All Chapters of Gabriel's Obsession: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
40 Chapters
Unveiling secrets.
Amelia's POV The situation was incredibly embarrassing. How could I not have realized that this elegant and luxurious room would belong to him? "Um...sorry, I didn't know. Don't worry, I'll find another room," I stammered, feeling utterly flustered. "No, it's fine. You can stay here. I don't mind," he responded casually. I simply nodded, feeling a mix of awkwardness and gratitude for his understanding. Without lingering, I retreated into the room's walk-in closet, selecting a simple yet cute floral dress to wear. Once dressed, I left the closet and noticed the sound of running water from the adjoining washroom, indicating that he was in the midst of a shower. Fighting off my boredom, I decided to explore the mansion. I gently closed the door behind me as I stepped out of the room and turned left, my curiosity piqued by the sight of another staircase. It led further upstairs, and my intrigue prompted me to ascend and see what lay beyond. Continuing on, I soon reached another door. J
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Heartfelt confessions
Amelia's POVI found myself lying on the bed in Gabriel's room, lost in deep thoughts. The room was a mix of unfamiliar elegance and comfort, reflecting his complex personality.As I pondered over my current circumstances, I realized that being around Gabriel stirred up emotions within me that I had never experienced before. Whenever he was near, I felt an odd sense of security and a hint of affection. But was it genuine love? It wasn't that my family didn't care for me, but the revelation of their betrayal had shattered my trust.Amidst my contemplation, I also couldn't help but think about Mark, my first love. I had pushed him to the back of my mind during this tumultuous ordeal. I needed to see him, talk to him. The bond we shared was something special, something different from what I was experiencing with Gabriel. While my feelings for Gabriel were growing, they were complicated by the circumstances of my captivity.Mark had to be hurting, wondering what had happened to me. My hear
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A night to remember
After a short drive, we arrived at a restaurant. Gabriel got out of the car and swiftly made his way to my side. He opened the door and extended his hand, helping me step out of the car. What a gentleman he was being. His arm rested gently around my waist as we strolled towards the restaurant's entrance. The place exuded elegance, and I found myself captivated by its beauty.As we reached the entrance, Gabriel tossed the car key to the valet, and the doorman graciously held the door open for us. His confidence and demeanor spoke volumes—clearly, he felt right at home here. Well, he did own Hamilton Enterprise, so that wasn't a surprise. I couldn't help but think how fortunate he was to have such wealth and power.An elegantly attired woman, donning a professional uniform and high heels, greeted us with a warm smile. "Welcome, Mr. Hamilton and Miss Hutton. Please follow me; I'll show you to your table," she said in a polite and practiced manner. As we walked behind her, I couldn't help
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Intimate Moments
Amelia's POVMature content ahead:Leaving the bathroom, my gaze remained fixated on the engagement ring adorning my finger. Lost in its glimmering beauty, I didn't notice the person in front of me until I bumped into them. I looked up, and a smile spread across my face as I realized it was Gabriel. The transformation in him had been remarkable; his newfound kindness was endearing. A sudden urge to hug him overwhelmed me, and I wrapped my arms around him, resting my head against his chest. Rising up on my toes, I could just barely reach his chest; he was so tall."You know what?" I asked, feeling a sense of comfort and contentment in his embrace."What, babygirl?" he responded, his fingers tracing soothing circles on my back as he nuzzled into the crook of my neck."I'm really starting to like this side of you. In the beginning, I couldn't stand you, but now I'm genuinely growing fond of you. It's as if the 'monster' Gabriel has transformed into a 'fallen angel'," I admitted with since
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Family Dynamics
Amelia's POVI awoke to the sight of Gabriel, deep in slumber beside me. My face nestled against his chest, and his hand gently rested on my waist, the tangle of our limbs illustrating the intimacy of our connection. Reminiscing about the events of the previous night brought an involuntary smile to my lips. It had been a night of unexpected surprises - a date that transformed into a proposal, followed by an intensely passionate encounter. My hope was for Gabriel to remain the person I had grown fond of, without any alteration."I can sense your gaze upon me, my angel. I'm aware of my own handsomeness," Gabriel remarked, his morning voice infused with a seductive allure that I couldn't help but find appealing."I wasn't," I responded, feeling my cheeks flush with shyness. I could practically feel the heat radiating from them.Gabriel opened his eyes, a smile gracing his features as he gazed at me. Slowly, he drew closer and placed a soft kiss on my blushing cheek."I quite enjoy witness
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Dress Fitting and Sensations
Amelia's POVGabriel suggested that I go shopping with his sister, Angelica, primarily to find my wedding dress and other essentials. While I was certainly pleased, confusion lingered within me. I was still a young adult, only 18 years old, and now I was on the verge of marriage within a week. Undoubtedly, Gabriel loved me immensely, but I couldn't help but feel that things were moving at an incredibly swift pace."Hey, down-to-earth sister-in-law. What's on your mind?" Angelica inquired with a hint of amusement in her tone."Well, there's something I wanted to ask you," I began, my sincerity evident."Spill it. I'm all ears," she responded with evident enthusiasm."I'm feeling conflicted. I'm not sure what to do. I mean, getting married in a week, but I still feel so young," I confessed, baring my concerns."Did you talk to Gabby about this?" she queried, leaving me even more bewildered."Who's Gabby?" I responded, my forehead creasing in puzzlement."Oh, you didn't know? That's the n
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Shadows of Fear and Hope
A knock on the door jolted the couple out of their enchanting reverie. Amelia's cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson, while Gabriel emitted a soft chuckle at her reaction."Are you alright in there, miss? Do you need any assistance?" the salesgirl inquired.Amelia found herself flustered and taken aback. She realized that nobody had noticed Gabriel's entrance, and she also came to the sobering realization that when they eventually stepped out of the dressing room, they would likely attract curious stares. Furthermore, she was keenly aware that this golden opportunity for teasing wouldn't be missed by Angelica."I... um... no, it's fine...almost done," she stammered, her voice betraying her embarrassment. Gabriel's proud smirk only exacerbated her discomposure. Casting a shy, doe-eyed glance in his direction, she felt her face heat up with embarrassment."Listen, I'll step out first, and I'll create a diversion to ensure no one notices when you come out," she proposed, her anxiety palp
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Love and Conflicts
Amelia's POV I lay in bed, overcome by tears, my emotions flowing like a torrential river. The venomous words his mother had uttered continued to echo in my mind, leaving a searing imprint. How could someone be so callous and hurtful? My gaze was fixed on the outside scenery, the view beyond the windowpane serving as a temporary escape from the pain that gnawed at my heart. The world outside seemed to blur as if I were being transported away from the torment within.The soft click of the door registered in my ears, but I couldn't summon the strength to lift my gaze or acknowledge the presence on the other side. Gabriel's voice filled the room, a greeting that usually brought comfort, yet now I felt too overwhelmed to respond. I allowed his words to wash over me, letting his presence blend into the background. The emotional turmoil was simply too much to bear, and I was teetering on the edge of my endurance. Even a raised voice would be enough to shatter whatever fragile composure I ha
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Bound by Vows and Secrets
"Mr. Gabriel Hamilton, do you take Ms. Amelia Hutton to be your lawfully wedded spouse, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" The priest's voice resonated in the chapel."I do," Gabriel replied with unwavering determination, his gaze locked affectionately onto Amelia's hazel-blue eyes.The priest then turned to Amelia, his gaze kind and encouraging. "And do you, Ms. Amelia Hutton, take Mr. Gabriel Hamilton to be your lawfully wedded spouse?""I do," she answered, her voice steady and filled with emotion.With their affirmations, the priest acknowledged that the couple had solemnly declared their consent to be united in marriage. He offered a prayer for God's blessings upon their union and pronounced, "What God has joined together, let no one put asunder."In the next moment, Gabriel slipped a stunning diamond ring onto Amelia's delicate ring finger, his touch gentle yet significant.
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Love's Flames Ignited
Amelia's POVWe arrived at the mansion, and fatigue enveloped me, craving nothing more than to slip into bed and surrender to a peaceful slumber. Yet, the knowledge of Gabriel's earlier expressed intentions prevented such a simple indulgence—his desire to share an intimate moment hung in the air.As we crossed the mansion's threshold, the living room unveiled Gabriel's parents engrossed in an intense conversation. Their attention pivoted toward us, their gazes fixated upon our entrance. I found myself unable to meet their eyes, opting instead to lower my gaze. An aura of trepidation clung to me in their presence. Gabriel's father exuded an air of stern authority, his demeanor marked by an austere countenance and an unwaveringly puritanical stance."Tomorrow morning, in my office," his father declared, leaving no room for discourse. Without lingering for a response, he promptly retreated to his bedroom. His mother's gaze bore into me, and she too followed her husband's lead, leaving the
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