All Chapters of Lost (in Your Emerald Eyes): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
54 Chapters
Emmie and Ramsay spent the whole next week by sneaking out at nights, hanging out every free moment, and making out.It wasn’t anything new to BT that Ramsay didn’t spend his nights at home, and when he did, he was a night hawk, constantly making fresh black coffee and reading (also writing, but that was something his father didn’t know about). Emmie’s parents, though, had no idea the girl could even get out of her room. She sneaked out of her window and down the ladder Ramsay had left there, not really regretting her choices, considering the fact that her parents were literally screaming their heads off every, single, night.On Friday, the Davises went away for another work conference, this time to New York City, meaning they would be out of town until Monday. For Emmie, that meant three whole days of peace and silence. And perhaps, a certain beanie-wearing boy.The first night the girl spent downstair
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T W E N T Y - O N E
Ramsay woke up the next morning in the Davis house. It was warm, comfortable, and it smelled fucking good. Emmie wasn’t in his arms anymore and his legs were tangled in her sheets, but the pillow he had slept on had a scent to it. A girl’s scent. Emmie’s scent.It reminded him of strawberries and vanilla, but with his palette, it could’ve been cinnamon-scented, and he wouldn’t have known the difference.The boy buried his face into the pillow they had shared, closing his eyes again to relive their last night’s cuddles and conversations, until he noticed another smell in the air that he would recognize anywhere.Pancakes.Yawning, the boy grabbed his phone to quickly check if he had any new messages, only to see a few, one of them from Emmie. With a frown, he opened it and eyed the picture she had sent him. The photo was a meme about one of their favorite books, directed to a very targeted audi
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T W E N T Y - T W O
Beast tapped his foot against the cold granite floor, inhaling the contents of his cigarette with a deep snarl on his face. His left hand that was rested on his knee was fisted, knuckles barely having any color to them as he anxiously anticipated the men’s arrival.The two trotted into the lounge with sneers on their faces just a couple of minutes later. Wordlessly, the tiny man stood, accepting the expensive phone one of them was holding out. Exchanging a few glances with his most loyal workers, he concentrated back on the screen.A yellow folder stood there with the name EMILIE DAVIS (JONES).Snorting at the name, he double-tapped on it, shocked by the number of pictures and Word documents it contained.An hour later, his lips were curled upward in an unkind way. Maybe this would get the younger Jones killed if he came alone. Because, after all, nobody would ever support his relationship with that girl.They had just hit a jackpot.#
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T W E N T Y - T H R E E
 At some point during the evening, Emmie’s arms had developed goosebumps, warming herself up by rubbing her hands over her shoulders, and Ramsay had given her the flannel that had been tied around his hips and helped her fold the sleeves up. But, of course, the kisses they had shared afterward had distracted her enough not to notice she had left with it as well. And the first person to see it was, obviously with Emmie’s luck, Alice Davis.When the blonde entered her house from the front door, too hazy from the taste of Ramsay’s lips to remember climbing up her ladder, she was faced with her mother standing there, arms crossed.The girl froze, eyeing the woman in front of her and gazing over to her father in the kitchen who didn’t look pleased either.“Young lady. Mind to tell us where you were at such late hours?” Alice asked, face and voice cold.“I was with Samuel,” she quickly lied, face neutral and
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T W E N T Y - F O U R
The next days that followed, Emmie mostly spent babysitting kids around town, which left Ramsay a lot of time with his friends, and alone. So there he was, sitting on his old shattered couch with a few takeout boxes around him, typing away on his laptop. His usual murder mysteries that had always included mostly only victims, police, different investigators, and murderers, of course, earned now a few new characters. Typically, in his books, the investigators or police officers would have a few affairs, with both men and women, and victims would have family and lovers they left behind, but in the new one he was currently writing, a perky blonde woman appeared in many scenes. Her eyes were green as emeralds, but hair cut short with seemingly a piece of sharp glass. She didn’t care for her looks or hygiene much but was one hell of an investigator. The young skinny woman had earned a lot of her characteristics from Emmie, but there was so much written in that did
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T W E N T Y - F I V E
“So, let me get this straight,” the seventeen-year-old boy said, clearing his throat uncomfortably. “You, Emmie Davis, are dating Ramsay Jones.” The couple shared a look after which the girl bit her lower lip, nodding slowly. Reggie shook his head a tad, watching the way his fingers were tapping against the counter. He didn’t know what to think of this, but also acknowledged that it wasn’t really his business. When he looked back at the two at the other side of the counter, he could see that Ramsay seemed calm and collected, not outing his emotions, while Emmie on the stool next to him was shuffling around every second, only calming down when Ramsay’s hand gently rubbed her back. They were both waiting for what he would say. “I mean…” Reggie started, and suddenly both of their eyes slotted toward him. “It’s not really my business, right?” “It isn’t,” Ramsay immediately said. “And neither is it anyone else’s, so we’d appreciate if you
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T W E N T Y - S I X
Emmie was nibbling on her lower lip, hands fisted while attempting not to sink her nails into her palms once again. Her breathing was accelerating with every second as she stared at the floor under her feet, trying to ignore the blue plastic chair she was sitting on that definitely didn’t compliment her ass, the material too stiff for her liking. “Miss Davis?” a voice suddenly said, and the girl took a deep breath, standing up. “Follow me. Mayor McQueen is ready for you now.” The young male assistant walked her up the stairs to the right door and opened it, nodding to the girl. “Thank you,” Emmie silently said, raising her chin up for a boost of confidence. Her mother always claimed it helped you look stronger, and she definitely didn’t want to look weak at that moment. When the door behind her closed, she was faced with Mayor McQueen, the mother of one of her classmates. “Hello, Emmie. Take a seat.” She did as told and sat herself down on the armchai
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T W E N T Y - S E V E N
The news hit them the moment they drove back into New Field. Camping had been fun, and Emmie had had the chance to lounge around in shorts and a bikini bra every day, occasionally going for a swim in the small lake near their usual camping spot. But, throughout all that, she had still already wished to go home. Christopher didn’t make those days easy for her. His eyes were on her all the time, and once in a while, he would mention something about the way she looked. ‘Hot’, ‘beautiful’, and ‘pretty’ had been the adjectives she had heard multiple times in a row that made her sick to her stomach. Her best friend was crushing on her. The best friend who had turned her down a few years ago. The best friend who was currently dating her other best friend. And nothing about the situation left Emmie unbothered. She didn’t like Christopher anymore. As a friend, sure; they had grown up together. But not as a boyfriend—never as a boyfrie
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T W E N T Y - E I G H T
With the summer ending, the new seniors received text messages from Olivia Cooper about her annual end-of-summer pool party. The kids buzzed in anticipation, coming up with different lies to their parents as every year, mostly about spending the night at their friend’s place while the friend used the same argument, simply vice versa. This time, though, the usual classmates weren’t the only ones getting the invitations. This time, the Southsiders were invited, too. Olivia had sent the message to Ani, without adding the inviter’s name, and the pink-haired girl had shared the invitation with every senior Southsider that was going to be attending New Field high this year. Most of them were Vipers, but the group also included a few Demons and a couple of non-gang members who just happened to live in the same area. (Many kids from Southside High would attend Seaside High, or Baxter High in Greendale, depending on their location.) Ramsay was sitting on his c
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T W E N T Y - N I N E
When Ramsay arrived at the party an hour later than indicated, he did so with all the other Vipers that were seniors. He was in the front of the group when all of them got off their bikes, Ani on one side of him, Peaton on the other. They scowled at everyone who such as much as dared to whisper something about them to their friends. Ramsay, though, managed a small smile when he stopped in front of smirking Olivia who was strictly focused on her girlfriend (or sex buddy, he wasn’t sure), eating her with her eyes. The boy cleared his throat, earning her attention, and a small scowl. “Thanks for inviting us,” he said. The redhead nodded. “Of course! We need to get to know each other to work together all year, don’t you think?” “Sure,” Ramsay muttered, turning slightly around to see Peaton spiking a drink (which no one minded), Ani talking with him while smirking. “Stop eye-fucking her,” he sighed at Olivia and made his way by the pool, to the area with t
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