All Chapters of Protecting My Mafia Princess: The Rise Of A Crime Boss: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
57 Chapters
I Hate How I Don't Hate
The drive in the early morning sun that is laying hot and comfortable on my skin does not for the anger that I feel within. The anger that will now, once and for all, boil out of control and hopefully set the reality in that no matter how well you play the game with Trinity Stone, she is always going to win.Ya, the little ice princess was nearly going to waste my ass.The question is…does she truly have it in her to kill me? Well, that I need to ask myself when the time comes, will I be able to draw my gun and pop a bullet into the ice princess?”That is a question that I cannot answer with a definite yes or no, for the anger is consuming me.How the fuck did I let Trinity Stone play me again?So miss little ice princess never had a clip on her head, but there is still very much one on mine. And seeing that she has failed to do it now, when can I expect her return. Well, there is no way she is coming inside my home. Which means&hellip
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Crazy Ex-Lover
A great man once said, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." He should have added an "aw, fuck it" on the end? That's the part I can't get right. "Fuck it, and fuck you," I say it, and I think it, and I never believe it.You got me. Damn you, Trinity, you got me.The goddamn woman just blew a fucking hole right through the entrance on the far east side of the property.I am going to give it to her, she is fucking clever, but god, now she has pissed me off for once and for all. She is getting her shit right back.Two seconds ago I had somewhat of a tinkle of feeling that did not include hate, but my blood is boiling and all I can see around me is complete hate.And let us not forget the fucking destruction she has just cause to my goddamn property.So as we all scatter outside, rushing towards the rather big hole, I am still holding my phone firm in my hand. There is no one, at the very present that is making their way thr
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Knocking On Death's Door
I fear that I have lost Trinity, not to death but to an evil that possesses her. But I have to face this evil, and I fear to think that I shall have to take her life.So I rip off what is left of my shredded shirt and toss it over to the side.Mason stands behind me. This is what I have always admired about him; he shall fight for me until he shall not be able to stand.And as I look over to Jax, much to my surprise, he takes his place next to Mason.I look at them both with pure sadness on my face."Please try not to hurt her."We watch as she stands in the center of the room with her Glock firmly pointed at me. There is blood dripping from an open wound on her hand, her breathing is erratic, and the most grotesque sounds are coming from deep within her chest.Then...She is the first to make a move. Her body moves over the floor as she rapidly approaches me. Jax and Mason step two steps back while I step one forward.I
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Holding Your Life In My Hands
Fear…An emotion I never felt until I met Trinity Stone.The woman has taken me on a roller coaster of emotions, letting me discover a bigger part of me that I once knew never existed.I have felt for her from love to hate, and now I am to fear for her life as I am here clutching onto her hand.Now we have come to make a decision; this very fucking helpful Doctor that I employ has now told me that he cannot do anything for Trinity. Those very words set a whirlwind of emotions through every corner of the over-panicked body. This only means one thing, she shall have to go to Hospital. It does seem like the most obvious solution when someone does get hurt, but in this line of business, the types of injuries you find yourself with do bring along the attention of law enforcement.So here comes the fucked up thing.Do I let Trinity stay here and fight her best fight?Or do I take her to a Hospital, and not only me but her will find o
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Always Fail To Lose Me
What do they say when someone else’s life flashes in front of your eyes?Well, I don’t know, but I can tell you that it feels like you are dropping into an abyss that is filled with hot lava. You are being burned alive in pure agony.Trinity has just crashed…It is in pure horror that I watch as the Doctor is literally standing knees over her body and bashing at her chest to get that already weak heart to pump life into her once again.Well…He is not doing it fast enough for me…It takes me one leap, and I push his body of Trinity. As he tumbles to the floor, I pin her between my legs, and BANG…I smash my hands into her chest and start chest compression.One…to…thirty…One…two breaths…Nothing…I do it again…I smash her chest as hard as these fists won't hurt those delicate ribs, and I keep on pumping and brea
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Breaking Down Walls
Seriously, fuck you. I have had enough. I am tired of losing Trinity. Around every corner, there is a hole that I need to trip through…and… I have had enough. I once believed I knew what love is. Trinity Stone… I was satisfied with a mediocre life, a mediocre relationship. You know, the same old, same old – “He cares about me, I care about him”; “I will never find anything better than this.” stuff. All that fucking bullshit. I actually thought that I had found my ‘forever after.’ The person I’ll eventually end up with. You came into my life and changed my whole existence from its core. From the very first moment our eyes met, I knew there was something much more powerful between us than a simple, flirty gaze. You showed me that love has no limits; you revealed a whole new dimension of me. Something I’ve never felt before. Something I’ve never experienced in my life. I have
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Haunted Abandon
Trinity has not stirred yet; she has been under for what seems like endless hours.The pain that I am holding deep in the depths of my heart with the thoughts that this might just be it they have been haunting me with every ticking second.I know that it is not good for my soul to think that I have lost her for certain this time, but reality has that nagging ability to bring fear into your life, reminding you that karma is a bitch and that she is always hiding around the corner.Though, there is one thing that this bitch does not know, is that I am Colton Cruz.I might have that fear that Trinity is breathing her last breaths, but I am yet not near close enough to accepting it.So as this incredibly, and I need to remind myself to fire his fucking ass, but yes, he has just given her some more morphine as I settle for the next hour.Now Jax and Mason have tried their best to move my ass, and King nearly did win his attempt, but there is no wa
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Running Out Of Reasons
…Trinity POV…To say that I have not hit a new depth of stupidity in these past few weeks would be a total understatement. From wanting to blow Colton’s brains out to actually blowing a hole through his wall. That can easily be described as the most insane thing that any woman can set her mind to, regardless of which world it is that she finds herself in.Now, should I want to try and find the most logical answer for doing any of them, I cannot come to one single one.Why do I hate Colton so much?Even more important…why do I want to kill him?For the Stone Empire?Well, yes, there is that. But that alone should not want to justify putting myself in such danger, for I, after all, have a string of men that will do it for me within an eye wink. Is it perhaps that I wish to want to do it myself?Why would I want to hurt Colton so bad?The man that is sitting here next to me and has not let go of my hand
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Getting Equal
If my mind thought it was deceiving it, my eyes are telling me that I surely am not.Trinity has just opened those goddamn beautiful brown eyes and said one single word that brings all the joy in the world to me.So it is with a tiny jolt of energy back into my bones that I can barely stop myself from hugging her so tightly.“God, princess. You have no idea I am happy to see that sparkle in your eyes again.”She only but tries to chuckle, but the pain makes her body cringe as she cries out in agony. It breaks my heart and slices my soul open, but the solace that she is awake is the only thing that matters.“Princess…”She immediately interrupts me; under a strained breath, she starts to speak softly, “Colton, I owe you such a great apology; I don’t know what came over me. I was so mad with fury after you left me hanging like that.”“Well, I will never do that again; next time, I w
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The Glue That Keeps Us Together
We all know that our time in this world is limited and that eventually, all of us will end up underneath some sheet, never to wake up. And yet, it is always a surprise when it happens to someone we know. It is like walking up the stairs to your bedroom in the dark and thinking there is one more stair than there is.Right now, it feels like there are no fucking stairs as I look at Trinity lying helpless under a goddamn sheet that is stained in nothing but blood.I cannot stop repeating how I can simply not be without her.And I think that Mason can see that I am about to hit rock bottom as he slowly comes walking over to me, “Hey, let’s take a walk outside. Jax can keep an eye on her.”Very reluctantly, I rise from the cold floor where I have not moved for the past hours. My heart hesitates, for I do not want to leave her. What happens if I leave and she…God, I don’t even want to think about it.“Five min
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