All Chapters of Just Once More (COMPLETE): Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
64 Chapters
Chapter Thirty-One
Austin heard the rumors and saw bits of the video that was circulating around the school. He wanted to punch whoever had filmed that piece from Saturday night and did a viral email of it. He knew it had to have been one of Apryl’s bitches, but he couldn’t confront them just yet and make a scene. Laney had told him that Emery had seen it and she hadn’t seen her since she walked out of the bathroom. Austin knew she hadn’t left school as he made sure to walk past each of her classes and saw her always seated with her head down in some book.“Have you gotten to talk to her?” Laney scooted in beside Austin at the lunchroom table. The girl who had been seated beside him let out a large hiss of annoyance for being pushed away from the spot that she had probably worked hard to get to.“No.” Austin didn’t want to discuss any of this at lunch, especially with all eyes and ears focused on him right now.“You know,
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Chapter Thirty-Two
The following week of school went by without any issues or conflicts arising for either Emery or Austin. They saw each other in the halls, but neither made an attempt to talk to the other. There was a football game on Friday, one that Laney talked Emery into going to, just to support the dance team and nothing else. Emery decided to go because there was nothing else planned and she didn’t want to spend it sitting around watching old movies and eating popcorn with her parents. The following day was her eighteenth birthday, she and Austin did have plans, but now everything was up in the air of what she was actually going to do.***“Just make sure you sit on the opposite side of where Apryl and her whores will be.” Laney gave Emery instructions of where she needed to sit so that she would be near the dance team and not the cheerleaders.“I know.” Emery patted Laney’s shoulder. “I’ve been to almost every game
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Chapter Thirty-Three
“You need to get down there.” Laney grabbed Emery’s hand and began to pull her toward the stairs that led to the track and field. The people that were supposed to be keeping everyone off of the sidelines were so preoccupied with what was going on that they didn’t even attempt to stop Laney and Emery from gaining access to the field.“They’re not going to let me by him.” Emery pulled on Laney’s hand. She wasn’t family and as far as she knew none of the coaches knew she and Austin were or had been together.Laney knew the protocol when something like this happened and Emery was right about not getting close. But at least they got this far and were on the field. She pulled Emery close to the team so they wouldn’t stand out and get kicked off. “I don’t think his parents are here.” Laney looked around, but didn’t see Austin’s mom or dad anywhere.“I haven’t seen him
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Chapter Thirty-Four
Emery walked up the stairs toward the second floor of the hospital. She took deep breaths and tried to calm her nerves before she went in to see Austin. The door leading to the second floor creaked open as the light flooded the stairwell. There were several nurses in the hallway, but none of them paid her much mind as she walked past on her way to Austin’s room.The door was shut when Emery finally came to the room that Dr. Holt had told her Austin would be in. She knocked softly, but there was no answer. She slowly opened it up and peeked inside. Austin was laying on the bed with the covers pulled halfway up. There was an IV in his arm and the TV was turned on low. It seemed whoever had delivered him had already done their thing and left.Emery sat on the chair beside the bed. Her eyes carefully gazed over Austin’s body, looking for any signs of trauma, but he looked like he normally did, only now he was asleep. She took hold of his hand and lightly intert
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Chapter Thirty-Five
Austin felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. If this was any other girl, he would have said ‘see ya later.’ But with her, he just couldn’t let go. Like there was something pulling him toward her like he was in love for the first time ever in his life. “Cool.” He didn’t know what else to say without sounding like a total pushover wuss.Emery shook her head. “A man of many words.” She laid her head down on his arm so that her forehead was resting against his hand. “Anything you want to know?” She hoped that they could maybe have a detailed conversation tomorrow, it was getting really late and she had taken her nightly meds before she went to the game so she was getting sleepy.“Anything else you feel you need to tell me right now?” Austin ran his hand over her hair, then kept it situated on the base of her neck.“Emery isn’t my real name.” She glanced up
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Chapter Thirty-Six
Emery squinted her eyes open. There was faint sunlight shining through the window like the sun was just coming up over the horizon. She remembered where she was instantly and sat upright. Austin was still laying on the bed, carefully watching her as she woke up.“What time is it?” Emery tried to sit more upright, but her stiff neck and back stopped her from doing so graciously.“It’s a little before dawn.” Austin motioned toward the sun peeking in the window.Emery grabbed her cell phone on the stand to see what the exact time was. Her clock read a little past six in the morning. “Why did you let me sleep so long?” Emery ran her hand through her hair, knowing it must be a total mess. “Didn’t anyone come in and try to kick me out?” She knew it was a big no-no for non-family members to stay the night.“I tried to wake you up, but you kept making these small noises and never fully woke u
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Chapter Thirty-Seven
Emery had spent the past eight hours with Austin in his living room. They’d watched three movies, ate dinner, and listened to his sisters whine about going to bed early. His mom had gotten a cake so that they could help celebrate the birthday and was going to invite Emery’s parents over. She declined the offer because her grandparents were coming over to her parents’ house the next day and there would be a late birthday celebration. After everyone sang the birthday song, Emery and Austin took their plates of cake and ice cream back to his room.“Would you like to come over tomorrow?” Emery took a bite of her chocolate cake and looked up at Austin. He knew about the grandparent thing and didn’t know if he would feel uncomfortable meeting other family members.“Yeah, sure that sounds good.” Austin licked the remaining icing off his plate, then placed it on the floor. “I’m only coming over for more cake
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Chapter Thirty-Eight
“They should be here in about half an hour.” Emery made sure the living room was cleaned up to her grandparents’ satisfaction. Not that they were critical about how the house was kept, but she liked to keep everything cleaned up just for show. She kissed Austin on the cheek. “Don’t be nervous.” He was fidgeting around with the remote, which was a sign that he was trying to hide his anxiety.“I’m not.” Austin knew his attempt at sounding sincere failed as his voice crackled. Emery smirked at him and went about her business. “Well, the way you’re all acting makes me think that these people are uptight.”“They’re not. We just like things to go well when we see them.” Emery finished the last of the dusting then settled in beside Austin on the couch. “Mom and Dad like to cook them dinner and I just like the house to be clean…no biggie.” She saw him nod his head okay,
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Chapter Thirty-Nine
The next two months flew by for Austin and Emery. There hadn’t been any more complications in their relationship or with either of their health. They spent as much time as possible together, along with Laney and Brandon, who had become their sidekick couple.Football season was finally over. Although it didn’t end with a playoff game win, Austin was happy and yet sad to see his high school days of playing ball come to an end. The school was getting ready for the big seasonal dance that seemed like the mini prom before the actual big prom in the springtime. The couples were all planning on going together and Emery had gone with Laney to pick out a dress. Both girls kept what kind of dress they’d gotten a secret from their men, only telling them the color so that they could buy corsages that matched.It was the day before the dance. Austin and Emery were seated with Laney and Brandon at lunch discussing what time they were all leaving tomorrow night.
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Chapter Forty
Emery felt someone touching her arm and instantly jolted awake. “Mom, what’s wrong?” Her mother was standing near her bed and had a worried look on her face.Mrs. Warden patted her daughter’s arm to let her know everything was all right and walked toward the closet. “It’s almost five and I know you have to get ready. I thought you might want to get up now from your nap.” She brushed the hanging dress on the door with the back of her hand and couldn’t wait to see both Emery and Austin all dolled up for this occasion.“Thank you.” Emery thanked her mom for waking her up. If not, she probably would’ve still been sleeping when Austin got there at seven. Her mom waved her hand in response and continued out through the door, shutting it on the way out. Emery ran her hand over her face to wake herself up more. No time to be wasting, she thought to herself as she jumped out of bed and grabbed her robe t
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