All Chapters of IN THE ARMS OF THE HYBRID : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
196 Chapters
Chapter 81
 As Vladimir walked into the dancefloor of the club, Katharine quickly caught up with him and they both started walking towards the exit. They couldn't talk while walking through the dancefloor, it wasn't private enough and anybody could overhear their conversation.  Outside the club, they now had more privacy to talk. "How did it go, what did you find out?", Katharine asked. "It went very well, her name is Nicole and she is a sweet girl", Vladimir said. "Sweet girl?" "Don't tell me you like her already?", Katharine asked. "Of course not but she is very likeable and very modest to
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Chapter 82
 Lucas and his brothers had been waiting outside her apartment for more than 2 hours now and she wasn't yet back home. Lucas waited patiently for her but it was obvious if she didn't show up soon, their patience would wear thin. "She isn't back yet", Andrew said. Lucas was a bit disappointed she wasn't back yet. "She will be back", he said, not giving up yet. "Okay, I hope so too", Andrew said. "Let's wait a little longer", Mark said encouraging Andrew. Lucas looked into his side view mirror to the back of the car. He scanned
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Chapter 83
The days for mourning were now over. It was dawn already in the werewolf's territory and Mildred was up like the rest of the pack. She had managed to fall back asleep after she stayed up late into the early morning. She was excited as never before. Excited for new things the day had in store for her. Excited about all the prospects. Excited today might just be the day she breaks the ice wall between her and the Alpha hybrid. She made it outside her home to see the werewolves gathering. It appears Alpha White had called for a last minute meeting. She would have loved to go now to see the vampire hybrids but she had to attend this meeting now. After they had gathered. Alpha White appeared in his werewolf glory to address the pack. 
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Chapter 84
Lucas was still sleeping in bed in his penthouse apartment when a familiar call interrupted his sleep and woke him up. His sleep had not been entirely peaceful as he had flashes of Nicole coming into his head as he slept and leaving. He could not remember vividly what he dreamt about her but it troubled his sleep a little, but when he heard his familiar call it was enough to wake him up. He sat up in an instant from his bed fully awake, as he scanned his room for any sign of the voice, for any sign of her. But his room was perfect,  the way it has always been. He quickly got out of bed and searched his large wardrobe and bathroom but it was also empty, the familiar voice he heard had not come from that source. He quickly stepped outside into the living room to see what
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Chapter 85
"I'll love to tell you and guide you at the same time, if you would let me", Mildred said, answering Mark's question. "That will be nice", Mark said.  Lucas was quiet as he thought about what he said.  "Is ruling this world not too far of a stretch?", he thought to himself. "And what sort of rulers will we be?", he asked, seeing how devastating his power could be on those lower the power scale than he was. "The choice is yours to decide, it will always be", she said, smiling at him. Lucas liked her response, he wanted to have his own independent rule on his terms if he ever accepted to ru
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Chapter 86
It was an impressive scene to behold to see  the witch finally accompanied by her powerful vampire hybrids. The werewolves ahead of them all parted ways in respect to allow them pass and to watch the spectacle. They were now some feet away from the entrance of Alpha White's territory, where he stood majestically. He had been promptly informed of the presence of Mildred and the vampire hybrids and so he came out to meet them at the entrance. Lucas could see he was clearly different from all the other werewolves, bigger and stronger and the glow of his red eyes were equally impressive. "Alpha White, I have returned with the vampire hybrids", Mildred said, taking a knee before him. 
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Chapter 87
 Mildred took the vampire hybrids around their vast territory as more and more werewolves came out to greet them.  The brothers were already enjoying themselves but Mildred had another idea to spice things up a little. "Why don't we all split up", she said. "There is still a vast array of things to see and we can see it all quickly that way and have unique experiences to share at the end of the day". Lucas didn't like the idea of them splitting up but he knew they were amongst friends and family and so had nothing to worry about. "I'll love to go with them", Andrew said, as a group of beta werewolves were imploring him to come show off his
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Chapter 88
Andrew was having crazy fun with the challenge the beta werewolves placed in front of him. The power test, the speed test and all the other tests he was simply destroying all in record breaking time, in seconds! "This is incredible!", "This shouldn't be real!", some of the werewolves exclaimed in astonishment. It was the first time since Andrew first discovered he had super powers in the woods, that he was using his powers purely for fun. He never knew he could have so much fun from using his super powers and adoration from his fans at the same time. Mildred led Lucas all the way till they encountered Andrew at the games arena.  
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Chapter 89
Lucas and his brothers had arrived at the studio just in time. They arrived before 10 AM. The shooting of the movie was set to begin by 11 AM but first they had to start getting ready for the scene by 10:30 AM at most. The costumer and makeup artists were on standby for all the actors and actresses in the movie. Neither Lucas or his brothers had rehearsed their scripts as they should have, they usually did it in the studio just before their big scene appearance. Lucas, Mark and Andrew all stayed in the car to read and master their lines. They were very fortunate as vampire hybrids to have brains that could quickly memorize things without making a mistake and also deliver it with accuracy.  They were at it for 30 minutes before they were done and ready to go into the stu
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Chapter 90
Nicole, Angela and Charles had left for work. Nicole as usual had seen her various tattoo appointments for the day and had given them a good artistic masterpiece of their desired tattoo and the post management of the tattoo to minimize color fading, infection and healing. Some other clients, she had to fix another date to finish up their tattoos. The atmosphere of the tattoo shop had been euphoric as usual as the scent of human blood filled the air but Nicole did not allow herself to be too distracted by it, rather she enjoyed it and continued working on her body art until it was time for her to go home. "It's been a long day", Nicole said to Angela, who had equally seen a lot of clients like she had. "Yes it has", she said, as she carefully cleaned up her work tools for ano
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