All Chapters of Leesa's Advent: Chapter 701 - Chapter 710
751 Chapters
Chapter 677
Serena had backed into something hard and unyielding, with bad breath. Before she had a chance to scream, a thick hand came around to cover her mouth, while the other wrapped firmly around her waist. He dragged her back into the house and threw her onto the pile of trash she used to call her living room. She had no purchase to scramble away and hardly any breath left, since her hard landing had knocked it clear out of her. Splinters of some unidentified piece of wreckage poked through her shirt and scratched her back. Plumes of fluff from a seat rose in the air. Dazed and in pain, she thought a bear hovered above her, but it morphed into a burly man with a ski mask. He pounced on top of her, squeezing out the last pockets of air in her lungs. He’d drawn his arm back, and a meaty, clenched fist seemed eager to pummel her face. And then, the thug growled as his eyes glowed a fiery red.She closed her eyes and braced for a brutal assault that never came. Instead a voice sh
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Chapter 678
She had reached as far as the time parameters would allow and started back down the dusty trail. But the men blocked her path. “Uh, guys, we need to head back down toward the Jeep if we’re going to make it back to base on time. So, if you’ll walk back towards the left, please….” “I don’t think we’re going to make it back in time, Serena,” said the one the others called Steve. “No, I really don’t think so.” “I’m not following, Steve. Turn around and walk back down, please.” Annoyance clear in her tone, she tried to move past the three of them, but again they blocked her path. “What’s going on here?” She wasn’t so sure she wanted to know at this point. Her heart thrummed in her chest, and it took all of her fortitude to keep her voice steady. She could kick herself for not stopping the tour earlier when their behavior deteriorated. Now she’d put herself in a vulnerable position. “It’s called you’re coming with us. Now you can make this real easy
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Chapter 679
It’d been a week since Raphael put Serena in the hands of people who could really heal her. Besides having an insatiable curiosity, he also had an onerous task to do. It was long past time to “man up.” He needed to tell her about her brother and be done with it. The hospital staff had been very kind to give him daily updates on her status, something they normally wouldn’t do, but because he used his persuasive Brethren abilities on the staff, they extended the courtesy. After being in critical condition with an assortment of internal injuries, fractured ribs, and a concussion, she was now upgraded to stable. In the beginning, she’d had no shortage of visitors, he’d been told, with friends coming round at all hours, but that had dropped off sharply. He decided to drive back to the hospital before visiting hours were over for the day, with all intentions of telling her the news and saying his farewells. When he saw her, those intentions flew right out the window.
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Chapter 680
Serena slept fitfully, at times calling out for his help while jerking and flailing her arms about, and then she’d have full-blown, one-sided conversations in Gaelic. He stayed right there to soothe her with shameless murmurings of love, and stolen feather-light kisses on her worried brow. Through it all, she never awoke. He knew he’d pay dearly for those indulgences later, but he could no more stop a tsunami from wiping out an entire village than stop the desire to touch the one who could somehow be his long-lost love.In the moments of calm, Raphael worked. He called Michael to get the safe-house ready, and Kemuel to help with locating the thug hell-bent on killing this enigmatic woman. He knew his team would act first and ask questions later. To know the why of Serena’s predicament would be the all-important question when she awoke. Then he called E.L.He would surely have some answers for me regarding Sirona. But am I ready for them?****“I’ve been expecting your call.”“Whatever
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Chapter 681
Sprawling ranch? Serena gazed out the car window in wonder. Raphael’s home away from home stood as a red rock fortress that seemed to blend into its companion cliffs. They weren’t that far from the heart of Sedona, oddly enough. She recognized the area as being near the Boynton Canyon vortex. Knowing all she did about vortexes, she was pleasantly surprised. Staying here would definitely help put her body and mind back into balance.She knew her uncharacteristic frailty would diminish as her strength returned. Physically, she grew stronger, slowly but surely. Emotionally, however, bouts of depression and anxiety left her an absolute mess. She had to give herself some latitude, though. When she’d first awakened in the hospital, she’d found out she could never have children due to how badly she’d been beaten in the desert. Just one more dream dashed to bits to add to the haunted hallways of her home, along with the husband and menagerie of animals.“This is perfect, Raphael,” she gushed,
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Chapter 682
Outskirts of Tortilla Flat, ArizonaDr. Brody Chappo did not wait for anything. Not for his supper, not for the phone to ring, and certainly not for his goons to come with his most prized possession. He’d spent the better part of two months digging in Germany, looking for the ancient Goddess Sirona, and he’d found her, only to have her stolen from his grasp by a no-good sleazeball of a lout. Jared Sikes was his name until he disappeared with her about a year and a half ago. Now, his name was mud.The trail had run cold for a while until his search came up with another name—Serena Sikes, Jared’s sister. Luckily for him, she owned a Jeep tour business and had a website for it, giving him full access to phone numbers and addresses. She couldn’t have made it easier if she’d tried. But then he hit another brick wall when he found out she’d taken some kind of leave from the business.It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that one of his goons saw her in town again. Dr. Chappo had immediately writ
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Chapter 683
Serena looked like her name implied, calm and serene. By the time Raphael had cleaned up his shattered mess in the kitchen and returned to the living room, she’d dozed off. He sat in the winged chair opposite the couch and watched her as he would a sunset, with awe and wonder. How could one appear so fragile and yet possess such fortitude? She’s a mystery, a puzzle begging to be solved. But should I be the one to attempt it?There were no easy answers, except to take each day one at a time. He would first let her heal and get to know her. Serena, that is. After all, he didn’t have a clue into her life. What he did understand, he was drawn to her like no other. He suspected a part of that had to do with how closely she resembled Sirona. But Serena didn’t know it, and everything she said, every move she made, he supposed, was uniquely hers, uniquely Serena. Or was it? Maybe her very essence was inexorably tied to Sirona’s soul, so that the two coexisted without knowing one from the othe
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Chapter 684
“If you think this is best, okay. Oh, about your home, Serena; you don’t have to worry. Everyone from work spent time over there fixing up the place since we knew you’d be coming home soon. We felt you shouldn’t have to come home and see any reminders of the attack.”“God bless you! I want you to know that if the big man upstairs hears me at all, you and everyone at work are the most blessed people on the planet! I’ll see you soon.”Callie laughed heartily while Serena tried not to. It hurt too much.She dreaded the confrontation once Raphael got wind of her change of plans. If he wasn’t in the foulest mood right now, this would surely do it. But this is my life, my decision. If there is danger to be had, I will face it alone and deal with the consequences. I’ve taken care of myself and others for so long that alone is what I’m used to anyway. And besides, I’m pretty good at it. She’d
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Chapter 685
Serena watched dumbfounded as Callie shoved the gorgeous behemoth out of the way to get to the guest bedroom.“Saucy wench! I think I’m in love, Raf,” Kemuel retorted with a wicked grin.Before she left, Callie winked at her and smiled. Raphael rushed over to help ease her onto a kitchen chair. He took the phone from her grasp. “Hey, how are you feeling? I hope we didn’t disturb you.”At first, she sat there in shock, numb. Raphael is here? Why is he here? And my girlfriend is not only safe, but has literally scolded two mammoth-sized men in my kitchen.“I’m just curious,” Raphael said while waving her phone around. “How exactly did you plan on using this to save Callie, and in your condition?”“Well, I thought I’d….” She tried to justify her actions and raised her hands instead in defeat. “Jesus, Raphael, I don’t know. I don’t know what I&r
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Chapter 686
People were idiots. Given the right incentive, Bull knew they’d sell out their families. It just so happened that Gertrude McFadden, volunteer at the information desk of the hospital, was in dire need of a new tire for her car. How did Bull know this? Well, he’d done some research and found out the name of said volunteer on duty. He watched her arrive for her shift and slashed one of them for her. Then, he walked into the hospital and up to the information desk, with a wig, mustache, and false teeth as a disguise. He poured on the charm he never knew he had.“Excuse me, ma’am. I parked next to a car in the lot out front and noticed one of the tires is slashed. I wrote down the license plate number. I thought maybe you could get the word out to whoever owns the vehicle. Here it is.” Bull handed the slip of paper to her.“Why thank you, sir. How kind of you to take time out to do this. Let me take a look here and I’ll…. Wa
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