All Chapters of Mysterious Destiny of Us: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
238 Chapters
130. New Pawn
In the Central Detention Centre,Guang Long was brought to a visiting cell where prisoners can talk to their visitors face to face separated by a glass window.While he was busy guessing the visitor, a certain totally unexpected elderly person was brought inside on the other side of the glass wall, making him shocked from the core, “…f-father” he mumbled.The person in front of him was his father, who must be in his late sixties right now, but his look wasn’t matching with his age. He was looking still the same as 10 years back, the last time when he saw him.  Guang Long gulped, he wanted to talk so much, yet he couldn’t since they were being monitored. Just when he was about to bribe the guard, the old man in front of him raised his hand.Knowing how much innocent his father was, he was about to explain him but his brain stopped when he saw a ‘smirk’ on his father’s face… something whic
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131. Lawyer Wu Xiao Xi
Country G,In one of the luxurious seven-star hotels, a person was working like a maniac. Another person came inside that presidential suite, “Boss, it’s 6 pm now, you have to start getting ready for the party.”“Hmm,” Song Qiang said while reading the document. After signing it, he went to get ready for the evening business party.Today, all the prominent industrial figures will be attending this party. It was organized by the Royal Group, the real estate tycoon of Country G, with whom Song Empire signed a huge contract in this afternoon. The President of the Royal Group was totally impressed by Qiang and thus invited him to his anniversary celebration in the evening.Alex, Song Qiang’s secretary said while passing the tuxedo, “Boss, are you really going take that Lawyer as your partner?”Qiang came out, drying his wet face with a towel, “Hmm, Any issues?”Alex scratch
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132. By ANY Means
The man smirked, "Sure! and I will need your help for my work... send my regards to Professor Song as well, I will come to meet him soon..."  “Does President’s family live in Imperial City as well?” Qiang asked. As he saw the man nodding his head Qiang smiled and continued after looking out, “You must be missing them right… even they must be waiting for you.” The man smirked, “Yes… they are waiting for me… my loved ones.” “Loved ones…” Qiang mumbled. He thought, ‘Will Ming also wait for me like this someday?’ “Senior, what you would have done... if you… loved someone who doesn’t have any feelings for you?” Qiang asked while looking outside. “Depends” the man replied. “Huh? On what? “The opposite guy whom she loves… if he turns out to be scum…” “Then?” “I will make sure that she will love me…” the man turned towards Qiang and said, “… by ANY means,” with a smirk. “Why… what if it made her upset…” Qia
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133. Dr. Shim Ji Hye
The man was talking with Qiang when his phone buzzed.‘It was Arthur, Wu Xiao Xi’s bodyguard. She caught the stalker but released him. He is at our base. She is safe.’A certain set of words caught his attention the most, ‘She caught the stalker? Interesting…’ and chuckled inwardly.From the corner of his eyes, he saw Wu Xiao Xi’s cold yet surprised face, ‘Lawyer Wu, don’t even think of getting on my nerves, I can easily blow up your entire clan.’ He continued speaking to Qiang, “… and remember one thing, never test others waters out of curiosity, you might get drowned miserably.”When he noticed Xiao Xi’s slightly furrowed brows he thought, ‘Lawyer Wu, I’ve already warned you, don’t complain later.’.Inside a huge luxurious villa,The man went to his study after taking a bath. He opened his laptop and checked for the details
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134. Personal Psychologist
Ming put down the file, “Your PERSONAL psychologist????” she said with a somewhat surprised and angry tone. Song Qiang nodded innocently. “Why the hell you need a PERSONAL psychologist? You are neither stressed nor have some emotional difficulties!” Ming squinted her eyes. “So what? Who knows what will happen in the future! And with my current position and popularity, I am having stress these days,” Qiang said innocently and furrowed his brows while saying the last part. Ming chuckled annoyingly, “You are having stress??... fine!” and passed him a paper, “Fill this form first, then I will know whether you are having stress or not.” Qiang nodded and started filling the form obediently. It was a questionnaire and he has to mark the option of what he felt. When Ming looked at him, his genuine behavior made her wonder, ‘Is he… really under stress?’ Within two minutes, Qiang finished it and gave it back to Ming. She checked every answer and
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135. New Business Alliance
Song Empire, Imperial CityThe workload on the employees has increased since the financial year-end was just a couple of months apart. They were already piled up with the expansion work as their CEO was trying to take Song Empire to another height.But no one has the heart to complain since Song Qiang had made major significant changes in employee benefits and wellbeing.Before lunchtime, Vice President Song was reviewing the documents of the new expansion project. Gon was sitting opposite him and helping to show the presentation slides. Just then, the receptionist informed him about Su Yeon.“Good afternoon, Vice President,” Su Yeon’s sweet yet professional voice rang in the cabin, “Good afternoon, Mr. Secretary”Both of them greeted her back and three of them moved towards the couch. VP Song sat on the single main couch and Su Yeon sat beside Gon, “Vice president, I wanted to know more about this acquisition&he
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136. Sweet Family
The Autumn season was almost coming to an end and the weather in Country S was getting colder day by day.On one such cold night, a girl was walking through the silent roads of City K with a vegetable and fruits bag in her hand. Her life has changed drastically into a better one after returning to City K. A stable job, her own house, and living with loved ones… such a pretty life, still, one thing was missing.She came across a flower shop where a man and a small child were waiting for someone outside. She saw that the shop owner removed her apron and was greeted happily by the duo. The man picked up their son and then the couple was returning to their home hand in hand.The girl watched the whole scene and smiled, “My life would have been perfect if he was also a normal man…” For a second, she envied the life of that sweet family. She sighed and walked towards her house.“Grandma! I am home,” the girl informed while
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137. Not A Worthy Opponent
Seeing her sweet initiative, Lufan smirked and pinned her on the bed. By interlocking their hands, he said in a hoarse voice, “I love you Hwa Young ah,” and bent down towards her lips…Hwa Young intuitively closed her eyes, anticipating something she was waiting for…Ring! Ring!A different shrill ringtone ringed in the quiet room, breaking the heated environment. Lufan sighed, he would’ve directly ignored any other call at this moment, except this…It was a special ringtone for emergency patients. Lufan was about to get up when Hwa Young pulled him back and glared at him.Lufan chuckled and removed her hands which were grabbing his collar, “Sorry, I can’t ignore this,” and placed a quick kiss on her forehead.“Hello… What!... Tell me the whole chart… ok move him to the operation theatre and perform intubation first till the setup is made, I will reach in 20 minutes
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139. Old Golden Days
[A/N: Don't unlock it, read chapter '138- Envy' before unlocking, it is posted after chp 140. Sorry for the inconvenience.] Hwa Young stopped him, “Dr. Wang” she said with her eyes down. Lufan was taken aback. Her usual ‘Lufan’ or ‘Dr. Mayor’ or ‘Dr. Handsome’ was replaced by a distant ‘Dr. Wang’ “I want to tell you something…” she said while looking into his eyes which were filled with pure and innocent love… “Ye-Yesterday, after you left… I-I went to the nightclub” she said the later part hurriedly by closing her eyes. While thinking about many worst-case scenarios, a deep chuckle made her eyes snap open. Lufan got up and sat by keeping her on his lap, “So?” Hwa Young couldn’t comprehend his reply. He continued, “The way I had left you and couldn’t even clear my schedule for today… it’s totally normal for you to get angry. Hwa Young ah, I know you want to live a simple life, but with my profession and responsibilities, I can’t give you one…
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140. I Was Late
As these three were strolling in the garden, at the same time, inside one of the villas of Guang Long, old man Zhou was having his tea while looking at his wooden stick, to be precise, the vertical handle, where the Sacred Flute was kept. He had a sadistic smile on his face… the flute was listening to him and he could control people’s minds with it.Soon, a sturdy man with a black uniform came, “Elder master.”Old man Zhou simply placed his cup down and moved his gaze towards him. Although he had a normal expression, the sturdy man felt a chill running down his spine, “Elder Master…” For some odd reason, he couldn’t give the report.“Speak” old man Zhou said. His eyes squinted seeing the opposite person hesitating.“Nothing happened between them… Mayor Wang and that girl seemed good when they exited Central Hospital—”“Explain everything…” old
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