Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Mafia King And Queen: Kabanata 21 - Kabanata 30
62 Kabanata
Chapter 21
When the girls walked outside to help with decoration, they were stunned. As expected of top-rated event organizers, the whole house was already nearly decorated. All the servants were running here and there, engaging in any activity that needed their help. The catering service and chefs had arrived too. They were now checking the list of dishes that Butler prepared and was arranging the ingredients. The mansion that looked so cold earlier now had a tinge of warmth in it. Catherine’s eyes teared at the sight. Sarah saw her reaction and consoled her with a pat on the shoulder. “Sarah, do you know after my parent’s death, this is the first time the mansion is being decorated like this", Catherine said in a low voice. “I can finally feel a bit of warmth here now.” Sarah felt bad for Catherine. The god was cruel to this pair of brothers and sisters. Not only they lost the warmth of their parents, now the killer was on the loose too. Butler also arrived th
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Chapter 22
Christian didn’t reply back and just walked to other guests who were waiting to wish him. Sarah looked at his back confusedly.Catherine asked the butler to distribute cake to guests and then walked to other socialites. She didn’t like these fake socialites but had no other option. Most of them were not even invited by her, but still arrived uninvited with other guests' help. Most of them were planning to get attached to Christian, so Catherine didn’t like them. None of them were good enough to be her sister-in-law.She dragged Sarah with her because she didn’t want to face those socialites' fake smiles all by herself. She would be too disgusted. So, she decisively took Sarah along with her.It has only been few minutes since she started talking with them, but she was already feeling tired. She found an excuse and ran away from them with Sarah in tow.The two girls moved to the couch and began gossiping among themselves. Halfway th
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Chapter 23
Few days after that incident, Christian and Evan got the message of their parents getting into an accident that led to their death. After investigation, the evidence pointed at each other’s family as the culprit. From then on, Evan’s clan and Christian’s clan broke their ties with each other. They were always at each other’s throats. Evan’s clan blamed and hated Christian’s clan for their head’s death. And, Christian’s clan also shared the same sentiments with Evan’s. Even with all these tragedies and conspiracies, Evan and Christian never forgot their parent’s words. “There is no one in this world whom you can trust except each other. No matter what conspires in the future, you should never turn your back on each other. Don’t ever forget these words.” These words never left from their mind. And, they never broke their trust with each other.
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Chapter 24
“Shall we tell her the truth?” Evan asked in a low voice.Christian sighed. He didn’t want his sister to fall in any danger, but it seems like that is the only way. “I will tell her everything tomorrow. But, I am afraid of how she will react.” He said worriedly.They talked for a bit more, then Evan left from there without making his presence known. Only two of them knew about this hidden place, so they weren’t afraid of anyone finding them.Christian went to his room the same way he came to the basement. After returning to the room, their earlier conversation flowed in his head. He didn’t know how to tell Catherine everything.He was having too much thinking, so he went down straight to the wine cellar. He took out one of the ol
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Sleeping together
Flashback:“You are going abroad with Cathy.” These words were akin to a bomb drop for Sarah. He was sending her away from him. Why? Did she annoy him? Was he going to give up on her just like her father did? How can he do this?All types of thoughts roamed in Sarah’s mind when she heard those words from Christian. He was sending her away. Why? Is it because he found out that she liked him? “No", Sarah replied determinedly. She didn’t want to leave. She didn’t want to go away from him. She promised herself to always stay by his side. Christian looked at her and said, “It wasn’t a question. It was an order. Now go and pack your things. You are leaving first flight tomorrow.”  After saying what he wante
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Morning round
Around 6:30 in the morning, Sarah's eyes fluttered open. It took her eyes some time to adjust to the light. After a while, her eyes returned to normal, and she looked at the ceiling above her. At first, she was confused when she saw that the color of her ceiling has changed. Just then, she felt a hand snaking around her waist.  Widening her eyes, Sarah turned to look beside her when her eyes directly met with Christian's. She was shocked, and yesterday's acts started flowing in her mind. She hurriedly sat up wanting to run away from there, but Christian pulled her back. Before she could speak something, Christian's mouth covered hers stuffing her words back into her mouth. He bit her lips hard which made Sarah hiss. "What? Are you trying to run away after the deed is done, Sarah?" Christian asked in a cold voice. Sarah started becoming flustered at his words. She did want to run away, but how could she answer him directly? She was afraid that he would ki
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Fed by his own hands
Reaching the room, Christian found Sarah was already asleep. He smiled, feeling warm in his heart. Finally, they were together in the same room, sharing the same bed. He walked to the bed and woke her up. "Sarah, come sit up. Have breakfast."Sarah whined at him for disturbing her. She kept on lying on the bed without caring for Christian. She was too tired to sit up, and it was all because of certain someone. Christian was also feeling a bit of guilt for tiring her out. But he did that because she wanted to run away from him. "Come on, let me feed you, okay?" Saying that, he sat next to her and sat her up. He made her lean against his chest and brought the milk near her mouth. Even though Sarah didn't want to be feed by him, she took a sip as she was so hungry. So, she started eating whatever he fed her. After a while, Sarah was full and shook her head, not wanting to eat anymore. "Just one more bite, just one" Christian fe
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Someone looking for trouble
Returning to the mansion, Sarah went to Catherine and said, “Cathy, I have something very important to tell you.” She was going to tell her that Christian knew about their plan.Catherine thought that Sarah was going to tell her about yesterday, so she excitedly asked, “What is it?”Sarah went on, “Cathy, your brother….. He knows everything. About our plans- why we returned here, everything.”Catherine was shocked. She never expected that her brother would find out everything so soon. It took her a while to speak. “But how? Do our team have a mole? Also, how did you find out about it? My brother told me he had something to talk to me about earlier. Could it be about this?”“Calm down, Cathy.” Sarah continued, “I asked him yesterday when he was drunk. I think we miscalculated something before coming here.”Catherine gazed at her with a questioning look.“Yest
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It was evening. Both the siblings prepared themselves for the talk that was going to take place. Around 6, Christian reached the mansion. When he didn’t see Catherine and Sarah in the hall, he directly walked to the study room. The girls were already seated there. Glancing at them, Christian directly walked to the head chair and sat there. Between these, no words were exchanged between them.The environment turned solemn. Sarah glanced at the brother-sister duo and decided to excuse herself from there first. She had just stood up when Christian asked her, “What are you doing?” Catherine also looked at her confused.Feeling glared from both of them, Sarah couldn’t speak properly. She pointed at the door signaling that she was going out.&ldqu
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Christian and Sarah (1)
“What are you doing here?” Catherine asked Evan.Evan smiled at her and patted her head. “Of course, to accompany my to-be wife.”Catherine blushed at his words, while Christian glared at him.“Have you done enough?” Christian lashed out at Evan. He just could not tolerate that guy's lecherous gaze at his sister. Evan chuckled at his words. “Why? Are you jealous? Brother, you should learn from me how to impress your girl. Otherwise, she will run away from you soon.” Completing his sentence, Evan glanced at Sarah for a second.Even though the glance was only for a second, Sarah clearly noticed it. Her face turned red. Chri
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