All Chapters of Hidden Secrets: A Screwed Up Love Story: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
75 Chapters
Chapter Thirty One.
I pull back from our kiss, licking my swollen lips and I gaze into his eyes. "I have to go," I mumble breathlessly. "I'll come with you." He smiles as he raises my hand and kisses it.I look at him with a perplexed expression on my face. I have been under his employment for two days now and I'm beginning to wonder if this is why he goes through so many P.A's. Is he courting me solely for the purpose of sleeping with me?Bitterness manifests itself as goosebumps along my skin. My son's father is a womaniser, and that fact bothers me."Why? You have no idea where I'm going."He locks his gaze on me for an eternity before letting out a soft chuckle."I just want to be sure you'll be safe. You still haven't told me who that man was?" He says intensely. "That's because there is nothing to tell.""I beg to differ. Upon my arrival you were a frenzied wreck, chasing after the man that left your apartment and wh
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Chapter Thirty Two.
I sit on the bottom of the staircase, nervously biting my nails as I wait for the bastards to return. I comb my fingers through my hair as I watch Trent's goons wander the corridors in pairs with their guns tucked into the side of their pants.  "Questa cagna ha le palle." (This bitch has balls) I hear one of them chuckle as he looks me up and down.  When I feel a primal instinct to flip him the bird, I bite my tongue. They all assume I have not picked up any Italiano throughout my stay here. I've learned to gnaw on the inside of my cheek to keep my secret, despite the fact that I occasionally want to scream and yell at them for the crude things they say to me. I swiftly decide against it, as I believe I can leverage it to my benefit when the time is perfect. I take out my phone and dial Aces' number while pressing the phone against my ear.  It rings three times before it goes straight to his voicemail and a soft growl leaves my
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Chapter Thirty Three.
"Miss Cross," His rich accent sweeps over me and I pause typing to turn my head and gaze at him. Instantly my breath catches when our eyes collide. He looks handsome this morning and I pull my bottom lip in between my teeth full of arousal as my eyes slowly travel up his body.  Black Italian oxford dress shoes, draped by grey slacks hugging his muscular thighs, a crimson red tie over his white long sleeve shirt and a grey vest matching the colour of his pants.  "Come to my office in two minutes." He requests standing outside my office door. I open my mouth to reply but quickly clamp it shut as he doesn't bother to wait for my answer and walks into his office. I look over my computer, discreetly watching through the window between our offices as he hangs up his jacket he has draped over his forearm and sits behind his desk.  My eyes shift to the photo I have of Sandro next to my computer and I let out a sigh full of miser
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Chapter Thirty Four.
I take a seat across from Aydem as we are seated at the small table in the corner of the room. My entire body is still humming from his palm resting on the small of my back as he ushered me inside the restaurant. As expected, he was drawing attention to himself with the way he naturally dominated the room. To those dining, we appeared to be on a dinner date. However, Aydem and I were both aware that this was not the case. He wants to continue our discussion from this morning and to be honest, I'm not sure what he is expecting to learn from me. We place our orders with the waitress, and as she departs, Aydem removes a file from the inside of his suit jacket and glides it across the table. "Some light reading for you while we wait for our dinner." He winks at me with a lopsided smirk on his face.  I sigh, opening the file and begin to browse the pages.    >>>   The Ice in the c
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Chapter Thirty Five.
I exit the car as it comes to a stop outside the Burak Building. Gerald opens Aydem's door and as he emerges, he rests his hand on the small of my back and guides us inside. We approach the security guards stationed behind their desks, and I wait for Aydem to conclude his conversation with them before proceeding to the bank of elevators. As the doors slide open, we enter and he pushes the number 8. I stand in the back, leaning against the cool walls as I try to cool down my burning body from his touch.  I stare at him from behind, my eyes slowly travelling up his body and arousal pools in my thong. Even from behind, he appears to be sinful as he strolls around in an Armani suit. "I can feel your eyes burning into the back of my head, kedi yavrusu." (Kitten) His words are heavily laced with cockiness.  I roll my eyes and when the doors slide open I brush past him, walking straight to his office.  "Would you like a drink?"
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Chapter Thirty Six.
My body feels like it is floating on air as he continues to stroke my tongue with his. He tastes like bourbon with a hint of Salmon. Exotic and rich.  I run my fingers through his jet black hair with my eyes squeezed shut.  I want him. I want him so badly that my sex is throbbing.  I kiss him, matching his fever knowing that this will be the last time I feel his lips on mine. If he has truly done a deep dive into my background it is only a matter of time before he will see my medical history stating that I have given birth only a few months ago.  He turns me around, the heat of his body envelops me, and he continues to kiss me while rubbing the pad of his thumb across my swollen lips. He plants feather-light kisses along the crook of my neck, driving my entire body into a spasm of tingles. I moan as I lean into him and tilt my neck to the side, granting him easier access to nibble and suck on my sensitive sk
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Chapter Thirty Seven.
I step out of the shower, wrapping a heated towel around myself after I finished scrubbing Aydems touch and scent from my body. I was furiously cleaning myself free from the sins I have and continue to commit. I wipe the pooling moisture that coats my mirror and I stare at my reflection. My eyes have dark circles around them and my cheeks look hollow of any life. I feel lost.  I have no idea what to do or what path to take. As I sat in the Uber on the ride home, I dialled Aces number multiple times and each time it went straight to his voice mail. It's been doing that all day and I don't know who to turn to for help.   I have no family or friends. I miss my son and with each passing day, my heart bleeds with sorrow. Gods! I miss the smell of his hair, the touch of his soft skin and the sound of him giggling. I would lay my life down on the line for him and that is why I've decided to come clean to Aydem.&
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Chapter Thirty Eight.
He shoots up out of his seat, chuckling as he looks down at me. "Funny!" He exclaims. Standing, I grab the picture off the table and I hold it out towards him. "Take a look, Aydem." I plea.  The sound of his laughter quickly fades, the look of amusement on his face, diminishes and a look of irritation masks his handsome face.  "I don't need to look at the photo because I," he hits his open hand against his chest. "know he isn't mine. Look, it's basic knowledge that you can't fall pregnant just by kissing and it takes roughly around 40weeks for you to give birth, Mila." He grounds out as he combs his tousled hair with his fingers. "We've never fuc-" "You're wrong!" I cut him off. "I'm the one night stand that stole your white shirt." He scoffs, "There have been many women who have stolen my clothes." He lazily shrugs his shoulder as he continues to refuse to believe me. I glare at him, " You're still a cocky bastard!" I growl
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Chapter Thirty Nine.
I avert my gaze from the men seated around the enormous table as I sit beside Aydem. Voices are being raised, hands banging against the table and guns visibly on display in a threatening manner. Twenty minutes ago we entered the bar and was immediately escorted to the back as the Mc Carthy family were waiting for us.  "When you drink here, Aydem, I look the other way." The Irish Don grumbles. "Do not assume I am unaware that you are Sedar Ozturk's cousin."  "I didn't come here to start trouble with you. Instead, I have come here with some news about your son and if you'll let the lady talk, she'll tell you everything you need to know." Aydem replies calmly. I peer up just in time to see Mr Mc Carthys features change into a scowl. "Why would I believe anything from an Esposito who-" Aydem slams his open hand against the table, causing it to shake and I flinch with shock. "Finish that sentence and you'll never know where your son's bod
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Chapter Forty.
I flutter my eyelids open, waking up with my heart racing and my head spinning.  I feel like I've been heavily drugged and I have no idea where I am.  I sit up and massage my eyes with the palms of my hands, then squint when I withdraw them. All I see are cement and cinder block walls; cool air sneaks through the holes in the wall, and I rub my hands up and down my arms. I close my eyes and place my hands over my face trying to keep myself together. "Please let this all be a bad nightmare!" The quivering words escape past my lips as my body trembles with fear.  I raise my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them as I start to rock back and forth, with each movement I make, the mattress beneath me creaks. The little bit of moonlight illuminating the room brings my nightmares to life. I look up and see the little red dot moving side to side as the camera watches me.  I remember this place all too well.  It
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