All Chapters of Pregnant and Favored: See You in the Morning, Young Master: Chapter 3001 - Chapter 3010
3077 Chapters
Chapter 3001
...All her siblings, each of them dressed in formal attire! What the hell?! Sensing her shock, Lea was quick to clear her throat before saying, “Don’t worry, we’re just here to congratulate Mr. Robinson for his safe return…” “Indeed! Remember, he did risk his life to save you, so it’s only right that we did this much!” added Yulia. …Even if that was the case… Alas, before Fabiola could reply, Frank cut her off by asking, “Regardless, what took you so long to answer the door? And why’s your face so red?” Trying her best not to blush even more, the embarrassed woman retorted, “I-I was busy exercising, that’s all!” At that point, Luna, who looked just like her mother, Tiffany, couldn’t help but chuckle before saying, “Oh…? Were you working out with Mr. Robinson too…?” As Fabiola was left speechless, Hanley thankfully arrived in the nick of time! Watching as Hanley greeted everyone, Luna’s eyes momentarily glimmered. He was such an attractive man… and even though she had met
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Chapter 3002
Raising a slight brow, Fabiola replied, “He’s far from ordinary, and he’s not that kind of man either-” “You’re not a man, so you wouldn’t understand where I’m coming from,” interrupted Frank. Before Fabiola could snap back, Maison cleared his throat and said, “Alright, that’s enough. Dad gave Hanley his blessings, so we shouldn’t interfere too much.” Though Frank was irritated with that answer, he knew that Maison was right. Still, the fact that his sister was now following another man so blindly after being stuck to Neal for so long simply didn’t sit right with him. After Maison finally managed to pull Frank away, Fabiola was able to breathe a sigh of relief… But before she could even get to the stairs, Lea suddenly pulled her over and whispered, “Speaking of which… Have you tasted his candy yet…?” …She had, and it was all because of Lea’s stupid suggestion! Then again, it did help her mend things with Hanley, so… “…I…Did…” “Well? How did it go? Did you like it?” …How
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Chapter 3003
Noticing that Hanley still didn’t seem too thrilled about the idea, Fabiola cleared her throat before adding, “…Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to do this without putting in some effort myself…” Before Hanley could ask what she meant, she suddenly took off her pajama pants… And on her perfectly flat stomach, were three elegantly tattooed letters, H, L, and R…! The initials of Hanley’s full name! The tattoo was designed in a way that made it look like the letters were growing off a red spider lily’s stalk… and before long, Hanley felt an extremely primal lust within him. After all, the fact that she had permanently etched his name onto her… Wasn’t that way too suggestive?! Pleased with how shocked he was, Fabiola proudly declared, “Well? Sexy, isn’t it? I made it myself, so you don’t have to worry about my skill! Once I’ve made yours, we’ll truly be unstoppable together!” “…Someone sounds enthusiastic…” “As I should be! But… You don’t seem to share the sentiment… I get it, you
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Chapter 3004
Chuckling in response, Fabiola replied, “Oh, you’ll know once I’m done…” Following that, she continued working on the tattoo… and after thirty entire minutes, she finally set her tools down and began dabbing her work with an alcohol-soaked cotton swab… Once the excess blood and ink were dealt with, she sighed in satisfaction at the exquisite red spider lily now etched on his crotch before saying, “Man, I should really consider getting into the tattoo business… Such beauty!” Looking at her work of art, Hanley couldn’t help but say, “…Indeed. You truly are perfect in more ways than one…” Grinning from ear to ear, Fabiola then hugged him tightly before whispering, “Now then… Don’t you think we should pollinate each other…?” “…Oh? Is this the reward you were talking about…?” “Glad I made it obvious…” “…Did you not want to do it by the sea? A bit eager, don’t you think…?” “I-I can’t help it! I just yearn for you… Now are we doing it or not…?” Rather than replying, Hanley s
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Chapter 3005
‘I’m at work, so be sure to heat up the food in the microwave while I’m gone, alright? I’ll come home as soon as possible. Love, Hanley.’ …Seriously, how couldn’t anyone not love this man? Feeling all giddy inside, she then headed to the kitchen… and though the breakfast he had prepared was by no means extravagant, the fact that he had prepared something for her was enough to make her heart flutter. This wouldn’t do… She had to meet him as soon as possible! With that in mind, she quickly finished her breakfast and began making her way to his company… Upon arriving, she was quickly greeted by Hanley’s assistant who respectfully said, “Ah, Mr. Robinson is currently having a meeting that concerns a large project, Princess…” “Oh… Should I just leave, then-” “No, no, he specifically said that you were free to visit him whenever you wanted.” …How truly heart-warming! Now beaming with delight, Fabiola replied, “Got it. I’ll just wait for him in the lounge, then.” Following that,
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Chapter 3006
What he meant was pretty evident, and after blushing in response, she pushed him away before grumbling, “T-that was only a regular kiss! Don’t overthink it! Bah, just leave already! Go back to your stupid work!” Watching as she marched off, Hanley felt even more helpless than before. As if he could concentrate after what she had just done! Clenching his fists, he then caught up to her before starting to pull the surprised woman back toward his lounge! “H-hey! What gives? Didn’t you say you wanted to work?” “You were sexually frustrated before this, right? Well I’m just doing us both a favor first!” “…What? H-how the hell was I sexually frustrated?! You’re the one who’s being horny! L-let go!” Raising a slight brow, Hanley replied, “…So… I should just leave now-” “W-wait! You… You’re not to leave so casually after playing with my heart like this! Take responsibility for my feelings…” grumbled Fabiola as she hugged his waist, prompting Hanley to smile before pinning her aga
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Chapter 3007
Gulping slightly, he turned to face Neal’s ward… and to his dismay, Neal, who was sitting next to his hospital bed, had his phone in his hand, his fists clenched. Seriously, just how much did his boy have to suffer…? Neal had been scheduled to discharge today, and deep down, he had been wondering if Fabiola would finally consider paying him a visit… Alas, all he got was that fucking message, and to make matters worse, she even deleted it shortly after! What the hell did she take him for…?! Raising a slight brow, Maison, who hadn’t seen the message, was prompted to pat Neal on the shoulder while saying, “Hey, why the long face? You’re getting discharged, aren’t you? Smile a little!” “Right? Fabiola’s probably just absent because she’s busy or something…” added Yulia. Upon hearing that, Lea pursed her lips before muttering, “…If anything, she’s anything but… She… Just sent a message in the group chat, saying that she was going to have the time of her life tomorrow by the sea…”
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Chapter 3008
...Huh? But she did consider his feelings… Why else would she have deleted her text? That aside, this serious nature… It didn’t feel like the Luna she knew at all. Unsure how to even respond, Fabiola took a long while before finally replying, “…I… I just assumed that Neal could take it… We’re all adults, after all-” “Oh yeah? Then why did you do all those things when Hanley was upset? Fabiola, you only think it’s manageable for Neal because you no longer care! I don’t care if you’re in love with Hanley! But you can’t just dump Neal aside and treat him like a complete stranger once you’re done with him! If I knew this would happen, then I would’ve…!” “…Would’ve…?” “…Just… Forget what I said… Here, have this… I bought this nightgown recently and I haven’t had a chance to wear it yet… I think it’d look great on you, so… Just take it and enjoy yourself…” Following that, Luna left without another word, leaving Fabiola momentarily too shocked to even respond… What was all that about?
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Chapter 3009
“Nothing, of course! I no longer feel anything romantically for him, and I refuse to mock him by being by his side simply out of pity… He would probably think the same,” replied Fabiola. Nodding in response, Hanley then said, “Exactly, and as you said, we’re all adults here. If he can’t recover from this loss, then maybe he needs to grow up a little. Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll eventually come through… With that said, stop putting so much pressure on yourself, alright…? At the end of the day, love simply can’t be forced…” …Hanley certainly had a point… It took her a while, but she eventually revealed a subtle smile before saying, “…I suppose… Anyway, I told you what was on my mind, so start singing, alright…?” “…You still need me to coax you now that your worries are gone?” “Why not? Listening to your singing will still make me feel even better anyway…” replied Fabiola as she hugged his waist, prompting the helpless man to sigh before starting to sing… Though he had a bass vo
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Chapter 3010
Shortly after, she was greeted by the sight of a long, red carpet leading out of the villa. The sides were filled with blooming bright flowers and colorful balloons, and as the sea breeze blew, countless petals began flying around, making the view even more amazing than it already was! But that wasn’t all. Standing at the end of the carpeted path, was a group of familiar faces, all smiling at her from beneath a flowery arch… They included her parents, siblings, and even close friends…! Literally everyone was here! Now starting to wonder whether she was dreaming again, she turned to look at Hanley before asking, “…What-” “I told you that I’d host a wedding for you, didn’t I…? Remember, we never really hosted a proper wedding after we got married, so… I figured that it was high time I gave you one. At the end of the day, it’s always better to get the blessings from your partner’s family members. Oh, and if you’re wondering how I planned all this without you knowing… Well, just reme
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