All Chapters of The Billionaire Contract : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
144 Chapters
Evil Never Learns
...Xavien POV...I can see the fear and disappointment creep into Mekayla's eyes. I can understand the way that she feels, for she feels betrayed, yet I somehow thought that this would someday happen. Evil hides in places where you least expect it. And this evil has been hiding in the corner, waiting for the perfect time to out. But sometimes this evil also doesn't seem to learn its lesson, for it has once tried and come out now.Now, if this man can only untie my hands, then I will do much more than cut his damn fingers off. God, how did he even tie it with half a hand, or perhaps it is his partner there that I somehow don't think was in the girl scouts. All I can say is that the two of them not only make for an odd pair but a somewhat stupid one as well.While Mekayla is sitting and still trying to get a word together to ask dear old Sofi, or was it Sofa, whichever the stupid cow is called, I am not afraid of any one of them. Now I do have a question though, after s
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A Million Reasons
...Xavien POV...These two are really as dumb as they look. Steve would be worried by now that I have not shown up for my meeting, and I am sure that Tina has gone crazy that she has not heard from Mekayla yet. How these two think that they are going to pull his kidnapping off is beyond me. Sophia was truly never any good if it was not for Catalina. And this man, well, who would be stupid enough to catch the man that has already taken some parts of him off.But this man is standing with some stupid dumb ass smirk on his face. It is either an 'Oh fuck we messed up' look, or he has done at least one thing right. Dare I even ask him before I kick that damn thing off his face. That is yet another point, how do you tie someone to a chair with only their hands. What stops me from walking out of here with a chair attached to my ass to get help. Ya, as I say, the world's dumbest kidnappers.So after developing an awkward cackle that he calls laughter, he looks from Mekayla th
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Help Is Around The Corner
...Xavien POV...I am not sure if I heard this crazy man correctly. Does he think the Grant is a Rockefeller? Either he did not think this through, which is what I am leaning towards, or he is not intending in returning Mekayla at all.Now I know that I should keep my mouth shut, but this makes no sense at all, "So, Damian. You want the money, right?""Why else do we have you," he snaps at me as he pushes the barrel of the gun in my face. He is going to wish he never did that, but that is not the point."The last time I heard, or from what I have been told, Mr. Winters is not even nearly worth thirty-eight million."He looks at me amused and only laughs, "Of course I know that."I look at him even further, confused, "Then why ask for thirty-eight million if you know that he does not have it.""I said eight million."I shake my head at him, and he only but cocks his head, "You said thirty-eight million."Sophia looks to him, not looking am
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Destination Unknown
...Xavien POV...I feel as I fall limp to the floor."Fuck, you damn idiot!" Is the only words that are comes growling from my chest.The goddamn idiot has shot me in my leg. But before he even knows what to do with the gun, I tackle him back onto the floor and have his own gun pointed at his head.Now that hurts like a bitch. And…Déjà vu.I do not like where this is going.I do not want to take a man, and even more a woman's life today. So as I stand over Damian with my bloody leg and order him to stand up, "Get off the floor!"I point for him to sit on the very chair where he had me tied a moment ago. With every single move, I make my leg throbs and pains. The blood has stained my entire jeans, and I can feel it as it starts to drip down in my shoes. God, I don't even know how I am even still walking on it, but that is my last concern now; I need to try and tie this asshole to the chair and go find Mekayla and Sophia.
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Ready For A Party
...Xavien POV...We are now back living in the city again. Mekayla seems like she is completely happy. The shopping trips, tea parties with some of her old friends, getting the nursery busy, so many things that are keeping her busy. As for me…I am unhappy.No matter how much I tried to get my point of view in telling her that it is going to be a mistake, she did not want to listen. So I am back at the office, every day, working full days, even after hours. The functions have already started, of which she has only been to one as she cannot stand on her feet so long. She is twenty-eight weeks pregnant and wants to kill me most of the days for what I apparently did to her. Ya, we needed two for that one, Mekayla. But yes, the functions are not one of her favorites, though.Well, do I really want to be the one that said, I told you so.I shall make the best of what I can and get used to this lifestyle again. I do not want my children to live this way; th
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The Winters Women
...Xavien POV...It is a very long and painful drive back to the Winters's mansion. My dear wife is not in a good mood today. She, as of a few minutes ago, decided that she does not like the dress that she is wearing. So guess what?I had to turn around and go home.Now we are finally back on the road to the town, officially extremely late. Yet, she is still not in a better mood. Mekayla is absolutely grumpy. The snacks that I packed for her are completely wrong. The way I cut the pickle is not right and let us not forget that I did not put enough strawberries with the chocolate spread.She is absolutely impossible.I am already annoyed as it is because we are living in the damn city again, and now my wife is driving me insane. Mekayla is in her own world by herself; she only lives for her; I don't know if she sees the babies as real little people or toys that she can dress up. She has been buying the most ridiculous outfits online, I am putting it off to be
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The Winters Carnival
...Xavien POV...It is a very long and painful drive back to the Winters's mansion. My dear wife is not in a good mood today. She, as of a few minutes ago, decided that she does not like the dress that she is wearing. So guess what?I had to turn around and go home.Now we are finally back on the road to the town, officially extremely late. Yet, she is still not in a better mood. Mekayla is absolutely grumpy. The snacks that I packed for her are completely wrong. The way I cut the pickle is not right and let us not forget that I did not put enough strawberries with the chocolate spread.She is absolutely impossible.I am already annoyed as it is because we are living in the damn city again, and now my wife is driving me insane. Mekayla is in her own world by herself; she only lives for her; I don't know if she sees the babies as real little people or toys that she can dress up. She has been buying the most ridiculous outfits online, I am putting it
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The Honeymoon Is Over
..Xavien POV...I guess at some stage in every marriage; the honeymoon phase becomes over. Well, that has no officially happened with Mekayla and me. Now, if I say that we want to kill each other, then that is a slight understatement. We cannot be in the same room for longer than a few minutes before heading out into an argument. Mekayla has become completely unbearable to be around. I do understand the woman is pregnant, but her behavior is completely irrational.This morning I am trying to sneak out of what has been my new room, the guest room, for what is now the third night in a row. I am trying to get out of the house before she sees me to start yet another fight over something that I have not done or, even worse, that I have forgotten about.So after having a shower, which, unfortunately, I cannot do in silence, I quickly get dressed and head downstairs with my laptop bag in hand. The moment I step my last step towards the door, I near jump as I hear her voice c
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What Is Left Fighting For?
. ...Xavien POV...I have moved out into the guest room permanently.Things in the Caruso household have gone from tense to nothing at all. Mekayla and me barely talk to each other, and when we do, we find ourselves in an argument. I have stopped counting the number of stupid things that we fight over. That damn cribs are still standing there; Grant told her to sort her shit out and to stop being so unreasonable. Now when I wanted to agree with him, I found a plate come flying towards my head.Mekayla has gone completely insane, and I mean that in the nicest of ways.She is working herself up to a frenzy every day, which the doctor told her to clearly stop doing for her stress levels are not good for the babies. She is going for thirty-four weeks soon, and she is going on like a complete lunatic.I have found any and every reason to stay at work these days, and of course, I am having an affair with Barbara. Well, if I wanted to have an affair, I wo
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More Than The Eyes Can See
…Mekayla POV...Things between Xavien and me have not been going well. We are constantly fighting, and it just seems to me that he has lost all interest in the babies and me. His work has become more important to him. He is a completely different man; I honestly do not know who he is anymore. In a way, I think that Xavien and me moved too fast, too soon.I know that I am hormonal and that the pregnancy is taking more out of me than I thought it would. I am not coping; the idea of having to bring up two babies scares me. I don't know if I will even be a good mom if I cannot be a good wife. But then again, Xavien himself is not really trying.Instead of us talking this out, we are just running apart. I feel like I am losing my mind. I am falling into a deep depression. I want to have it all, I want to have two beautiful babies, a handsome husband, and a perfect career, but right now, all I have is the fear of bringing these two into the world.It is not like
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