All Chapters of My only daughter: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
20 Chapters
Episode 11
__________Evans_________I got into the car and drove it. I didn't want to bother Anderson because I needed to be alone and think about what happened between Madison and I. I got to the parking lot and met Clinton with my golf club. He is my caddie and as well my best friend. We went in and he set the ball for me to play. After playing my last putt, we went to a restaurant and had some drinks. My conscience was eating me whole, so I had to ask Clinton for advice"Clinton?""Yes Evans""I need your advice on something""What is it?""It's about Madison""And what about her?""We got into an argument and hit her""You did what?""I hit her. I didn't do it international but I got angry when she forced Alex to cook for her while the maids were right outside the kitchen""So what's wrong with Madison telling Alex to cook? Besides she is one of those maids in your house to serve you""I know but..""But what? Don't tell me y
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Episode 12
_________Gloria_________"It's good to be back, don't you think dear?"I said to Charlie"Yes dear""Have you called Madison and tell her about our arrival?""No, I haven't dear. It's just that I was busy lately""Busy with what?""Busy with work of course""You and this excuse you come with? Charlie can you for once come clean. I'm sick and tired of these your lies""Gloria can I please continue with my work? If you want to call her and inform her, fine you can do it but please let me be""Look who is talking? You always find an opportunity to insult me. Just watch and see how I will expose your secret"""You listen here Gloria, if you ever try such, I'll...""You will what Charlie? I'm not scared of you and your empty threats anymore. I'm the new don in this game and you better watch out"I said and went upstairs"Come back here. I'm not done with you"I ignored him and went to my bedroom and slept.___________Eva
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Episode 13
_________Natasha__________I just came back from the gym when I heard Evans yelling Alex name. I went to the living room and asked what happened"What's going on?""Evans found his favorite watch in Alex's room"said Helen"What!""I'm even surprised myself""But who found it? Was it Evans or Madison?""It was Madison""I knew it was that witch""Alex! Alex!! Where is she?"Evans yelled"Evans just calm down, this could be a little misunderstanding""What do you mean a little? Obviously this girl is a thief and deserves be punished""Yeah, she deserves to be punished. Who knows how many other stuff have she stolen"said MadisonWould you just keep quiet"I said"I'm going to look for her"he said"Wait, I'm coming with you"Evans and Madison went upstairs and searched for her but couldn't find her. I went to the garden with Helen and saw her with her dad strolling around. I ran up to her while Helen called he
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Episode 14
_____Clinton______I was at the bar having some drinks when Troy walked up to me,"Hey buddy""Hey, it good to see you. It's been quite a long time since we last saw each other""Yeah, that was after our graduation from college" and they both broke into laughter"So, what brings you to New York?""I came to attend my cousin's wedding""Really?""Yeah""Okay, how is business?""It's good. We hope for the best. Hey, what about your girlfriend, ummmm.....""Audrey?""Yeah, Audrey. How is she?""Audrey and I broke up a few years ago""What happened? I thought she was your one?""That's what it seemed but she eloped with one crazy guy she met in one of her intervention programs and got pregnant for him""Oh! That's so bad""From that day onwards, I made up my mind never to believe in love again""Dude, that's clearly impossible. You mean you will remain single for the rest of you life?""If that is the price to spare me another hea
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Episode 15
_______Ivy______"Oh, where is it?"I said"What are you looking for?"Haley said"My handkerchief, I can't find it?""Have you searched everywhere?""I've searched my bag, closet, Under my bed and the whole house included but I can't still find it""Okay, calm down. Try to retrace your step. Where last did you see it?""I was with it at the club before I went home""It could still be there""I'll go back and look for it""By this time? It's late. Maybe tomorrow?""Okay""Try and get some sleep. Remember, we have an oral report due tomorrow""Yeah, you're right""Good night""Good night, sweet dreams""You too"I got to my bed and snuggled in comfortable. I turned off my lamp and tried as much as possible not to think about my handkerchief._________Madison______I waited for Evans to come back home. He came back pretty late but I had to stay awake to have this important discussion with him.
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Episode 16
★★★★Clinton★★★★"Hello Camilla""Hello Clinton. How are you?"my sister-in-law"I'm good. How are the kids? Especially my nephew, Anthony?""They are fine""Okay, I'll call you back"I said and hung upI saw Ivy crossing the road and decided to run after her. I ran as fast as I could but I couldn't keep up with her pace. I decided to yell her name but she didn't reply. When she turned back, she increased her speed. I followed her until she went inside her school. I was about to go in when the security guard held me back and said"Where are do you think you are going?""I'm going inside"I said"Are you student here?"'No.. not really""Then you cannot be allowed to go in""But I'm looking for someone""You can wait here, outside but you can't enter inside""But I want to give her belonging"" can give it to me. I'll hand it to her""Okay"I said and gave him the handkerchief"You may leave
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Episode 17
★★★★Alex★★★★Ms Helen took me to the hospital for proper examination of my hand. We came and booked an appointment with the doctor at the counter. We waited patiently at the reception till the doctor called us in"Good morning Ms Helen""Good morning doctor""So, how may I help you?""My friend here tripped on the staircase and landed on some broken pieces of glass""Oh...I see. May I see your hand?"I showed him my hand and he took a proper examination on it. He asked me some follow up questions"Does it hurts when I touch it?""No...not really""Can you move it?""Yes...I can try""Okay""Well, according to the examination, she is alright. There is no need to panic. She just suffered some minor injuries""Okay""I will write down the drugs she will need to take and the ointment needs to apply"he said as he wrote down the medicines and ointment I needed with the exact dosage"Thank you doctor""My
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Episode 18
★★★★Evans★★★★I was busying in the office when I heard a knock on the door"Knock! Knock!""Come in"I was still busying with my laptop and I didn't notice the person that walked in"Hi honey"Maddy said"Hello""Honey,umm... I've something to ask of you?""What's it?""Please can you look at me while I'm talking?"I raised my face a little and looked at her"Now that I've your attention, I was thinking if we can get married in Los Vegas?""Los Vegas? Why? What not here?""Nothing, I just want to us to travel to Los Vegas and enjoy our honeymoon there as well""No,it won't cost a thing. Besides I've a private plane and it's only your family and mine. No one else""Hope that includes my sister, Natasha?""Maybe""Honey, I know that you and my sister don't get along but I want you to see her like your sister too. She might be cranky sometimes but she really has a soft heart. She's really nice once you
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Episode 19
★★★★Madison★★★★Harrison's words kept on playing in my head. The curiosity was eating me  was so anxious that I had to call my mom and told her to meet me at the hospital. I wanted to confirm what Harrison said. I got to the hospital before my mom and waited for her"Mom"I said and gave her a hug when I saw her"What's wrong dear? You sounded so worried on the phone"she said.We went and some test was carried on me. I waited anxiously for the doctor to give his verdict"Ms Madison Sam?"he said staring at the clipboard in his hand"Yes, that's me""May I see you in my office?"My heart was pounding loud that it almost skipped a beat. My mom and I went in and sat down. I was as nervous as a mouse and scared of what the doctor might say."Don't worry doctor, she's with me. Anything you have to say, you can say it in front of her""Okay. According to the result of the tests that was carried out on you, we discovered that your
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Episode 20
★★★★Clinton★★★★"Evans,we are set to go"I said"Are you sure we aren't leaving anything behind?""No""Maddy, it's time to go"he said"Okay"she replied"Are my parent's luggage in the car?""Yes""Are you with my dad's medical report?""Yes""Okay, let's go""Sure""Are you okay?""Yes, just a little nervous. I'm afraid of heights""Don't worry, there's nothing to be afraid of. You're safe with me""Thanks""Thanks★★★★Natasha★★★★Boarding a plane with Madison isn't my way if accepting her fully as my sister-in-law. It gave me a weird mixed feeling that made me uncomfortable throughout the ride. I kept wondering when this nightmare will end because it's driving me crazy. Everyone seemed to be comfortable with flying except for Clinton who is finding it difficult. Finally, the plane landed and I got off immediately. I couldn't stand being with Madison anymore. We took a taxi to Madison's beach h
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