All Chapters of Alpha's Honor: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
37 Chapters
  I awoke earlier than the others, for intended purpose. I was itching for a run and I needed more than wanted to do it alone. My wolf barely let me get down the stairs before it surfaced, shifting mid-stride. I stifled a howl, one that desperately wanted to be let out to express my joy. The clouds in the sky were so close to pouring down on the forest, I could smell it. Rain would be on us within the hour. This was my only thought as I ran through the trees, farther away from my packhouse. Returning home hadn’t been as hard as I’d thought. My father was so caught up in the rouges he didn’t even know I’d skipped school. I wasn’t a rebellious teen looking for attention, but it had struck a nerve.  My paws padded against the earth as I slowed to a walk, letting the scents of the forest wash over me. It took me a moment to realize where my wariness came from. I lowered my muzzle to the ground and tested the air, noting the dried blood.
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Moving On
  There were no books in front of him this time and he wore a look of worry on his face. As soon as he saw me he leaned forward in his chair and waited for me to find my own seat. I sat beside him, taking care to keep my distance.  “Are you okay?”  His words were so genuine, so sincere, I almost forgot about the things I had to say to him. Almost.  “You can’t sit with us anymore and you need to stay away from the other wolves.”  The words blurted from my mouth in a rush. They were followed with a long silence in which I was sure he’d yell or scream. He did neither, instead staring at me with a blank expression.  “But Mel and Fyn…”  “Mel and Fyn know their place and it’s with the pack. I know you were just being friendly, but it ends now. Stay away from them and stay away from Byron. Don’t talk to any of them, don’t look at
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  “We need to up the rounds as much as we can.” Benton, Mel’s father and my father's Second, clenched his fists in frustration.  “We’ve already done that.” My father looked stressed.  “A boy is missing. Do you want one of ours to be next?” Benton continued.  I listened intently as they discussed the means of Casey’s disappearance. It had been three weeks since the day in the library, but Hugo’s words were fresh in my mind. I thought of him a lot, even catching myself glancing at him in class from time to time. He stayed true to his word and kept his distance. That only made it worse, for me anyway. My pack was content with the distance. They’d gone back to their usual happy selves, enjoying in each other’s company when it came. Lane and I had reconciled and I learned he was actually an interesting character. He and Axel were the least trusting of the all the youths of
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Tracking the Truth
  On a normal Saturday afternoon, I would take advantage of my free time and go for a run or join the patrol. The last few Saturday’s had been spent hanging out with the Redclaw youths, but not this one. That Saturday, I needed some time to think. I hadn’t told my pack about Lance’s informative story, and definitely not Bryon’s pack. It seemed like the secrets were piling on top of each other. I waited until my pack was busy with their weekend tasks and told my father I was going to the library to do homework.  The town was busy so it was easy for me to blend into the crowd on the sidewalk. I shoved my hands into my jacket pockets and kept my eyes ahead. I tried to appear as an aimless window shopper, though I’d never window shopped and I felt like I was doing a horrible job at pretending. I caught a familiar scent and my eyes flickered to a coffee shop where Quinn and her friend group were emerging from. She sipped from a steaming cup
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  Sweat drenched the man’s face and stuck strands of his blonde hair to his forehead as he hurried inside, despite the chill of the air outside. He didn’t notice us at first, but when he did, his beady eyes darted between Hugo and I behind thick lenses. His scent hit me like a wave, and I could tell this man hadn’t showered for at least a few days. Human? I felt my impulses settle slightly, knowing I was capable of handling this situation now without shifting.  Hugo moved around me. “Dad?”  The man’s face lit up and he moved to embrace his son with a look of relief in his eyes. I was rooted where I stood. The situation might have been heart warming for Hugo, but I could sense that there was something very wrong with this man. He was on edge, looking like he hadn’t slept and smelling like he hadn’t showered. When he pulled away I saw the strain it took for him to smile and knew he was holding some
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The Factors
  The Doc made me tell him everything I knew first. He listened intently while I relayed the last months events from beginning to end. There were some things that even Hugo didn’t know and I could see he didn’t like the part where I promised Cassidy that I’d keep him safe. He didn’t like me putting myself in danger on his behalf. The part about my mother was harder to get out, but the two of them let me go as slowly as I wanted. I could see that this hit Doc especially hard, but also made him understand why I’d done a lot of what I’d done. He had eased up quite a bit by the end of my story, which took some stress off me. I didn’t know how much time had passed since I’d left my packhouse but I tried not to think about that while I had this chance to learn more about Hugo and the necklace.  “I’m sorry to hear about your mother. Hanon rarely speaks of Ally but when he does it’s only kind words.”
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The Reveal
  “Natalia…we said we were sorry. Please don’t be angry anymore.” Mel pleaded.   I crossed my arms, which was followed by disapproving looks from Jace, Ash and Ky. I hadn’t spoken to Fyn and Mel for the entire night after screaming at them and shaking my fists in the air for an hour. The silence had seeped all the way into the next morning’s patrol, and lunch. We were relaxing in one of the extra cabins my father used for storage, waiting for dinner when Mel finally decided to address me again.   “I’m not angry.” I kept my voice level. “I’m disappointed.”   Fyn rolled his eyes. “Please don’t use Chano’s method of parenting lines on us. We already know you’re pissed; you might as well yell some more.”   “I enjoyed that.” Ky laughed. “Angry Alpha Natalia.”   I glared at him. “You’re next, Ky. Watch yourself.”   Ash settled deeper into the beanbag in the corner. “So, are you going to tell us why you drag
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Change of Plans
  The bell rang just as I squeezed into my chair. My pack and I hadn’t gotten the chance to sneak off and snoop around the night before due to Shadowfang having their own arrangements of meetings. I was thankful that the youths kept their word and didn’t rat me out. Though, it did unsettle me whenever I would see one of the elders talking quietly with them. I was more unsettled when I saw Ava and Damien slip into their seats looking like they hadn’t slept all weekend. I barely noticed when Hugo slid into his chair.  “Alright class.” Mr. Hinge began.  I didn’t hear anything he said after that. I tuned him out to focus on the homework I hadn’t done over the weekend. Mr. Hinge wasn’t a strict teacher by any means, but he did take homework seriously. Not that homework was the first thing on my mind anymore. Still, I racked my brain for the answers but gave up when I realized I hadn’t been listening duri
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Ch 29
Fyn draped an arm over my shoulder as we pushed through the cafeteria door. It was a friendly gesture to us, but it drew a few eyes from surrounding tables. I saw Fyn smile, enjoying the attention. I glanced back enough to see Jace take Mel’s hand; the gesture was so subtle but I knew I was seeing the beginning of something. I caught sight of Byron, leaning back in his chair and smiling at Claire, who sat beside him. The Redclaw wolves didn’t look uncomfortable around Chelsea’s friends; the same group they’d spent most of the last three years with. This triggered me, knowing that they’d nearly torn into Shadowfang for befriending Hugo and his friends. So, only they were allowed to hang out with humans? Not likely.  We came upon a table that was erupting in laughter. The group of humans were enjoying themselves and their break time. It was only the sight of us sliding into the empty chairs around the table that silenced them. I sat beside Hu
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Ch 30
I shot out of my seat. “Excuse me?”   My father raised a hand to silence me. “Cedric and I have been trying to put together a meeting to talk about the union. We didn’t think something like this would happen, but this has been planned a week in advance.”   “Reschedule.” I gritted my teeth.   My father’s eyes hardened. Even from where I stood I could feel the power coming off him. His wolf had awakened by the challenge, but my father was calm. He had many years on us and knew how to control himself better than we did..   “Not an option.” He said coolly.   “We aren’t in any mood to see Redclaw today.”   He shrugged. “That’s your issue, not mine. The union must be discussed. It’s business, Natalia. I have a deal to uphold.”   “No, you mean I have a deal to uphold. You need me to hold this meeting and I’m telling you to reschedule.”   “Luckily for me, you’re not my Alpha.” He
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