All Chapters of Leesa's Advent: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
751 Chapters
Chapter 20
Professor Clerval carefully turned the page. “At first, the man didn't know anything was wrong.” He looked up at Leesa. She was sitting on the edge of her chair, her attention riveted upon him.“How could he know?” he asked. “After all, a person only gets bitten once. But the vampire knew.” The professor returned to the book. “She writes that he smiled at her and reached out his hands for hers, but was taken by surprise when she faltered back. I'll quote her now: “I recoiled in horror as he opened his mouth, for it revealed a thing of which I'd only heard stories, had never seen, and hope never to see again. Just one lone fang dropped from his upper jaw—the mark of a grafhym. The man I wanted for my consort was damaged, imperfect.‟ She goes on to say he was banished from the tribe immediately, forced out into the forest to live his life alone.”He turned another page. “The final section talks ab
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Chapter 21
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. Out for her daily walk, Leesa was frustrated with the nothing new. She didn't have class until eleven today, so she decided to do her four-mile loop: out the north gate, down the hill to downtown Middletown and south along Main Street, then back onto campus from the east. Despite the bright sun, the morning was cold enough for her to see her breath— something rare back in San Diego—and she enjoyed puffing out little clouds of steam for the first few minutes of her walk. She had donned three T-shirts under her red Weston sweatshirt and walked with her hands pulled up inside her sleeves. At least I'm stylish, she thought wryly, glancing down at the multicolored layers protruding from her sweatshirt around her hips. And warm, which was really all that mattered, with layers she could peel away as she grew more heated from her exertions.Her frustrations centered around Bradley. She had heard nothing from Dr. Cl
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Chapter 22
Imagine a ruin so strange, you wonder can it truly exist. Imagine a hole so deep sunlight never penetrates the gloom, a cave so hidden no human has ever discovered it. Imagine a place so dead even vermin and insects avoid all but its outer reaches. And then imagine a cavern so huge and elaborate its twisting chambers can easily house scores of vampires. This is the grotto the Connecticut coven of vampires call home.For hundreds of years, the vampires have used the perpetual night of this deep cavern to avoid the hated sun and to remain hidden from the ever-increasing human population as well. Cut eons ago under the tree-covered hills on the eastern side of the Connecticut River by a now-vanished underground waterway, the cavern was the perfect hideaway. Thousands of hours of labor shaped the various chambers to suit the vampires' needs—but what were hours, or even years, to the undead, who had eternity?The largest of the chambers, a vast natural amphitheater a
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Chapter 23
“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways,” Cali quoted, her voice soft and dreamy. “I love thee enough to hold both thy hands. Woo hoo!” she teased. “But not enough to take off his freaking gloves!” “Stop it!” Leesa said, laughing hard. She was sitting on the wooden chair in front of Cali's desk, her left elbow resting on the desktop, holding a plastic cup of wine. Green Day was squawking something about Jesus being in suburbia—Leesa had never been able to make complete sense of the song. She set her wine down on the desk to avoid spilling it while she laughed. This was her second glass, the first time she'd ever had more than one, and her head was buzzing. She had already decided two glasses would be her permanent limit. She wasn't all that fond of wine—had tried some only a couple of times before—but this one, a mellow chardonnay with a slightly fruity taste, was actually pretty good. Andy had brought a couple of bottles to Cali's room the night before. He and Cali drank
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Chapter 24
Twenty miles to the east, across the river from where the three girls talked and teased and giggled, Rave stood in the dark outside the door of an old cabin, the same incident replaying in his mind. He had so badly wanted to kiss Leesa. For an instant, the pull had been so strong he'd almost forgotten himself, forgotten what he was, forgotten what could happen if his mouth met hers. He had recovered in time, of course, but the memory still burned strong in his mind. He needed to know more, to know what his options were, to know if he could somehow kiss her without killing her. The cabin was the oldest in their settlement, older than Rave, built of rough hewn logs cut from the surrounding forest more than two hundred years ago. Dried mud black with age chinked the spaces between the logs. The two front windows were tiny—glass had not been an option when the cabin was built, so deer hide had hung over the openings back then. Glass had been added later, and Rave could see flick
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Chapter 25
The boy with fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and headed toward the trees. His name was Robert, and he was a boy in appearance only, for he had been born almost sixty years before. But he was just fifteen, a sophomore in high school, when he was made vampire, and he had aged in appearance not at all. Keeping to the shadows, he glided swiftly through the trees. The morning sun was strong enough to burn—already his skin ached dully from his exposure climbing down the cliff face—and the shade from the leafy canopy provided welcome relief. Just as importantly, he needed to stay hidden, lest watchful eyes from the cavern discern his flight. Robert was boyishly slim, with thin blond hair that fell across a corner of his face. Filled with youthful impetuousness, he was violating the Council's will by venturing out alone. The desire to feed had grown overwhelming, and he had not been a vampire long enough to learn how to control his urges, not with the loomin
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Chapter 26
Time is not a line but a dimension, like the dimensions of space—Leesa rubbed her forehead, trying to wrap her brain around that concept for her physics midterm. She had been studying hard all week, sleeping little and playing less, and felt confident she'd done well on her first three exams. Physics tomorrow would be the toughest by far, though. Her tired head was filled with symbols, equations and theories. Luckily, Professor Clerval didn't believe in exams, instead, he had assigned the class a paper that wasn't due until next week. So after her physics test, the crunch would be over—until finals, anyway. Ugh! At least she wasn't alone in feeling stressed. Her dorm was filled with girls wandering the halls like zombies, wearing no makeup, their eyes bloodshot, vacant looks blanking their tired faces. Yellow light leaked under doors and soft music filtered through the walls at all hours of the night as many of her floor mates pulled all-nighters. Leesa had been up
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Chapter 27
The bright, sunny day grew much brighter when she saw Rave smiling up at her from the bottom of the steps. He was wearing a black long-sleeve T-shirt and jeans. And those darn gloves, even though it wasn't all that cold. Seeing him here was the last thing she expected, and her fatigue seemed to melt away. She smiled back and limped quickly down the steps.“Hi, gorgeous,” he said. “How did you do? Did you slay that physics monster?”“I did good,” Leesa said, smiling. “The monster is dead, at least for now. But how did you know what I was doing? I never told you about my midterms.”“I have my methods.” Rave grinned and took both her hands in his. “Just because you don't see me doesn't mean that I'm not around.”Leesa's smile widened. “Somehow, I believe that.” She squeezed his hands. “And I like it, too. Though I prefer seeing you.”Rave's expression turne
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Chapter 28
Leesa's brain was spinning. Complicated. Secret. Tell no one. Where on earth was he going with this? What did vampires have to do with holding hands and kissing? For some reason, her mother's wild story popped into her head. Not again, please, she prayed. She studied Rave's face. He didn't look crazy. He looked anxious, but determined. And damn handsome.“Yeah, I promise.”Rave smiled. She could see some of the anxiety melt from his features.“Do you believe in vampires, Leesa?”Uh-oh, here we go, she thought. “Not completely. But more than when school started, that's for sure. Professor Clerval makes a compelling case. And you talk about them with such certainty.”“You're not alone. Most people don't believe they truly exist. But they do, I promise you. Have you ever heard of volkaanes?”Leesa shook her head, frowning. “No, never. What's a volkaane?”“Among ot
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Chapter 29
“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,” Cali said to Leesa.“Carpe diem,” added Caitlin.“Life is short,” chimed in Stacie.Leesa sat on her bed, her back propped comfortably against two pillows, while her friends took turns trying to persuade her to wear something sexy and sleazy to tomorrow night's big Halloween bash. That she had even agreed to go to what was billed as the biggest and wildest party of the year was a big enough step for her. No way was she going to wear some slinky costume that would invite way more attention than she wanted or needed. Besides, there was only one guy whose attention she craved, and she already had Rave's full interest.Cali had pulled the desk chair close to the bed—the better to pressure her, Leesa knew—while Caitlin hovered behind Cali's shoulder. At least Stacie had the consideration to sit across the room rather than loom over her, though that didn't stop her from urging Le
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