Semua Bab Trapped: Bab 21 - Bab 30
49 Bab
Ignoring David's remark, I went back to my food. I don't want to give him any satisfaction by giving any kind of reaction. In the middle of breakfast, the clicking of heels resounded in the room. I looked towards the door where the sound came from. A very gorgeous blonde entered the dining room, walking towards us. She was tall and lean, her breasts were of perfect size. Not too big and not too small, and her dirty straight blonde hair falls over her hip. She had a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. Her lips were full and pouty. And not to forget her sultry green eyes. She wore high heels and a very tight red dress that perfectly highlighted her figure. A huge smile instantly appeared on her lips as soon as her gaze fell on Dean. Am I missing something? She seemed extremely excited to be in Dean's presence. To my surprise, she walked over to Dean and kissed him before sitting next to him. My eyes narrowed and my face twisted slightly in confusion. Did
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  After I was done baking the cake, I was heading back to my room to take a shower when I collided against a firm body. I closed my eyes, ready for the impact, but before I could fall on my butt. A strong muscular arm wrapped around my waist, restricting my fall. I looked to my savior to see an unfamiliar man. He had jet black hair. Thin lips and thick eyebrows. His tan skin complements his brown eyes. His eyebrows were long, any girl would die to have them. He looked around in the mid to late thirties. I would be lying if I said he wasn't good-looking. He was a good-looking man. God, what am I thinking? Shaking my head to clear the thoughts, I immediately straightened up. "Thank you," I said, tucking my hair behind my hair, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. He had the same expression as mine. "I'm sorry I didn't see you come. Are you okay though?" He inquired his tone apologetically. "I'm okay, it was my fault, anyway," I said with
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  I was fast asleep when I heard footsteps making my eyes shoot up. I bit back a scream as I saw a man in front of me wearing a creepy clown mask. He held a big cooking knife in his hand. As he advanced towards me, I couldn't stop myself from moving backwards. Before I could blink, he was on top of me. "Bye-bye," he said in a dark and twisted voice before he swung his knife up and plunged it into my chest. I let out an ear-piercing scream. I opened my eyes. I was breathing hard. My whole body was covered in sweat. I was shivering uncontrollably. I sat holding my chest and trying to calm myself. "It's just a dream Jasmin relaxes," I assured myself, in the hope of calming down my racing heart. My heart almost felt like it would pop out of my chest anytime, but I couldn't blame it, it was one of my worst nightmares. Ever since the incident with Ivan which happened a week ago, I have been getting nightmares almost every single night. There are certai
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It was noon and I was sitting on the living room couch watching a random movie since I had nothing to do. Even though the movie was almost finished, I didn't even remember a single thing, since my mind was everywhere except the movie. My mind wandered to Ivan. He had got a call in the early morning. All of them had left in a hurry. It looked like something had happened, so Sasha had to leave with them too. Ivan had chained me in the living room so I could use the kitchen if I got hungry. The chain was quite long but not long enough to reach his room. None of them were back yet. I was scared they would forget me here and that fact it was so quiet was helping either. The silence was haunting me. I couldn't help wondering what must have happened that he had to leave so early. What if they are in trouble? What if something happened--- No, no? I shake the thoughts from my head. Okay, calm down Jasmin. You're just getting paranoid, Sasha's fine. I keep telling myse
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  I was awakened from my slumber by the sound of the shower. I shot lazy and sat in bed while rubbing my eyes at the same time. I didn't know what time it was but it looked like Ivan was late for work today as sunbeams had already crept inside the room. My mind wandered to yesterday's incident. I was still upset after what happened. I can't believe Ivan chose to believe Kiki over me after knowing how much she hates me. It's not like we have some special connection and I accept him to support me and trust me. But he can use some common sense, right? How can he even believe after what he had done to me? I can't help but feel disappointed by his behavior. The bathroom door opens, breaking my train of thoughts. I looked over my shoulder. Ivan walked out of the bathroom and walked straight into the closet without sparing any glance. Not that I crave it. Within a few minutes, he was back in the bedroom dressed in all black as he usually does. I
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  "What's going on here?" A familiar voice so suddenly resonances through the ghostly silence, switching Dean's attention toward the entrance of the kitchen. My heart thumps twice as I know to whom the voice belongs. I feel my whole body in the deep pit of stillness. Silence washes over us. I slowly turned my head and glanced in her direction. Kareena was standing against the door frame, her brows knitted in confusion. Her eyes were glued on Dean. As if feeling my gaze on her, she tore his eyes from Dean and drifted in my direction. Her beautiful grey eyes found mine. She narrows her eyes in suspicion. My tension intensified and I lowered my gaze toward the ground, unable to maintain eye contact for long. "Nothing Angel here is preparing breakfast for me," Dean says as he snaps his attention back to me. His eyes glared at me. Obviously, he is still mad at me. "Then why were you holding her hand? And why is she crying?" Karina further inqu
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  The next morning, I was surprised to find Ivan still in bed, since he is normally up and out before I wake up. I couldn't help but stare at him. His hair was messy and a few locks were falling on his face. His lips slightly parted as I could hear soft snores coming from him. His chest rose and fell in rhythm. He looked calm and peaceful. He actually looked like an ordinary man instead of a heartless monster. I felt him stir in his sleep, which made him hold my breath. But fortunately, he did not wake up. I slowly removed my hand from his grip. I sighed, pulling myself slowly from the bed so I wouldn't wake him. I slip off and quietly stroll inside the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I proceeded to take a quick shower. After I clean up, I grab a clean towel and wrap it around me. When I stepped back into the room. Ivan was nowhere to be seen. Where did he go? Who cares? He is out of my face and that's what matters. I went through my closet
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  I took note of my surroundings. The only thing that this dungeon I was being locked in had was old, tattered, and dirty matter that I was currently sitting on, curled into a small ball. The dungeon looked like it hadn't been cleaned for years. The corners of the floor and the walls were covered in dirt along with huge spider webs, not small but quite big. Only because the floors were covered with dried-up red stains which definitely was blood that had not turned blackish. They must have killed and tortured lots of people here. The thought itself gives me goosebumps all over my body. And the smell. Let's not talk about it. It smells like somebody has been rotting here. I couldn't even breathe properly when I first came here. I had to pinch my nose so I wouldn't inhale the putrid smell. It was totally disgusting and gross. I knew I was definitely going to be sick if I had to spend any more time here. I don't know if it is day or night. Neither do
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  Three months later People say happiness and sorrow are part of life. One goes and the next comes, but I don't know what is wrong with me. I thought I would have a normal life if not happy after I escaped from hell, but I am still trapped here even after I ran from them. I feel like life has forgotten to give me and has only been taking things away from me. I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I have escaped from hell, but have I? It's been months since I escaped my nightmare. But my life hasn't changed at all. I have been locked in this farmhouse ever since I came here. I can't go out and perform my daily life like an average person. I loathed spending time here. It makes me realize how lonely I am. The silence haunts me, mocks me. Loneliness was eating me away the way termites eat wood. James would only come home every Friday evening and return on Saturday evening. Yes, he doesn't live here with me. A part of me understood tha
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  I felt well-built forelimbs wrap around my waist, tugging me into a wall of muscle. A hideous shriek escapes from my lips. "Someone's jumpy," A familiar hoarse voice tells me behind me as it rests its chin on my shoulder as the heavenly scent of cologne whirls into my nose and soothes my sensibility. "I didn't even hear you come in." He was so quiet that I hadn't heard him coming up behind me. Another squeaked escapes me when he twirls me around, coming face to face with a wide thorax. I slowly raised my eyes to meet his piercing gaze. "You miss me?" He asked in response. "Yes," I nodded, smiling while I tucked a part of my hair behind my ear." I missed you". He angled towards me and I thought he was going to kiss me instead. He carried his lips to my ear. "I didn't miss you at all," My smile immediately replaced it with a scowl. I couldn't help glare at him. James throws his head back and lets out a laugh, finding it funny befo
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