gods had built and his sharp eyes landed on the god.Flying down to meet Zeus."I thought you wouldn't come, it took me days to create this, you know," Zeus said to Nilela who landed beside him, and began to point around them, at the seats the gods and goddesses would sit to witness the fight."Thank you my friend, you really did well, I am grateful to you.""I know you would do the same if the case was reversed, so you don't have to thank me." Zeus told him."Have you told them about the condition?""Yes, when they are coming they should bring a strong partner that would enter the fighting arena with them, it will be two against two.""I trust you," Nilela said as the
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Chapter 76
Ruthless (You're My Obsession) 🌹🌹 The Beginning (Part 22) 🌹🌹❤️❤️ Death (Part H) ❤️❤️Zelik went to do as ordered.Daniel went back into the room and saw Vala trying to leave the bed, he had forgotten she was a werewolf.He quickly went to meet her and pushed her back to the bed. "We are not done yet with the fun, Vala.""Please, just let me go.""No,""Nilela, please help me.""Don't you get it, Nilela won't be here to save you until I am done." Daniel told her, smirking."Please....." whatever Vala had wanted to say was interrupted when Zelik entered the room."They are here as requested, my King," Zelik said."Zelik my friend, since you have done me a great favor, why don't you have her before others, oh and you can be rough with her, she likes it rough," Daniel said and returned his gaze back to Vala wide eyes. "Did I forget to tell you that I can do this?" he said and with a fl
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Chapter 77
 🌹🌹 The Beginning (Part 23) 🌹🌹❤️❤️ Death (Part I) ❤️❤️"She is dead." Zelik announced as they watched how the chain curled itself around Vala's dead body."Stay here, I am coming," Daniel said to him and ordered some guards inside the room before he left to meet his mother in her room. "She is dead, mother." "At least you get to have enough fun with her.""What should I do with her dead body?""I will do away with that," Flower told him, "You on the other hand, should leave the kingdom and hide until everything calms down.""I don't understand you mother, why do you want me to run away?""Nilela will surely attack and you do not have his strength yet. You will have to hide until I have settled everything.""And you think Nilela won't find me?""I will direct you to your father's cave, you will stay there until it's safe for you to return back. Go now, you have blocked his vision, he won't k
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Chapter 78
 🌹🌹 The Beginning (Part 24) 🌹🌹❤️❤️His Punishment  ❤️❤️Paul’s chin-length black hair with a single white stripe running through ithad it slicked back over his head. The Archangel’s eyes were liquid silver, swirling and emotionless. Paul had sharp, chiseled features and a labaster skin. Paul emerged from the portal in all his magnificent, deadly glory, the portal closes behind him. He was wearing black steel armor from head to toe with silver. His black wings were out stretched behind him impressively. A large broad sword was strapped to his side.Nilela smirked devilish as he stared at the Archangel in front of him. He knows why Archangel Paul is here and his nose flare in anger.Without saying a word, he attacked Paul in rage.Paul dodged his strike and put some space between them."Do you want to turn into a rebellion Angel like the other one?"Paul asked, referring to Lucifer.Nilela didn't l
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Chapter 79
 🌹🌹 The Beginning (Part 25) 🌹🌹❤️❤️ Aftermath  (Part 1) ❤️❤️Daisy thanked the Creator and left with her son. She went to her room, it was partly destroyed but her bed and room were still intact, she dropped her little son on her bed and left, leaving two Angels to guard her son at the door.She headed towards the destroyed Nilela Kingdom and the once beautiful kingdom was nowhere in sight. She landed at the empty big space that used to house the palace and looked around in wonder. No one would come here and believed here once housed a building and kingdom.She wanted to leave when she saw something, or rather someone heading towards her direction, looking closely at it, she realized it was her sister, Flower.She quickly went to meet her, meeting Flower halfway who expressed shock as she regarded round."Thank goodness you are still alive because I will kill you with my own hands," Daisy said to her as she made to grab
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