All Chapters of I Bet You Can't: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
88 Chapters
Chapter 51 - Alex
With David right beside me, I walk into the bar and scan the area.  I quickly spot our group of friends in the back corner. A wide grin spreads across my face when my eyes land on Chance, who flashes me back a cheesy grin and motions for us to come over. David leans towards me and whispers, “I can tell he already thinks he has won.  I can’t wait to see what he is going to do when he finds out he didn’t.”My grin morphs into a smirk as I nod.  “Well, we will soon find out.”With my head held high, we walk through the crowd to the table.  As I sit down across from Chance, I grab one bottle of beer from the center of the table. Before I can even take a drink, Chance huffs, “Are you ready to give me your keys?  You know you can’t avoid it.”A soft chuckle spills from me and David as I shrug my shoulders and take a drink of beer. Kai, sit
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Chapter 52 - Alex
Chance glares at me from across the table while his nostrils flare.  His eyes boring holes right through me while steam rolls off him in waves and slams against me.  Our eyes lock and we instantly fall into a silent battle.  I will not back down. I keep my brilliant smile directed at him, while he returns it by shooting daggers at me with his eyes. Our battle of wills continues on in silence for a few minutes before he finally grunts and suddenly marches off towards the front of the bar.  But first, he kicks the chair, laying on the floor behind him, off to the side.What the heck?I stare at his back as he disappears through the sea of people.  I fight back the urge to celebrate as my victory is damped by the impending cold war which I know is coming next. My smile fades after a few seconds before I whip around towards Kai.  “You better go follow him.  You never know what he is goi
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Chapter 53 - David
My eyes wonder ahead of me to Alex as he talks with Paul and Chance on our way to his class.  My gorgeous boyfriend is getting better at walking with his crutches, but he still stubbles from time to time. A faint smile adorns my face as my eyes take in Alex’s tone body.  However, there is also a heaviness in my chest which I can’t quite place.  I think it has something to do with my mom’s birthday party, but I’m not sure. Alex seems a little off since the other night at the bar. I can understand his hesitation, though.  I remember the social event when I met his parents for the first time.  However, anger soon took over me, as his parents were nothing but rude and arrogant.  I’m also thankful Brandon’s father was there and could defuse the situation rather quickly. Luckily, my baby doesn’t have to worry about something like that happening with my parents. 
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Chapter 54 - Alex
I stand next to the engineering building, and my feet are anchored to the ground as anger washes over me. How dare he act like this. Chance’s question has sliced right through the air and caught Kai off guard.  Silence engulfs the area as all eyes are on us. Kai’s previous proud stance with his chest puffed out has evaporated within seconds, along with his triumphant smile, which has now morphed into a frown.  His eyes lock next to me on my fuming friend as a low growl spills from Chance’s snarling lips. Even Brandon and Paul take a step back as Chance’s face turns bright red and steam rolls off him. I don’t have to look beside to me.  I know what is going to happen next.His heavy grunts and the low growl tell me all I need to know. I take a step back as Paul quickly pulls me further out of range. I look down the side of the building at Davi
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Chapter 55 - Alex
I’m still a little disappointed I didn’t get to see a catfight.  I would bet the engineering girls would have pummeled the witch pretty good. I really want to see her eat her own words.  It is only right after what she has done to Kai and Chance. Buzz.While leaning against the wall, I pull my phone out of my pocket and glance down at it.  My heart aches reading Paul’s message.  They have gotten Chance back to his room, but he is a total mess.  I quickly type a reply and let him know the girl almost got her butt kicked by some female hazers. I glance up and look across the room at Kai.  He hasn’t moved since we got him back into his bedroom.  As soon as he walked in, he climbed on his bed and curled up into a ball.  He has said nothing since we left campus.  The only sounds he makes now are a few sniffles and some soft sobs from time to time. I want to make
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Chapter 56 - Alex
Well, my plan didn’t work as well as what I thought it would.  It did finally work, though, but it took us most of the week to wear Chance down, so he would forgive Kai. To say the week has been pure chaos would be an understatement.  However, one upside with running around like a crazy man and not having a minute to worry about anything else is I also haven’t had a chance to think about going home with David for his mother’s birthday party. Unfortunately, I’m making up for the entire week of worrying and doubting myself on the drive to his parents’ house. I take another deep breath as I continue to stare out the window.  The scenery blurs by as my mind wonders what will happen this weekend.  Will it be as easy as David says?  We show up and everyone falls in love with me. Hey, I don’t even believe that. My foot bounces while my fingers fidget with the seam a
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Chapter 57 - Alex
I can’t hold back my smile as David’s mother piles more food onto my plate.  Memories from when my grandparents were alive keep flashing through my mind. This feels so much like them and like home. I have missed this feeling ever since they have passed away.  I honestly thought I would never get this feeling back again. My cheeks ache as I smile even wider as the woman sets the bowl of food down.  “Alex, do you want anything else?  Are you going to have enough to eat?  I could make you something else if you don’t like anything here.”David chuckles beside me.  “Mom.  Stop it.  Let him eat what you have already put on his plate.  I’m sure he will have enough to eat, so stop worrying.”His father, who is sitting at the head of the table, sighs and looks at his wife.  “Dear, you just met the boy.  Stop trying to smother him.&n
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Chapter 58 - David
I glance beside me at Alex as he almost holds his breath while his eyes lock on my mother. I don’t know if this a good idea or not, but I know I can’t change my mother’s mind once she sets herself to do something.  She isn’t going to listen to anyone. I bite the corner of my lip while my heartbeat races.  A wave of fear slams hard against me, almost knocking my breath out of me. She smiles and almost glows as she looks at Alex and me.  Her voice confident with pride woven through every word.  “My son gave me the greatest gift of all yesterday when he introduced me to his amazing fiancé, Alex.”My heart slams against my chest as I watch my boyfriend’s expression.  Surprisingly, he doesn’t really show much, but for only a fraction of a second, I spot something within his eyes.  However, I can’t put my finger on it.  The only thing I hope for is
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Chapter 59 - Alex
How did things get to this point? I was worried that his family wouldn’t like me or even try to separate us, but I never would have dreamed that his mother would announce our engagement.  An engagement that is only a lie to stop my parents from trying to marry me off to some girl. I put my hand under the back of my head as I lay down in the back seat of the car and look up, inside of the car.  So many things are running through my head, but each one comes back to a tall handsome man that has made me realize I could love and want a man.  Not just any man, though.  I only want and love him. My chest aches thinking about David.His mother’s announcement still swirling around in my mind as I wonder if he would really want to marry me and not just pretend.  I’m still shocked that I would even ask myself that question right now.  Before I met him, I would always say that marriage is far off in th
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Chapter 60 - Alex
I pace back and forth in front of the window.  Each time I turn back in the other direction, I pause for a moment and scan through the trees and the horizon, hoping to see David somewhere. However, with it now being completely dark outside, I can’t see anything, even if it was standing in plain view. I bite my bottom lip and continue pacing, while my fingers fidget with each other and occasionally stopping only long enough to ball up into fists before they fidget again. Why isn’t he back yet?  It has been too long. I hope he isn’t hurt.  Please, don’t let him be hurt.As I silently pray for his safety, images of animals attacking him or David falling into a hole somewhere dances around in my head.  With each new image, my heart twists a little more. My heart suddenly stops as heavy footsteps running up the stairs seep into the room. I whip myself around an
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