All Chapters of Blessed By the Moon Goddess: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
173 Chapters
Chapter 131
Explanation…Once they were in place at the new spot and set up, Skylar pulled up the projections and all the Alphas studied the area and the terrain. 1 of the witches casted a spell to transfer the projection onto paper. It was Keyne and Felan who came up with the plan. “I think that will work, but I need to test something out before we share with the others.” Felan said.“Can I borrow Philly and Meryl?” Felan asked. “Of course, but may I ask what for?” Nezerra responded. “I need to test something out, but I don’t want to do it here. I would also like to take the twins with me.” She said looking at Skylar. “What are you thinking?” Skylar asked. “If the twins can mimic the barrier spell, I would like to see if my powers can reach from underneath.” She answered.“And if it can?” “If it can I might have a way to get around the barrier without alerting the coven.” Felan answered her. “The twins will let me know if they can sense my power in any way. Philly and Meryl are there mostly fo
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Chapter 132
Testing…Philly found them a remote spot far away from the rest of the packs and on the other side of the coven. “I think this spot is the best we are going to find.” Philly said, stopping the car. “Felan, what exactly are you thinking?” Makayla asked as they all got out. “I was thinking about that on the way here. I would like to run at least 3 different kinds of tests. I would like to start with both of you outside of the barrier. After you set the barrier, I just need you to focus and see if you can detect my power.”“If it was my coven, I would put an alert system on or around the barrier.” Makenzy stated. “Let’s start with on the barrier.” Felan told them. “Okay and what exactly are you going to do?” Meryl asked. “I am going to try to push through the barrier, I doubt it will work, but I want to be sure we have explored all options.” She said. “Look at you, are you ever going to allow yourself sometime to be a teenager?” he asked, jokingly. The all knew that until Josiah was neu
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Chapter 133
GLOWING…“Yes, but the twins haven’t alerted me, and Meryl and Philly have not said anything about it. I think we are the only ones that can see it.” Keyne said. “I am going to keep going.” Felan told them. The more she used her abilities around the barrier the brighter the glow grew. “I think you should stop. What if that glow is a warning that you are about to get blasted back again?” Keyne said. “I don’t think it will.” Felan said, pausing. “When I pushed against the barrier, I could feel the barrier pushing back. This feels different.” Felan told him.“How?” He asked. “This feels almost welcoming.” She answered him. “I am going to try a little more, just watch the barrier.” She told him “Be careful Felan, you are my best friend and according to others, my mate. I can’t lose you Felan, I just can’t.” He told her. “Ditto” She replied. “Ok, I am going to focus on my powers and what I am trying to accomplish, I need you to watch the barrier.” She told him.Felan continued to push unde
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Chapter 134
Stuck here…Bridget didn’t make it far, before an invisible force flung her back. “What the hell?” She asked, standing up. “Why can’t I leave?” “Looks, like you forgot part of the prophecy.” Skylar answered her. “You can’t leave Bridget, not until Felan says you can.” Skylar added. Bridget walked over to Felan and said. “You let me leave now or I swear I will burn you and everyone you care about.” Bridget told her, as Philly and Meryl came rushing to her side.“I will start with everyone here.” She added. Felan just smiled and said, “You are not going anywhere and if you ever threaten my family, including everyone here, I will personally make your life a living hell.” “We will just see about that.” Bridget said, conjuring up a black ball. Bridget threw the ball at Felan, who caught it, and hurled it back at her.Bridget, just barely able to dodge the ball, asked her, “How did you do that?” Skylar and the rest stood there with stunned looks on their faces. “I had a feeling that I could
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Chapter 135
Foretold…“Lord Kanchelsis, saw the power these children had and decided he wanted that power for himself. He consulted with witches and other gods and goddesses on the matter, but nothing he tried, could extract their power. As the children grew, the more aware they became that their father didn’t care for them, didn’t love them. 1 night the children got together, and each took a part in torturing their father.”“1 child really enjoyed it and wanted to do the same to others. The other children disagreed and so the child killed them while they slept. Since the darkness that lived in the children had no other place to go it went to the only child left. The child was transformed to look like a normal child but was far from it.”“Lord Kanchelsis could not believe what his child had done, but he felt proud, disgusted, and mortified at the same time. He knew the child could not be allowed to live but couldn’t kill the child either until he had a place for the darkness to go. He spoke with
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Chapter 136
THE TALK…Felan led Josiah to a spot in the woods and began to speak. “You will not say a word until I am finished.” She said, taking a deep breath. “There is only 1 way you get out of this alive. You WILL let Sam go and you Will give up your Alpha status and any rights you think you might have. You will then go sit in a cell where you will rot for the rest of your days, and you can either give up your Alpha powers on your own or I WILL take them from you. I hope you do resist, that way you can feel every ounce of pain as I rip the aura from your body.” She said.Aaliyah was listening to Felan and couldn’t believe what she was hearing her daughter say. Felan sounded angry, but also like she was enjoying this. “Did something happen while she was using her powers?” She asked herself. Aaliyah wasn’t sure, but she was going to talk to Skylar about it more later.Josiah couldn’t believe what he was hearing either, but he felt pride as his daughter continued to give him demands. His mind wa
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Chapter 137
A Long Time Ago. “Draco!” Ayri yelled Draco stopped and he was nothing like Felan was picturing. “Let me guess you were expecting a Dunce cap with a long gray beard.” Ayri said, judging the look on Felan’s face. Draco stood at least 6ft 5inches. Though he was over a hundred years old he looked no older than thirty. “Ayri! How is my favorite pain in the ass?” “Still mad at me, I see. I swear if I had known you were going to be there, I would have never pulled that prank.” “It took me two years to get that classroom back in order.” He replied. “Draco, this is Felan, and she is why we are all here.” Ayri told him. “Well, finally I was growing restless. What are we facing?” He asked Felan. “Wow, and I thought only my father was an asshole.” Felan responded to his abrupt rudeness. “I beg your pardon.” Draco said. “Yes, you may certainly beg.” Felan said, not backing down. “Do you know who you are talking to?” He asked her. “Draco that is enough!” Skylar told him. “No Skylar, go ahead le
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Chapter 138
The story goes on…Draco kept going, giving detail after detail. “Nobody had a clue that when Lord Kanchelsis got the witches to help him, that Lord Apophis had found a small group of witches to help him alter the spell.” “Do you know how the spell was altered?” Felan asked. “I believe, though I don’t know for sure, that the power was divided.” Draco answered her.“How was that power divided?” Skylar asked. “Considering that there are 2 groups here, I would guess right down the middle, but until the other party or parties come forward. I would also dare to say that since the witches and werewolves are here it is probably either a dragon or a vampire or both.” Draco answered. “Thank you, Draco.” Felan said. “Anytime little wolf.” Draco said with a nod as Felan, and Skylar walked off.“I really didn’t need this right now. What am I going to do?” Felan asked as she disappeared into the woods. Skylar followed closely behind her. Felan stopped and started to cry. She fell to her knees and
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Chapter 139
Handling It… Aaliyah was back, feeling calmer. She walked back to the rest of the group and realized nobody had left yet and others were starting to show up. “What is going?” She asked surprised. “Not sure, exactly.” Skylar answered. “I am going to see what I can find out.” Matilda said, walking off. “How are you holding up?” Skylar asked Aaliyah. “I am fine. My daughter has been taken by a psychotic god and I just got told that there is nothing I can do about it currently.” She answered. “What, who told you that?” Skylar asked. “Our goddess Rhiannon, she said her the other goddess was working on it.” “Your goddess spoke to you?” Aaliyah nodded. “They are here for the calling. A lot said they no longer had the urge to be here but felt they should still come.” Matilda said returning. “Can we try to get them all together, I want to explain to everyone what has happened. Then, we need to come up with a plan to take care of Josiah. The last thing I want is for Felan to come back and re
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Chapter 140
Problems just keep coming…“What are we going to do with Josiah?” Mack asked. “I am not sure.” Aaliyah answered. “He is not our only problem. My sister is tied up in the barn.” Skylar added. “Okay You and I will go talk to her.” “Before we do you must know that she tried to attack Felan and Felan attacked back.” “Why did she attack my daughter?” “Mostly testing her, but it was after we got the call. My sister was the second witch to show up and she didn’t remember the part about no one being able to leave until the one who called us said we could.” Skylar answered her.“What are you going to do with her?” Skylar asked. “I am going to let her go, but I need something from you first.” “What do you need from me?” “A promise that there will not be a feud between the two of you until this prophecy business is finished.” “I can’t promise you that. I have been searching for this coven for years and now that I have it, I can’t let her go. She will just up and move again.” “I understand that,
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