All Chapters of Loner to Luna: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
201 Chapters
Chapter 121
During breakfast, Kayla and I were discussing the ball. We were trying to come up with a date for it, and I said, "Adriana's 16th birthday is September 13th, so we need to either do it before or after then. We will want to do a pack run for her birthday, because she should get her wolf that day. How about September 27th? That will give the omegas two weeks to prepare, after having to deal with Adriana's birthday, and it's a Saturday, which will make it possible for everyone to make it." Kayla says, "Good idea. Let's plan it for that day." We continued to make plans for the ball. By the time we finished eating, we had the ball completely planned. We agreed that we would have some humans come in to do the serving. We want all of our unmated omegas to be able to attend and have fun too. Kayla said "I will call the human caterers and ask for serving staff too." Then I turned to Damien and said, "I'm going to need to use your office computer and printer to design and print the invitation
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Chapter 122
I hug the woman back and say, "Luna Riggs! I'm so happy to finally meet you!" Damien's mom is still hugging me as she says, "I'm not Luna anymore, darling, you are! You just call me Amanda. My mate's name is Max." I said, "Okay." I went to the living room and hugged Damien's dad. I said, "It's so nice to meet you, Max." He smiled as he hugged me back and said to Damien, "You were right." Damien said, "I told you." I looked at Damien, and he said, "I told them you give the best hugs in the world." I laugh and go back to the kitchen. I pull my second loaf of bread out of the oven, and my peach cobbler. Damien looks at it and says, "Cobbler?" I said, "Peach cobbler this time." He kisses me and says, "I love peaches." I said, "Good, now go get washed up. Dinner is ready. I left the cobbler on the stove to keep it hot, but I put everything else on the table. I said, "I hope you like it. It's a meal that I grew up on and my grandmother taught me how to make it." They all sat down
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Chapter 123
Good grief! Time is really flying now. Today is the day of my sister's sixteenth birthday, and I am so happy for her. I mind link my mom. Mom: Yes, Abby? Me: Is Adrianna awake yet? Mom: No. Do you want to stand over her when it's time to wake up? Me: Of course. I need revenge for what she said when Yara woke up. Mom: I figured as much. Get dressed. We will be waking her up in about 20 minutes. Me: I will hurry as fast as I can. Mom: Are you bringing Damien? Me: If he wakes up before I leave, I will see if he wants to come. Mom: She is decent, so it's okay if he does. Me: Okay. See you in a bit. I hurry up and take a quick shower. When I get out, I put on a pair of maternity leggings and one of Damien's t-shirts. Hey, don't judge. They go over my belly. I start to leave, and I notice Damien sitting on the cou
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Chapter 124
As I was pulling the cinnamon rolls out of the oven, Zach and Kayla came up. Damien let them in, and I laughed, "Zach, you must have a sixth sense that helps you detect sweets." Damien laughed and said, "I may or may not have told him you were making them. He saw them in the fridge last night when he came in to get a drink while we were watching the game." I chuckled and said, "It's fine. I just need to put my homemade icing on them, and they will be ready." I started frosting them while Damien and Zach were hovering over them like a couple of house flies. Kayla was laughing as she said, "I swear, you two, if you slobber on those, I'm going to be pissed." I said, "Me too." Damien started to grab one and I stopped him. I said, "Wait a minute. As the frosting warms, it seeps in between the rolls. Just wait until I get all of them done." As soon as the last roll was frosted, Damien and Zach started to grab one each. I said, "Grab a paper plate and I will put it on your plate."
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Chapter 125
Damien had a warrior posted at the entrance of the door, because Adrianna kept trying to snoop. We were all determined to keep her from seeing it. Chloe spent the rest of the day trying to stay away from Adrianna, because she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret. I was getting dressed for the party when I got a mind link from Adrianna. A: Abby! Let me into my party!  M: Not yet. We all want to see your reaction when you see it. A: But it's my party! M: I know. Can't you let us have this memory? You know we're only doing it because we love you. A: Ugh! Fine! Sometimes I wish you all loved me a little less! M:(laughing) You will survive another ten minutes. I finished getting ready for the party while Damien sat in the living room, waiting for me. I put on a cute, royal blue dress with a low neckline and three-quarter length sleeves. It was ank
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Chapter 126
It's the day of the ball! I am so excited for this day! Chloe and Queen Winnie decorated the ballroom yesterday, and they are going to decorate the garden today. I already have the human caterers coming at one o'clock to start setting up and getting food ready. There will be no need for servers, because we decided to just do a few tables of food for people to help themselves. There will be a chocolate fountain with a variety of fruits and confections to hold under the chocolate. I am so excited for this day. I am hoping for a lot of people to find their mates tonight. Especially my three favorite Alphas from Louisiana. I can't wait for them to meet Gabriel too. I know those four men would get along famously. Damien is still asleep when I untangle my body from his and go to the bathroom. I do my business, wash my hands, then brush my teeth. I turn on the shower and step in. I hurry and take my shower, then walk into our closet. I put on a pair of maternity leggings and one of
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Chapter 127
Just then, I saw one of our omegas sniffing the air. She approached Alpha Arnou, and he started taking steps toward her. When he reached her, he put his hand on her cheek and said, "Mate" She said, "Mine." Then she said, "Alpha, I know I'm only an omega, but please don't reject me." He said, "Beautiful lady, there is no way I ever could. I've waited too long for you. What is your name?" She said, "my name is Accalia" He said, "I am Alpha Arnou Trahan. I am Alpha of the Swamp Nightwalkers in Louisiana. I would love it if you would come home with me tomorrow." She smiled and said, "I would love that." Alpha Arnou said, "I need to tell you, I have recently adopted a human teenage son. He is sixteen. He was being abused badly by his parents and he was homeless when I found him. Will that be a problem for you?" She said, "No. I love that you had the heart to do that for him." Alpha Arnou said, "I can't wait for you meet him." She said, "Is he here?" Alpha Arnou said, "I didn't bring him
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Chapter 128
We walked up to our suite, and I got undressed and walked into the shower. I let the water massage my body as it helped wash away my stress. I finished my shower, dried off and put my robe on while I get ready. I am in the middle of blow drying my hair, when Damien comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. I turn off the dryer and lean my head back against him, "Mmm. This feels good." He said, "I love watching you get ready." I chuckle and say, "That's random. Why?" He said, "Because I know you want to look good for only me." I said, 'You are correct, sir. Because I love you so much." He kissed my neck and said, "And I love you. And, if we want to make it to this ball on time, I better stop now, and get in the shower." I laugh and say, "As much as I hate the idea, you really should."  I finish getting ready and go to the closet. My formal gown, tonight, is a two-piece. The whole thing is a nude color. There is fabric covering my chest and lower region, but the re
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Chapter 129
It has been a week since the ball and Alpha Ryne has decided to stay around so he and Adrianna can go to the family reunion. She really wanted him to meet all of her family. He had already been to grandma and grandpa's once. Damien and I got to warn him about not wearing jeans over there. He was extremely grateful when they got back. He and Adrianna are staying in the packhouse until they move to Louisiana. My parents are okay with it. They know this was blessed by the Moon Goddess, so they trust her. Alpha Ryne gets along with my dad just like Damien does. Everything is great on that front. Today is the family reunion, and Molly and her mate, former Alpha Ronan, are grilling the meat for us. They just volunteered to do it. Ronan is amazing with the kids. He is so happy with Molly, and he has made her so happy. I guess she talked him into moving up here with her, because Molly has assured me, they are not leaving this pack. I am so happy for everyone who found their
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Chapter 130
Damien didn't even bother with a car. He picked me up and carried me to the hospital. I was laughing and he raised his eyebrows saying, "Would you mind telling me what's so funny?" I said, "I'm not dyeing. I'm just having babies. You can relax. There is no rush." He said, "I have had too many nightmares over the last month to relax. I need to know that I'm doing everything I possibly can." I said, "I know. That's why I'm not insisting on walking."  We get to the hospital, and Leah is waiting for us. "Are you ready to be parents"? she asks. We both nod and she says, "Let's get you in a room, and get you in a gown." She showed us to a room and I put the gown on. I got in the bed and Leah came in. I need to examine you and see how much farther you have to go. Just then, another hard contraction hit, and I started taking deep breaths, trying to concentrate on my breathing, rather than the pain.                    &nb
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